PegasusFX (By PegasusFX)

Прибыль : -12.82%
Просадка 19.76%
Пипс: 10.7
Сделки 90
Тип: Реальный
Кредитное плечо: 1:50
Трейдинг: Вручную

PegasusFX Обсуждение

Feb 10, 2016 at 14:29
5,165 Просмотры
159 Replies
Участник с Feb 10, 2016   145 комментариев
Feb 10, 2016 at 18:49
DATE: 09.02.2016 // PAIR: EUR/USD // RESULT: +160 Pips // SUMMARY OF TRADE: Orders were entered in bullish trend direction identified by system at 13:00 GMT. Price moved upwards very quickly and hit TP targets by 14:00.


Welcome to Pegasus FX. I trade safely and responsibly, minimizing risk at all times
Участник с Feb 10, 2016   145 комментариев
Feb 10, 2016 at 18:53
DATE: 10.02.2016 // PAIR: EUR/USD // RESULT: No Trade // SUMMARY OF TRADE: No Trades


Strategy back tested over 5 years has produced ON AVERAGE +2500 pips per year. By using compounding interest money management technique, this strategy can turn an initial balance of $10,000 into $3,200,000 ($3.2 Million) over the course of 10 years by using 5% of capital per trade. Even though I use 5% of my capital per trade, I would advise followers to allocate only 1-2% of their capital per trade if you are risk averse.

COMPOUND INTEREST FORMULA >> i) BALANCE: $10,000 ii) 5% PERCENT OF BALANCE PER TRADE = $500 iii) MAX DRAWDOWN PER TRADE: Max 4 Positions X 40 Pip Stop Loss = 160 Pips Maximum Drawdown per trade iv) CALCULATION: $500 ÷ 160 PIPS = 3.1 Lots per pip/point. [*Followers can change lot allocation daily, weekly, monthly or yearly but I advise daily if possible] ----------


YEAR ONE >> Starting Balance: $10,000 | Profit: $7812 | Closing Balance: $17,812
YEAR TWO >> Starting Balance: $17,812 | Profit: $13,915 | Closing Balance: $31,727
YEAR THREE >> Starting Balance: $31,727 | Profit: $24,786 | Closing Balance: $56,513
YEAR FOUR >> Starting Balance: $56,513 | Profit: $44,150 | Closing Balance: $100,663
YEAR FIVE >> Starting Balance: $100,663 | Profit: $78,642 | Closing Balance: $179,305
YEAR SIX >> Starting Balance: $179,305 | Profit: $140,082 | Closing Balance: $319,387
YEAR SEVEN >> Starting Balance: $319,387 | Profit: $249,521 | Closing Balance: $568,908
YEAR EIGHT >> Starting Balance: $568,908 | Profit: $444,459 | Closing Balance: $1,013,367
YEAR NINE >> Starting Balance: $1,013,367 | Profit: $791,692 | Closing Balance: $1,805,059
YEAR TEN >> Starting Balance: $1,805,059 | Profit: $1,410,202 | Closing Balance: $3,215,261


Welcome to Pegasus FX. I trade safely and responsibly, minimizing risk at all times
Участник с Dec 22, 2015   236 комментариев
Feb 10, 2016 at 19:49
It will be very interesting to see if you are still going to be around in two weeks time - let alone 10 years! 4 trades to show on a 12 day account and you are talking about millions? I bet your reply will be about how "sure and confident" you are about your system and how I should "just wait and see"..........
If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far..Go together..
Участник с Feb 10, 2016   145 комментариев
Feb 11, 2016 at 00:29
Lol. No. Just that I have to remain humble and disciplined is all.
Welcome to Pegasus FX. I trade safely and responsibly, minimizing risk at all times
Участник с Feb 10, 2016   145 комментариев
Feb 11, 2016 at 07:20
Welcome Pegasus FX. I trade safely and responsibly, minimizing risk. Intraday trader. Trend based system using Trend & Algorithmic Trend indicators, ADX, Range Identifier indicator as well as Stop Loss moving Expert Advisors. Support & Resistance Levels are also a key part of my trade Framework.

