FX Avatar Client Live (By FxAvatar)
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FX Avatar Client Live Обсуждение
Участник с Apr 09, 2010
40 комментариев
Aug 01, 2011 at 14:59
Участник с Apr 09, 2010
40 комментариев
What ea is this? And how can I get it?
Jesus is the Only Way
Участник с May 23, 2011
5 комментариев
Aug 03, 2011 at 16:23
Участник с May 23, 2011
5 комментариев
hello mr. thomas, this is a server version of the "FX-Avatar EA" http://www.fx-avatar.com
funny that you found us, actually this statement is only for family and friends here in germany ;-) the server version is free (including a vps settup) when you open an account
with their broker... http://www.fx-avatar.com
if you need more hlp, just write me...
funny that you found us, actually this statement is only for family and friends here in germany ;-) the server version is free (including a vps settup) when you open an account
with their broker... http://www.fx-avatar.com
if you need more hlp, just write me...
set and forget

*Коммерческое использование и спам не допускаются и могут привести к аннулированию аккаунта.
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