Hi all,
On September 10, 2013 I finally got my EA working. It does the trading when I'm not there. At the beginning, in June, I was using the bought system, very manual. It worked, but it had bad spells. It did have a random number in it, and that did worry me a little. It clung to previous trends a little too much. In the manual logging of trades as they should have been taken, there was significant profit overall.
In August I wrote my own and it seemed to do better. With my own code I am able to change and adjust easily. Also, using VB and Excel I can "backtest" and optimise. I have to use my own data since I only use OHLC, but I can easily get that or convert it. In the manual (actually semi-automatic now) logging of trades as they should have been taken, the profit was a little better and more consistent. So the trick is to make ALL of the trades. I need to always catch the good ones. On my last 18 trades, 9 lost averaging -$2.207, 9 won averaging $8.817. Overall a trade makes $3.305. I've only traded 0.03 or 0.01 lots on that. This is just a few days of trading I am talking about.
The system places a pending order on both sides of the opening price within minutes. I was using pending stop orders as SLs, but an stray ask price would burn me sometimes. All my data is by bid prices. I factor in many things and will likely add more if it helps. I do want to add something for news and for if the current trend is up or down. Right now it is symmetrical. I use 12 different pairs, but I might add or subtract from that. Most less common pairs just don't work with this. More pairs is more news resistant.