Once I enter a trade, I do not just leave it open and hope for the best. I actively manage my open positions, monitoring key Fundamental News reports that can affect currency pair I am trading. I actively lock in profits if a trade is positive and I am not afraid to cut losses early if I feel it is the right decision.

I focus primarily on EUR/USD. 4 Max Open positions at all times. Take Profit set at +40 Pips per open position. Stop Loss level is set at -40 Pips per open position. Maximum Drawdown is -160 Pips per trade daily.


Strategy back tested over 5 years has produced ON AVERAGE 2500 pips per year. Using compounding interest money management technique, this strategy can turn an initial balance of $10,000 into $3,200,000 ($ 3.2 Million) over the course of 10 years by using 5% of capital per trade.


YEAR ONE >> Starting Balance: $ 10,000 | Profit: $ 7812 | Closing Balance: $ 17,812
YEAR TWO >> Starting Balance: $ 17,812 | Profit: $ 13,915 | Closing Balance: $ 31,727
YEAR THREE >> Starting Balance: $ 31,727 | Profit: $ 24,786 | Closing Balance: $ 56,513
YEAR FOUR >> Starting Balance: $ 56,513 | Profit: $ 44,150 | Closing Balance: $ 100,663
YEAR FIVE >> Starting Balance: $ 100,663 | Profit: $ 78,642 | Closing Balance: $ 179,305
YEAR SIX >> Starting Balance: $ 179,305 | Profit: $ 140,082 | Closing Balance: $ 319,387
YEAR SEVEN >> Starting Balance: $ 319,387 | Profit: $ 249,521 | Closing Balance: $ 568,908
YEAR EIGHT >> Starting Balance: $ 568,908 | Profit: $ 444,459 | Closing Balance: $ 1,013,367
YEAR NINE >> Starting Balance: $ 1,013,367 | Profit: $ 791,692 | Closing Balance: $ 1,805,059
YEAR TEN >> Starting Balance: $ 1,805,059 | Profit: $ 1,410,202 | Balance Closing: $ 3,215,261

• For any potential Acquisition Partners who introduce investors to PegasusFX, the remuneration rate is 25% of the funds received. To get in contact, follow link below:

I look forward to communicating with fellow traders, potential investors & partners.
Welcome to Pegasus FX. I trade safely and responsibly, minimizing risk at all times
Участник с Feb 10, 2016   145 комментариев
Feb 11, 2016 at 07:21
DATE: 09.02.2016 // PAIR: EUR/USD // RESULT: +160 Pips // SUMMARY OF TRADE: Orders were entered in bullish trend direction identified by system at 13:00 GMT. Price moved upwards very quickly and hit TP targets by 14:00.


Welcome to Pegasus FX. I trade safely and responsibly, minimizing risk at all times
Участник с Feb 10, 2016   145 комментариев
Feb 11, 2016 at 07:21
DATE: 10.02.2016 // PAIR: EUR/USD // RESULT: No Trade // SUMMARY OF TRADE: No Trades


Strategy back tested over 5 years has produced ON AVERAGE +2500 pips per year. By using compounding interest money management technique, this strategy can turn an initial balance of $10,000 into $3,200,000 ($3.2 Million) over the course of 10 years by using 5% of capital per trade. Even though I use 5% of my capital per trade, I would advise followers to allocate only 1-2% of their capital per trade if you are risk averse.

COMPOUND INTEREST FORMULA >> i) BALANCE: $10,000 ii) 5% PERCENT OF BALANCE PER TRADE = $500 iii) MAX DRAWDOWN PER TRADE: Max 4 Positions X 40 Pip Stop Loss = 160 Pips Maximum Drawdown per trade iv) CALCULATION: $500 ÷ 160 PIPS = 3.1 Lots per pip/point. [*Followers can change lot allocation daily, weekly, monthly or yearly but I advise daily if possible] ----------


