Capitalinvestfx (By forex_trader_29148)
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Участник с Feb 11, 2011
1768 комментариев

Участник с Feb 11, 2011
1768 комментариев
Jul 28, 2016 at 16:06
Участник с Feb 11, 2011
1768 комментариев
100 % since january ,had to reset the the signal to another acc # cause problems with myfxbook updating function.
the older one was at 61% when i resettted it on july 2nd,
the second link is the active trading ,so if you want to go for it you are welcome,
no grid no marti no averaging down non active the active one
the older one was at 61% when i resettted it on july 2nd,
the second link is the active trading ,so if you want to go for it you are welcome,
no grid no marti no averaging down non active the active one

Участник с Feb 11, 2011
1768 комментариев

Участник с May 28, 2016
192 комментариев
Jul 29, 2016 at 07:17
Участник с May 28, 2016
192 комментариев
Great job Rob ;)
Elena Chopin
Elena Chopin

Участник с Feb 11, 2011
1768 комментариев
Jul 29, 2016 at 15:42
Участник с Feb 11, 2011
1768 комментариев
TRADEFX2016 posted:
why all open trades/balance/history all are locked?
are you sure you are not copying from people who are successful?😉[/quote
how can you even think in such a way😈😈😈

Участник с Feb 11, 2011
1768 комментариев
Jul 29, 2016 at 15:43
Участник с Feb 11, 2011
1768 комментариев
Elena_Chopin posted:
Great job Rob ;)
Elena Chopin
thanks lady😎😎

Участник с Feb 11, 2011
1768 комментариев
Участник с May 04, 2012
1534 комментариев
Jul 30, 2016 at 17:27
(отредактировано Jul 30, 2016 at 17:29)
Участник с May 04, 2012
1534 комментариев
rob559 posted:
forgot ...and no scalping
Yes, no scalping but extensive GRIDDING...! So why the MISLEADING statement on July 28th: "no grid"...?
GRIDDING is SOOO obvious just looking at the open trades: you have been selling AUD/CAD since July 4th in a GRID fashion...
You started selling it at 0.9621 and you are still selling it 270 pips higher at 0.9897 three weeks later.... Hello...!! YOU GOT THE DIRECTION WRONG!! Isn't it so very obvious...??!
You should have been BUYING instead of SELLING AUD/CAD... Then your floating equity would be probably +12% instead of -12%...
On top of everything you are selling these BS signals to unsuspecting newbies... Shame on you!
Please click "Vouch" if you liked my post. If not, just put me on your Blocked list. :o)

Участник с Feb 11, 2011
1768 комментариев
Jul 30, 2016 at 21:46
(отредактировано Jul 30, 2016 at 21:48)
Участник с Feb 11, 2011
1768 комментариев
you don't know what you're taking about,my system is accepted on the main board here,will start by sept 2nd ,they do not accept gridding,average down and mine is clear.😂😂😂😂
what about yours smart pants...
what about yours smart pants...
Участник с Jul 08, 2014
411 комментариев
Jul 31, 2016 at 04:32
Участник с Jul 08, 2014
411 комментариев
Nice gain, minimal DD relative to the gain, positive pips and the equity curve shows you can take a loss.
Fully verified at a reputable broker.
Hundreds of pips avg trade so any difference in feeds would have close to 0 impact.
Looks good Rob!
Fully verified at a reputable broker.
Hundreds of pips avg trade so any difference in feeds would have close to 0 impact.
Looks good Rob!
Keep at it

Участник с Feb 11, 2011
1768 комментариев
Aug 01, 2016 at 14:00
Участник с Feb 11, 2011
1768 комментариев
thanks man,just needed a strategy to be able to be accepted on the autotrade main board here,not easy to do i started to switch strategy in order to to so,i'm almost there ,and they require no grid no scalp no more than 3 average down,

Участник с Feb 11, 2011
1768 комментариев
Aug 01, 2016 at 20:41
(отредактировано Aug 01, 2016 at 20:43)
Участник с Feb 11, 2011
1768 комментариев
all my trades are manually entered based on fibonacci analysis and strong supports and resistances on the day chart,can't go wrong with that

Участник с Feb 11, 2011
1768 комментариев
Aug 05, 2016 at 20:10
(отредактировано Aug 05, 2016 at 20:25)
Участник с Feb 11, 2011
1768 комментариев
4.6% profit this week,litle more than expected but will take it😁 ,the pairs in dd are about to reverse ,means more profit coming up soon,
for a total gain 94% since january....
for a total gain 94% since january....

Участник с Feb 11, 2011
1768 комментариев
Aug 11, 2016 at 22:45
Участник с Feb 11, 2011
1768 комментариев
do not trade any longer pond related pairs,too risky

Участник с Feb 11, 2011
1768 комментариев
Aug 19, 2016 at 16:06
(отредактировано Aug 19, 2016 at 16:25)
Участник с Feb 11, 2011
1768 комментариев
always have a 2 to 15% floating but you know what is profit pilig up,

*Коммерческое использование и спам не допускаются и могут привести к аннулированию аккаунта.
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