high return (By fxsc1lper)

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high return Обсуждение

Dec 26, 2018 at 09:18
16,447 Просмотры
379 Replies
Участник с Nov 17, 2012   348 комментариев
Jul 31, 2019 at 18:16
i am confident that i will recover this loss soon and again will raise and make again +8 months profit and more and more :) u guyz also have to be part of me .. we can do it again :)
skype id millennium.analyst
Участник с Nov 17, 2012   348 комментариев
Jul 31, 2019 at 18:17
free wings u are with me since febrarury .. and made good profit just one month is -ve .. is this bad condition ?
skype id millennium.analyst
Участник с Nov 17, 2012   348 комментариев
Jul 31, 2019 at 18:18
all of clients bad time has passed away .. so be a team again and let make profit again for more longer time :)
skype id millennium.analyst
Участник с Mar 01, 2018   28 комментариев
Jul 31, 2019 at 18:48 (отредактировано Jul 31, 2019 at 18:54)
Mathild84 posted:
RobinhoodLane posted:
@ffee Thanks. Of course I can't open 200 trades at the same time to recover losses. That's not the strategy. That would be Martingale which this strategy is not about. The strategy works on Supply and Demand Zones. After I get a confirmation on these zones, I place a good amount of positions but I have never exceeded 20 trades in one go. When I loose I just chill and wait for the next formation. No emotions whatsoever. And most importantly, preserve the capital to trade another day.

Guys what is this answer on Page 12 ? To me it seems that Fx Scalper has the same identity of RobinhoodLane 😀 quite suspicion.
Any idea or clarifications ? Damn !😇

Very strange indeed. Guess only FxScalper can clarify this.
English language here sounds different.
Участник с Mar 01, 2018   28 комментариев
Jul 31, 2019 at 18:51
FxScalper, where are you?
Please say something to calm the situation down.
Участник с Jan 05, 2016   1097 комментариев
Jul 31, 2019 at 19:23
Freewings posted:
FxScalper, where are you?
Please say something to calm the situation down.

I doubt you're going to get any kind of valuable response.

See this page link.

Read what I said back on June 19th.

It's a high risk strategy that uses no risk management, no money management, and you were all warned not to trade this way.

If it looks too good to be true, it's probably a scam! Let the buyer beware.
Участник с Jan 05, 2016   1097 комментариев
Jul 31, 2019 at 19:24
Sorry. The correct link is:

That's to page 20, the previous post took you to page 2
If it looks too good to be true, it's probably a scam! Let the buyer beware.
Участник с Nov 17, 2012   348 комментариев
Aug 01, 2019 at 08:22
my all posts doesnt show quickly .. 1st it seen by forum moderation then they approved .. so thats why it take time to post
skype id millennium.analyst
Участник с Nov 17, 2012   348 комментариев
Aug 01, 2019 at 08:31
but this, single loss grid trade has clear of my all clients how to trade and which lot size and how to do money management ...
2nd with this loss trade all clients should be so fine , in future when if they see -400-500 DD :) they should not be hyper ..that is good for me
3rd bad experiences always give good returns :)
4th i am now in limit also hehe .. becoz i was making consistent profit since 9 months :D and i was so proudy that i have magic in my hand which can make millionaire hehe ...but now i am in control hehe :) but becoz i didnt close a single grid trade in loss since 9 months among more than 400 grid trades .. this loss trade teach me so much :)
skype id millennium.analyst
Участник с May 23, 2018   21 комментариев
Aug 01, 2019 at 08:48
How can you say team when you blew some of our accounts on day 1. It means if the cable continued on a free fall everyone copy trading you would have blown their accounts. What's the point of having several months of profit in high risk trades only to lose it all eventually?
Участник с Nov 17, 2012   348 комментариев
Aug 01, 2019 at 08:53
i started from (December 10 2018) so let check monthly profit ratio :)
dec 10 to jan 10 +537
jan 10 to feb 10 +847
feb 10 to march 10 +290
march 10 to april 10 +540
april 10 to may 10 +444
may 10 to june 10 +600
june 10 to july 10 +420
july 10 to august 10 currently running -250
skype id millennium.analyst
Участник с Jul 15, 2011   126 комментариев
Aug 01, 2019 at 10:10
fxsc1lper posted:
my all posts doesnt show quickly .. 1st it seen by forum moderation then they approved .. so thats why it take time to post