YEAR ONE >> Starting Balance: $10,000 | Profit: $7812 | Closing Balance: $17,812
YEAR TWO >> Starting Balance: $17,812 | Profit: $13,915 | Closing Balance: $31,727
YEAR THREE >> Starting Balance: $31,727 | Profit: $24,786 | Closing Balance: $56,513
YEAR FOUR >> Starting Balance: $56,513 | Profit: $44,150 | Closing Balance: $100,663
YEAR FIVE >> Starting Balance: $100,663 | Profit: $78,642 | Closing Balance: $179,305
YEAR SIX >> Starting Balance: $179,305 | Profit: $140,082 | Closing Balance: $319,387
YEAR SEVEN >> Starting Balance: $319,387 | Profit: $249,521 | Closing Balance: $568,908
YEAR EIGHT >> Starting Balance: $568,908 | Profit: $444,459 | Closing Balance: $1,013,367
YEAR NINE >> Starting Balance: $1,013,367 | Profit: $791,692 | Closing Balance: $1,805,059
YEAR TEN >> Starting Balance: $1,805,059 | Profit: $1,410,202 | Closing Balance: $3,215,261


Welcome to Pegasus FX. I trade safely and responsibly, minimizing risk at all times
Участник с Feb 10, 2016   145 комментариев
Feb 11, 2016 at 10:02
DATE: 11.02.2016 // PAIR: EUR/USD // RESULT: No Trade // SUMMARY OF TRADE: No Trades


Strategy back tested over 5 years has produced ON AVERAGE +2500 pips per year. By using compounding interest money management technique, this strategy can turn an initial balance of $10,000 into $3,200,000 ($3.2 Million) over the course of 10 years by using 5% of capital per trade. Even though I use 5% of my capital per trade, I would advise followers to allocate only 1-2% of their capital per trade if you are risk averse.

COMPOUND INTEREST FORMULA >> i) BALANCE: $10,000 ii) 5% PERCENT OF BALANCE PER TRADE = $500 iii) MAX DRAWDOWN PER TRADE: Max 4 Positions X 40 Pip Stop Loss = 160 Pips Maximum Drawdown per trade iv) CALCULATION: $500 ÷ 160 PIPS = 3.1 Lots per pip/point. [*Followers can change lot allocation daily, weekly, monthly or yearly but I advise daily if possible] ----------


YEAR ONE >> Starting Balance: $10,000 | Profit: $7812 | Closing Balance: $17,812
YEAR TWO >> Starting Balance: $17,812 | Profit: $13,915 | Closing Balance: $31,727
YEAR THREE >> Starting Balance: $31,727 | Profit: $24,786 | Closing Balance: $56,513
YEAR FOUR >> Starting Balance: $56,513 | Profit: $44,150 | Closing Balance: $100,663
YEAR FIVE >> Starting Balance: $100,663 | Profit: $78,642 | Closing Balance: $179,305
YEAR SIX >> Starting Balance: $179,305 | Profit: $140,082 | Closing Balance: $319,387
YEAR SEVEN >> Starting Balance: $319,387 | Profit: $249,521 | Closing Balance: $568,908
YEAR EIGHT >> Starting Balance: $568,908 | Profit: $444,459 | Closing Balance: $1,013,367
YEAR NINE >> Starting Balance: $1,013,367 | Profit: $791,692 | Closing Balance: $1,805,059
YEAR TEN >> Starting Balance: $1,805,059 | Profit: $1,410,202 | Closing Balance: $3,215,261


Welcome to Pegasus FX. I trade safely and responsibly, minimizing risk at all times
Участник с Feb 10, 2016   145 комментариев
Feb 12, 2016 at 10:28
DATE: 12.02.2016 // PAIR: EUR/USD // RESULT: No Trade // SUMMARY OF TRADE: No Trades


Strategy back tested over 5 years has produced ON AVERAGE +2500 pips per year. By using compounding interest money management technique, this strategy can turn an initial balance of $10,000 into $3,200,000 ($3.2 Million) over the course of 10 years by using 5% of capital per trade. Even though I use 5% of my capital per trade, I would advise followers to allocate only 1-2% of their capital per trade if you are risk averse.

