PAMM Deposit PLUS (By pfsignal)

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PAMM Deposit PLUS Обсуждение

Oct 29, 2013 at 06:00
1,626 Просмотры
23 Replies
Участник с Sep 28, 2011   92 комментариев
Jul 31, 2014 at 08:31
sergafon posted:
makeitrain posted:
why hotforex stats are different from your myfx stats?

вот меня этот же вопрос интересует.

А если я вложусь в памм я смогу наблюдать в терминале как торговля проходит?

Через личный кабинет свой сможете наблюдать за торговлей, а через терминал не знаю, это больше вопрос к технической поддержке HotForex.
Continuous monitoring of the rate of return does not contribute to maintaining your mental health or the well-being of your portfolio. Excerpt from Biggs Barton's book, “A Hedger Out of the Fog.”
Участник с Apr 24, 2014   209 комментариев
Jul 31, 2014 at 09:30
No idea what you are saying, I am not Russian.
Get rich or just die
Участник с Sep 28, 2011   92 комментариев
Jul 31, 2014 at 10:42
makeitrain posted:
No idea what you are saying, I am not Russian.

Google translator to help you - I'm English I do not know, but all well aware nachnayte sometimes think. -)))
Continuous monitoring of the rate of return does not contribute to maintaining your mental health or the well-being of your portfolio. Excerpt from Biggs Barton's book, “A Hedger Out of the Fog.”
Участник с Apr 24, 2014   209 комментариев
Jul 31, 2014 at 16:40
pfsignal posted:
makeitrain posted:
No idea what you are saying, I am not Russian.

Google translator to help you - I'm English I do not know, but all well aware nachnayte sometimes think. -)))

Yes, there are differences for example the monthly return percentage stats are different and also the current equity of the pamm.
Get rich or just die
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