You act like a snake oil seller.... learn to trade manually without grid and martingale
Участник с Jan 25, 2019   36 комментариев
Aug 01, 2019 at 11:04
In Signal Start app, remove all these pairs from list of
Pairs allowed to trade: GBPxxx
Until Brexit is completely over. GBP could drop more with the fear of no-deal....
So what ever....
Участник с Dec 12, 2018   32 комментариев
Aug 01, 2019 at 11:39
Freewings posted:
Mathild84 posted:
RobinhoodLane posted:
@ffee Thanks. Of course I can't open 200 trades at the same time to recover losses. That's not the strategy. That would be Martingale which this strategy is not about. The strategy works on Supply and Demand Zones. After I get a confirmation on these zones, I place a good amount of positions but I have never exceeded 20 trades in one go. When I loose I just chill and wait for the next formation. No emotions whatsoever. And most importantly, preserve the capital to trade another day.

Guys what is this answer on Page 12 ? To me it seems that Fx Scalper has the same identity of RobinhoodLane 😀 quite suspicion.
Any idea or clarifications ? Damn !😇

Very strange indeed. Guess only FxScalper can clarify this.
English language here sounds different.

To me seems that the answer was from FX Scalper, but he was connected to another identity, also many post from very new users claiming they invest in the account.....mmmmmm..... I am skeptical 😈
Участник с Nov 17, 2012   348 комментариев
Aug 01, 2019 at 12:15
Ritho posted:
How can you say team when you blew some of our accounts on day 1. It means if the cable continued on a free fall everyone copy trading you would have blown their accounts. What's the point of having several months of profit in high risk trades only to lose it all eventually?

u loss your account becoz u didnt ready my signalstart description ..u used high lot and . if u were using IC market how can u loss all equity ? while IC market has 50 % stop out level .. u could loss 50 % ... and till now no one left my signal service . and i have all subscribers and their funds ....

****no one left my signal .. and all funds are still under my signal . which were before GBP trade ****
skype id millennium.analyst
Участник с Nov 17, 2012   348 комментариев
Aug 01, 2019 at 12:19
Mathild84 posted:
Freewings posted:
Mathild84 posted:
RobinhoodLane posted:
@ffee Thanks. Of course I can't open 200 trades at the same time to recover losses. That's not the strategy. That would be Martingale which this strategy is not about. The strategy works on Supply and Demand Zones. After I get a confirmation on these zones, I place a good amount of positions but I have never exceeded 20 trades in one go. When I loose I just chill and wait for the next formation. No emotions whatsoever. And most importantly, preserve the capital to trade another day.

Guys what is this answer on Page 12 ? To me it seems that Fx Scalper has the same identity of RobinhoodLane 😀 quite suspicion.
Any idea or clarifications ? Damn !😇

Very strange indeed. Guess only FxScalper can clarify this.
English language here sounds different.

To me seems that the answer was from FX Scalper, but he was connected to another identity, also many post from very new users claiming they invest in the account.....mmmmmm..... I am skeptical 😈

i mentioned clearly every thing about money management at signal start ... i think 3-4 new subscribers , start with small account and used big lot .. and didnt read my money management .. thats why they are posting .. all other old subscribers are fine
skype id millennium.analyst
Участник с Nov 17, 2012   348 комментариев
Aug 01, 2019 at 12:24
http://prntscr.com/omyugo <<<< u can read all rules here
skype id millennium.analyst
Участник с Mar 01, 2018   28 комментариев
Aug 01, 2019 at 12:57
Dear Fx Scalper,
Thank you very much for the post.