COMPOUND INTEREST FORMULA >> i) BALANCE: $10,000 ii) 5% PERCENT OF BALANCE PER TRADE = $500 iii) MAX DRAWDOWN PER TRADE: Max 4 Positions X 40 Pip Stop Loss = 160 Pips Maximum Drawdown per trade iv) CALCULATION: $500 ÷ 160 PIPS = 3.1 Lots per pip/point. [*Followers can change lot allocation daily, weekly, monthly or yearly but I advise daily if possible] ----------


YEAR ONE >> Starting Balance: $10,000 | Profit: $7812 | Closing Balance: $17,812
YEAR TWO >> Starting Balance: $17,812 | Profit: $13,915 | Closing Balance: $31,727
YEAR THREE >> Starting Balance: $31,727 | Profit: $24,786 | Closing Balance: $56,513
YEAR FOUR >> Starting Balance: $56,513 | Profit: $44,150 | Closing Balance: $100,663
YEAR FIVE >> Starting Balance: $100,663 | Profit: $78,642 | Closing Balance: $179,305
YEAR SIX >> Starting Balance: $179,305 | Profit: $140,082 | Closing Balance: $319,387
YEAR SEVEN >> Starting Balance: $319,387 | Profit: $249,521 | Closing Balance: $568,908
YEAR EIGHT >> Starting Balance: $568,908 | Profit: $444,459 | Closing Balance: $1,013,367
YEAR NINE >> Starting Balance: $1,013,367 | Profit: $791,692 | Closing Balance: $1,805,059
YEAR TEN >> Starting Balance: $1,805,059 | Profit: $1,410,202 | Closing Balance: $3,215,261


Welcome to Pegasus FX. I trade safely and responsibly, minimizing risk at all times
Участник с Feb 10, 2016   145 комментариев
Feb 14, 2016 at 20:57
DATE: 14.02.2016 // PAIR: EUR/USD // RESULT: No Trade // SUMMARY OF TRADE: USD Bank Holiday


Strategy back tested over 5 years has produced ON AVERAGE +2500 pips per year. By using compounding interest money management technique, this strategy can turn an initial balance of $10,000 into $3,200,000 ($3.2 Million) over the course of 10 years by using 5% of capital per trade. Even though I use 5% of my capital per trade, I would advise followers to allocate only 1-2% of their capital per trade if you are risk averse.

COMPOUND INTEREST FORMULA >> i) BALANCE: $10,000 ii) 5% PERCENT OF BALANCE PER TRADE = $500 iii) MAX DRAWDOWN PER TRADE: Max 4 Positions X 40 Pip Stop Loss = 160 Pips Maximum Drawdown per trade iv) CALCULATION: $500 ÷ 160 PIPS = 3.1 Lots per pip/point. [*Followers can change lot allocation daily, weekly, monthly or yearly but I advise daily if possible] ----------


YEAR ONE >> Starting Balance: $10,000 | Profit: $7812 | Closing Balance: $17,812
YEAR TWO >> Starting Balance: $17,812 | Profit: $13,915 | Closing Balance: $31,727
YEAR THREE >> Starting Balance: $31,727 | Profit: $24,786 | Closing Balance: $56,513
YEAR FOUR >> Starting Balance: $56,513 | Profit: $44,150 | Closing Balance: $100,663
YEAR FIVE >> Starting Balance: $100,663 | Profit: $78,642 | Closing Balance: $179,305
YEAR SIX >> Starting Balance: $179,305 | Profit: $140,082 | Closing Balance: $319,387
YEAR SEVEN >> Starting Balance: $319,387 | Profit: $249,521 | Closing Balance: $568,908
YEAR EIGHT >> Starting Balance: $568,908 | Profit: $444,459 | Closing Balance: $1,013,367
YEAR NINE >> Starting Balance: $1,013,367 | Profit: $791,692 | Closing Balance: $1,805,059
YEAR TEN >> Starting Balance: $1,805,059 | Profit: $1,410,202 | Closing Balance: $3,215,261


Welcome to Pegasus FX. I trade safely and responsibly, minimizing risk at all times
Участник с Feb 10, 2016   145 комментариев
Feb 16, 2016 at 21:32
DATE: 16.02.2016 // PAIR: EUR/USD // RESULT: No Trade // SUMMARY OF TRADE: No Orders Triggered


Strategy back tested over 5 years has produced ON AVERAGE +2500 pips per year. By using compounding interest money management technique, this strategy can turn an initial balance of $10,000 into $3,200,000 ($3.2 Million) over the course of 10 years by using 5% of capital per trade. Even though I use 5% of my capital per trade, I would advise followers to allocate only 1-2% of their capital per trade if you are risk averse.

