Brent vs Wti (By Trejder)

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Brent vs Wti Обсуждение

Dec 22, 2014 at 06:28
645 Просмотры
9 Replies
Участник с Feb 04, 2012   80 комментариев
Jan 01, 2015 at 22:38

Is it an EA?
Участник с Jan 17, 2010   4 комментариев
Jan 02, 2015 at 14:16
Участник с Jun 13, 2014   22 комментариев
Jan 02, 2015 at 19:13
Very, Very, Very, good.

Hi Trejder!

You developed the EA?

- I'm analyzing programming.

- I have some doubts and would like to ask.

- I'm looking at other EAs correlation, but on top of coins and all fail in DD.

- This is the first I see and makes commodity. Very interesting.

- The version is V1 this is the most up to date?

- He looks like he is making a profit and has no DD.

Kind Regards,

Psadi (Legion)
Участник с Jan 17, 2010   4 комментариев
Jan 02, 2015 at 20:31
psadi posted:
Very, Very, Very, good.

Hi Trejder!

You developed the EA?

- I'm analyzing programming.

- I have some doubts and would like to ask.

- I'm looking at other EAs correlation, but on top of coins and all fail in DD.

- This is the first I see and makes commodity. Very interesting.

- The version is V1 this is the most up to date?

- He looks like he is making a profit and has no DD.

Kind Regards,

Psadi (Legion)

Yes I am developer of this EA.
Here is second one:
it works on DAX and CAC40 indices.
This, however, is overloaded and has, therefore has a large DD. I think that trade on oil is more secure. This is a link to the Polish forum in which I write a lot about my ideas on the correlation. If you understand something ...? :)
Участник с Jun 13, 2014   22 комментариев
Jan 08, 2015 at 12:10
Hello Traeider!

I saw the site in Polish.

No problem. Google translate for me ...;-)

I am sending you the graph of positions held.

Note that the system only bought "USOil" and yet not had an operation to "UKOil".

Checked before if there was any problem or naming error, because it has sufficient funds in the account.

The account I am using is the FXCM.

The system would not have to buy and sell both COMODITES? Or it analyzes both COMODITES and opens the most advantageous operation?

If you have no idea why this happened, and need more information. Just ask.

Kind Regards,

Psadi (Legion)


Участник с Jun 13, 2014   22 комментариев
Jan 08, 2015 at 12:11
Sorry, Trajder;

Here new Chart.



Участник с Jan 17, 2010   4 комментариев
Jan 08, 2015 at 12:32
do not understand why you are trading currency pairs at the same time and oil?
This is an EA?
Of course, if you want to trade on the basis of correlation on oil that you need to have open simultaneously opposing positions on the US and the UK OIL OIL.
Участник с Jun 13, 2014   22 комментариев
Jan 13, 2015 at 08:04
Hi Trejder!

I am negotiating with EA only Oil.

But He only bought USOil. He should have bought the two COMODITES while, but did not buy.

Or does not always happen?

Участник с Jan 17, 2010   4 комментариев
Jan 13, 2015 at 09:14
psadi posted:
Hi Trejder!

I am negotiating with EA only Oil.

But He only bought USOil. He should have bought the two COMODITES while, but did not buy.

Or does not always happen?


Off course he should have bought the two COMODITES.
What is a robo?
Участник с Jun 13, 2014   22 комментариев
Jan 13, 2015 at 13:41
Right. I agree with you.

Perhaps the schedule is influencing the trade.

It may be the current time zone that needs to be adjusted.

Thank U. I'll be back later with new news.
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