I admit that you have done a great job since December 2018.
Like you said, you used a counter trend strategy. You entered trades close to Support
and resistance levels in oversold/bought areas waiting for the reverse of the trend
to make a big profit after you stack all these trades considering them as one trade.
This is very smart "Averaging strategy", it is not Grid at all. I insist.

But, I believe, you must also admit that selecting GBPUSD was a bad choice. This is a historical
drop for this pair and it's almost impossible to determine where the SR borders. Results
back my claim.

Several members lost their accounts. I know two of them because I introduced them to your
signal. One at $11,300 and the other at approx $3,500. I know losses are normal in Forex,
but they're not accepted if they were due to recklessness and arrogance. And you said that
mistakes will teach investors lessons. You're right, but only if they have something left
in their accounts.

I appreciate your sense of humor, but in this situation too many (hehe's) are tasteless.
You have to be serious, specially, you said there were about $100,000 following you.
You could've done a better job posting an apology and admitting your mistake, Big mistake.

Участник с Jun 14, 2019   2 комментариев
Aug 01, 2019 at 18:45
wrbking posted:
Hi, guy, though now situation is very tough, I wish you all make money back in the future.

Tips for you guys, when you choose some trader to copy, choose the one who operates large amount of money. like 50K or even 600k like frero does. That may avoid some risk.

Anyway, markets is always risky. Hope high return get better soon

Not really, they can actually use cent account. Lol
Участник с Nov 17, 2012   348 комментариев
Aug 02, 2019 at 07:43
Freewings posted:
Dear Fx Scalper,
Thank you very much for the post.

I admit that you have done a great job since December 2018.
Like you said, you used a counter trend strategy. You entered trades close to Support
and resistance levels in oversold/bought areas waiting for the reverse of the trend
to make a big profit after you stack all these trades considering them as one trade.
This is very smart "Averaging strategy", it is not Grid at all. I insist.

But, I believe, you must also admit that selecting GBPUSD was a bad choice. This is a historical
drop for this pair and it's almost impossible to determine where the SR borders. Results
back my claim.

Several members lost their accounts. I know two of them because I introduced them to your
signal. One at $11,300 and the other at approx $3,500. I know losses are normal in Forex,
but they're not accepted if they were due to recklessness and arrogance. And you said that
mistakes will teach investors lessons. You're right, but only if they have something left
in their accounts.

I appreciate your sense of humor, but in this situation too many (hehe's) are tasteless.
You have to be serious, specially, you said there were about $100,000 following you.
You could've done a better job posting an apology and admitting your mistake, Big mistake.


account were good , why they lost ? according to rule 3500 has to use 0.01 lot ..did he used ? if he did used then worse DD went -1600 , and how can he lost the account ?

2nd 11300 , according to rule lot is 0.05 maximum loss went approximately loss ( - 5000) why he loss the account ?

3rd if they loss. that mean they were not following to lot rule . and were trying to take high risk to make high profit . in that case what can i do ?
4th my stoploss was 2000 as i posted in rules of money management . didnt hit ... when i am safe and others not , then it means others were not following my rule , and were using their own rules .. if u follow my strategy and when u dont know my strategy , that means u must have to follow my instructions ..

4th i have another account. i am managing it since 5 months , it is 2000 equity account ,it also went in loss in GBP trade but i closed all trades in +150 $ profit i can show u the history and every thing of that account .. becoz i followed the rules

5th when in 8 months i made profit nobody was here to discuss (only 1-2) , when loss only for one month , all here .. i think this is still the best risk reward at signal start ... 8 months profit one month loss, is not this good ? u all guyz were not following my money management rules . what can i do for that ?
sorry for bad english
hope u dont mind
skype id millennium.analyst
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