COMPOUND INTEREST FORMULA >> i) BALANCE: $10,000 ii) 5% PERCENT OF BALANCE PER TRADE = $500 iii) MAX DRAWDOWN PER TRADE: Max 4 Positions X 40 Pip Stop Loss = 160 Pips Maximum Drawdown per trade iv) CALCULATION: $500 ÷ 160 PIPS = 3.1 Lots per pip/point. [*Followers can change lot allocation daily, weekly, monthly or yearly but I advise daily if possible] ----------


YEAR ONE >> Starting Balance: $10,000 | Profit: $7812 | Closing Balance: $17,812
YEAR TWO >> Starting Balance: $17,812 | Profit: $13,915 | Closing Balance: $31,727
YEAR THREE >> Starting Balance: $31,727 | Profit: $24,786 | Closing Balance: $56,513
YEAR FOUR >> Starting Balance: $56,513 | Profit: $44,150 | Closing Balance: $100,663
YEAR FIVE >> Starting Balance: $100,663 | Profit: $78,642 | Closing Balance: $179,305
YEAR SIX >> Starting Balance: $179,305 | Profit: $140,082 | Closing Balance: $319,387
YEAR SEVEN >> Starting Balance: $319,387 | Profit: $249,521 | Closing Balance: $568,908
YEAR EIGHT >> Starting Balance: $568,908 | Profit: $444,459 | Closing Balance: $1,013,367
YEAR NINE >> Starting Balance: $1,013,367 | Profit: $791,692 | Closing Balance: $1,805,059
YEAR TEN >> Starting Balance: $1,805,059 | Profit: $1,410,202 | Closing Balance: $3,215,261


Welcome to Pegasus FX. I trade safely and responsibly, minimizing risk at all times
Участник с Feb 10, 2016   145 комментариев
Feb 17, 2016 at 19:35
DATE: 17.02.2016 // PAIR: EUR/USD // RESULT: -160 Pips // SUMMARY OF TRADE: Entered into market following bearish trend after USD CPI news item around 14:00 GMT. Trade moved downwards in bearish direction identified but reversed upwards at strong support level 1.1120. By the time FOMC market news was about to happen, at 18:45 (15 minutes before news item when I usually lock in trades) my position were -34 pips each so I left them open. FOMC came out and took out my Stop Losses for a -160 pip total loss for the day.


Welcome to Pegasus FX. I trade safely and responsibly, minimizing risk at all times
Участник с Nov 02, 2014   125 комментариев
Feb 17, 2016 at 19:48
Only 250$ on your system... If it's great system like you say, please make a bigger deposit :)
Участник с Feb 10, 2016   145 комментариев
Feb 17, 2016 at 20:08
Hello Kevin. I plan to make to make some larger investments the beginning of March. I am just waiting for some paperwork verification from my broker (Alpari) to be sorted. Thanks
Welcome to Pegasus FX. I trade safely and responsibly, minimizing risk at all times
Участник с Feb 10, 2016   145 комментариев
Feb 18, 2016 at 14:42
DATE: 18.02.2016 // PAIR: EUR/USD // RESULT: +160 Pips // SUMMARY OF TRADE: Entered market in bearish trend direction identified by strategy at 11:00 am GMT. Price moved lower over the course of next hour. I locked in all 4 positions to break even at 12:15 GMT due to the EUR ECB Minutes being released at 12:30 GMT. Price moved upwards on this news release but did not take out BE stops. Price again moved backed down with bearish trend and I reached TP targets around 14:30 GMT, with Philadelphia FED news coming in positive for USD, which helped propel price down further.

