Live Account Recovered $4200 From $1700 to $5900 (By watchme)

Прибыль : +0.16%
Просадка 69.27%
Пипс: -2116.0
Сделки 1447
Тип: Реальный
Кредитное плечо: 1:400
Трейдинг: Вручную

Live Account Recovered $4200 From $1700 to $5900 Обсуждение

Oct 19, 2016 at 09:16
6,509 Просмотры
203 Replies
Участник с Mar 01, 2013   561 комментариев
Feb 12, 2017 at 12:56
I always thought Donald trump will bring the us dollar up but maybe it's the people behind the curtain want it to be that way. Anyway.. Who are these 'people'?
Never Give Up or Give In To The Market
Участник с Mar 01, 2013   561 комментариев
Mar 17, 2017 at 10:09
Stupid google map unshow the exit number...

Why make it worse and worse....
Never Give Up or Give In To The Market
Участник с Mar 01, 2013   561 комментариев
Feb 17, 2018 at 09:37
Reverse psychology;

Treat your winning trades like your losing trades.

:( When you have a losing trades, you have hope that price will turn around back into your favour. You will have that drawdown so big that it will be too late.
:( When you have a winning trade, you are so tempted to close it so that you can realized the profit. Eventhough it has not reach the maximum profit potential. You are also afraid that you will lose the profit if the price goes against you before you are able to close your trade.

These are some of the main causes people lose in trading, close winning trades prematurely and hold losing trades for longer that you should.

:) Stop Loss places on every trade as an insurance in cases World War 3 or Ecomic Collapse happens and your not at your desk. Taking stop loss should always be on your mind and it is fixed. If certain situation happens, take stop loss automatically. An encouragement could be that you can entee the trade at a better price at a later time.
:) Take Profit target should be placed on every trade to visualize your end goal to help remind you that there is so much more that you can make instead of listening to that instant gratification voice in your head.

-Mr. Fan
Never Give Up or Give In To The Market
Участник с Jun 20, 2014   31 комментариев
Feb 18, 2018 at 08:15
Stop loss would not work in some cases like in the event of 15 January 2015 Swiss National Bank stuns market with policy U-Turn that caused some of traders , hedge fund managers even brokers such as ALPARI UK to go bankrupt .
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