• For any potential Acquisition Partners who introduce investors to PegasusFX, the remuneration rate is 25% of the funds received. To get in contact, follow link below:


Welcome to Pegasus FX. I trade safely and responsibly, minimizing risk at all times
Участник с Feb 10, 2016   145 комментариев
Feb 19, 2016 at 20:59
DATE: 19.02.2016 // PAIR: EUR/USD // RESULT: No Trade // SUMMARY OF TRADE: No Orders Triggered


Strategy back tested over 5 years has produced ON AVERAGE +2500 pips per year. By using compounding interest money management technique, this strategy can turn an initial balance of $10,000 into $3,200,000 ($3.2 Million) over the course of 10 years by using 5% of capital per trade. Even though I use 5% of my capital per trade, I would advise followers to allocate only 1-2% of their capital per trade if you are risk averse.

COMPOUND INTEREST FORMULA >> i) BALANCE: $10,000 ii) 5% PERCENT OF BALANCE PER TRADE = $500 iii) MAX DRAWDOWN PER TRADE: Max 4 Positions X 40 Pip Stop Loss = 160 Pips Maximum Drawdown per trade iv) CALCULATION: $500 ÷ 160 PIPS = 3.1 Lots per pip/point. [*Followers can change lot allocation daily, weekly, monthly or yearly but I advise daily if possible] ----------


YEAR ONE >> Starting Balance: $10,000 | Profit: $7812 | Closing Balance: $17,812
YEAR TWO >> Starting Balance: $17,812 | Profit: $13,915 | Closing Balance: $31,727
YEAR THREE >> Starting Balance: $31,727 | Profit: $24,786 | Closing Balance: $56,513
YEAR FOUR >> Starting Balance: $56,513 | Profit: $44,150 | Closing Balance: $100,663
YEAR FIVE >> Starting Balance: $100,663 | Profit: $78,642 | Closing Balance: $179,305
YEAR SIX >> Starting Balance: $179,305 | Profit: $140,082 | Closing Balance: $319,387
YEAR SEVEN >> Starting Balance: $319,387 | Profit: $249,521 | Closing Balance: $568,908
YEAR EIGHT >> Starting Balance: $568,908 | Profit: $444,459 | Closing Balance: $1,013,367
YEAR NINE >> Starting Balance: $1,013,367 | Profit: $791,692 | Closing Balance: $1,805,059
YEAR TEN >> Starting Balance: $1,805,059 | Profit: $1,410,202 | Closing Balance: $3,215,261


Welcome to Pegasus FX. I trade safely and responsibly, minimizing risk at all times
Участник с Feb 10, 2016   145 комментариев
Feb 22, 2016 at 01:24 (отредактировано Feb 22, 2016 at 01:26)
DATE: 22.02.2016 // PAIR: EUR/USD // RESULT: No Trade // SUMMARY OF TRADE: No Trend


Strategy back tested over 5 years has produced ON AVERAGE +2500 pips per year. By using compounding interest money management technique, this strategy can turn an initial balance of $10,000 into $3,200,000 ($3.2 Million) over the course of 10 years by using 5% of capital per trade. Even though I use 5% of my capital per trade, I would advise followers to allocate only 1-2% of their capital per trade if you are risk averse.

COMPOUND INTEREST FORMULA >> i) BALANCE: $10,000 ii) 5% PERCENT OF BALANCE PER TRADE = $500 iii) MAX DRAWDOWN PER TRADE: Max 4 Positions X 40 Pip Stop Loss = 160 Pips Maximum Drawdown per trade iv) CALCULATION: $500 ÷ 160 PIPS = 3.1 Lots per pip/point. [*Followers can change lot allocation daily, weekly, monthly or yearly but I advise daily if possible] ----------


YEAR ONE >> Starting Balance: $10,000 | Profit: $7812 | Closing Balance: $17,812
YEAR TWO >> Starting Balance: $17,812 | Profit: $13,915 | Closing Balance: $31,727
YEAR THREE >> Starting Balance: $31,727 | Profit: $24,786 | Closing Balance: $56,513
YEAR FOUR >> Starting Balance: $56,513 | Profit: $44,150 | Closing Balance: $100,663
YEAR FIVE >> Starting Balance: $100,663 | Profit: $78,642 | Closing Balance: $179,305
YEAR SIX >> Starting Balance: $179,305 | Profit: $140,082 | Closing Balance: $319,387
YEAR SEVEN >> Starting Balance: $319,387 | Profit: $249,521 | Closing Balance: $568,908
YEAR EIGHT >> Starting Balance: $568,908 | Profit: $444,459 | Closing Balance: $1,013,367
YEAR NINE >> Starting Balance: $1,013,367 | Profit: $791,692 | Closing Balance: $1,805,059
YEAR TEN >> Starting Balance: $1,805,059 | Profit: $1,410,202 | Closing Balance: $3,215,261


Welcome to Pegasus FX. I trade safely and responsibly, minimizing risk at all times
Участник с Feb 10, 2016   145 комментариев
Feb 23, 2016 at 20:43
DATE: 23.02.2016 // PAIR: EUR/USD // RESULT: No Trade // SUMMARY OF TRADE: No Trades


Strategy back tested over 5 years has produced ON AVERAGE +2500 pips per year. By using compounding interest money management technique, this strategy can turn an initial balance of $10,000 into $3,200,000 ($3.2 Million) over the course of 10 years by using 5% of capital per trade. Even though I use 5% of my capital per trade, I would advise followers to allocate only 1-2% of their capital per trade if you are risk averse.

COMPOUND INTEREST FORMULA >> i) BALANCE: $10,000 ii) 5% PERCENT OF BALANCE PER TRADE = $500 iii) MAX DRAWDOWN PER TRADE: Max 4 Positions X 40 Pip Stop Loss = 160 Pips Maximum Drawdown per trade iv) CALCULATION: $500 ÷ 160 PIPS = $3.10 (0.31 Mini Lots) per pip/point. [*Followers can change lot allocation daily, weekly, monthly or yearly but I advise daily if possible] ----------


YEAR ONE >> Starting Balance: $10,000 | Profit: $7812 | Closing Balance: $17,812
YEAR TWO >> Starting Balance: $17,812 | Profit: $13,915 | Closing Balance: $31,727
YEAR THREE >> Starting Balance: $31,727 | Profit: $24,786 | Closing Balance: $56,513
YEAR FOUR >> Starting Balance: $56,513 | Profit: $44,150 | Closing Balance: $100,663
YEAR FIVE >> Starting Balance: $100,663 | Profit: $78,642 | Closing Balance: $179,305
YEAR SIX >> Starting Balance: $179,305 | Profit: $140,082 | Closing Balance: $319,387
YEAR SEVEN >> Starting Balance: $319,387 | Profit: $249,521 | Closing Balance: $568,908
YEAR EIGHT >> Starting Balance: $568,908 | Profit: $444,459 | Closing Balance: $1,013,367
YEAR NINE >> Starting Balance: $1,013,367 | Profit: $791,692 | Closing Balance: $1,805,059
YEAR TEN >> Starting Balance: $1,805,059 | Profit: $1,410,202 | Closing Balance: $3,215,261


Welcome to Pegasus FX. I trade safely and responsibly, minimizing risk at all times
Участник с Feb 10, 2016   145 комментариев
Feb 24, 2016 at 23:16 (отредактировано Feb 24, 2016 at 23:16)
DATE: 24.02.2016 // PAIR: EUR/USD // RESULT: -96 Pips // SUMMARY OF TRADE: Entered trades in bullish trend direction at 16:00 identified after USD Crude Oil Inventories news had come through. Price rose but could not close past key resistance at 1.1040. Price reversed back downwards. Had to close positions at 21:00 GMT. Part of my trading plan rules is I don't leave trades open overnight when Sydney session opens. Closed each position for -24 pips. Daily total loss -96 pips.


Welcome to Pegasus FX. I trade safely and responsibly, minimizing risk at all times
Участник с Feb 10, 2016   145 комментариев
Feb 25, 2016 at 20:00
DATE: 25.02.2016 // PAIR: EUR/USD // RESULT: -160 Pips // SUMMARY OF TRADE: Entered trades in bearish trend direction identified at 14:00 after USD Core Durable Goods News had come out at 13:30 GMT. Price reversed up and took out stop losses for full -160 pip loss before 21:00 GMT


Welcome to Pegasus FX. I trade safely and responsibly, minimizing risk at all times
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