Pepperstone Razor - Million Dollar Pips (By lowyoda)

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Pepperstone Razor - Million Dollar Pips Обсуждение

Aug 02, 2011 at 07:25
7,766 Просмотры
30 Replies
Участник с Sep 04, 2010   24 комментариев
Aug 30, 2011 at 12:32 (отредактировано Aug 30, 2011 at 12:33)
BlueOrange posted:

Default value for "Additional_Channels" is 1. You've put this value to 8. The documentation is very poor concerning the effect of this parameter.

What does it mean if the value is increased from 1 to 8? More trades? Impact on risk?

Merci +++


Additional_Channels :
Sometimes you can see in the history i have 8 orders open in the same times.
But i have only Max_Simultaneous_Orders=4.

I think it's sensitivity, I believe MDP use the Bollinger Bands

temitope123 posted:
This accounts could just be advertisement for pepperstone. commission is something else in pepperstone, if you trade upto 0ne mini lot, you will get alot of requotes and invalid stop loss. why is lowyada commission private ? In the end only pepper will make money from you. I am closing my accounts with pepperstone. If they move to NY things could be better. if micro lots is what you are going to be trading, you have got too much time to waste. Have you seen any pepper here using MDP doing well trading more than micro lots. lowyada should make better use of his time.

You had trouble with pepperstone I'm sorry.
My lot and my balance are hiding because this is my business!
I share my results is all.

Yes I have OFFQUOTES TP and invalid, only that Pepperstone imposes a gap of 2 pips from the market.

But Never REQUOTE and never SLIPPAGE.
BlueOrange posted:

I'm using FinFX + Nebula (vps close to FinFX). Resuls are not so good as those from lowyoda.

One explanation should be the setting. I run with default setting.

I've seen lowyoda is running MDP with AC = 8 instead of AC=1. I'd like to know the impact of this change. Can this change explain the gap between the results on FinFX and Pepperstone Platform.

This morning I started a new MDP on Pepperstone / Crucial with default setting.

Wait & see.

I also have an account with FinFx ECN but too many slippage with the same setting.
I do not understand why FinFx less well with the CDM, while PepperStone and FinFx is the same liquidity provider (Integral Grid).
Участник с Aug 25, 2011   5 комментариев
Aug 31, 2011 at 06:42
Salut Lowyoda,

Vu tes perfs, je me suis lancé, j'ai acheté MDP et je l'ai lancé en démo sur un VPS.
Mais je suis étonné de la taille des lots qu'il utilisent : 0.02 lots pour un compte de 250 euros.

Serait il indiscret de te demander combien tu as mis comme deposit sur ton compte réel ? Et la taille moyenne de tes lots ?

Merci encore !


Участник с Sep 04, 2010   24 комментариев
Aug 31, 2011 at 10:28
c est normal il a un stop très serré donc il utilise des lots plus important, sur un compte a 10k€ il utilise des lots de 1,8.

mes lots on doubler depuis le début j utilise des lots au dessus de 0.1
Участник с May 11, 2011   65 комментариев
Aug 31, 2011 at 21:44
Hello lowyoda,

I see in your statement also another pair. Could you probably explain it? Thank you

Участник с Aug 27, 2011   5 комментариев
Aug 31, 2011 at 22:40

What are the exact EA settings, account type with the broker and VPS you use with this account?

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards.

Участник с Sep 04, 2010   24 комментариев
Sep 01, 2011 at 06:50 (отредактировано Sep 01, 2011 at 06:50)

drago posted:
Hello lowyoda,

I see in your statement also another pair. Could you probably explain it? Thank you


I use ExTest ForExpat V3 ( to test execution times, it's only deleted pending order

Cesar posted:

What are the exact EA settings, account type with the broker and VPS you use with this account?

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards.


Pepperstone Razor Account - Crucial Vps


Участник с May 11, 2011   65 комментариев
Sep 01, 2011 at 08:33
Hello lowyoda,

you using this ExTest ForExpat V3 in order to test the execution times of your MetaTrader and thus see if MDP has the right condition to work well - is this correct?

Участник с Sep 04, 2010   24 комментариев
Sep 01, 2011 at 19:36
Correct :p

Extest Expat average 400ms

MDP last spike average 2000ms :(

Va comprendre !
Участник с Aug 25, 2011   5 комментариев
Sep 09, 2011 at 08:41
Salut Lowyoda !

J'ai configuré les même paramètres que toi (c'est à dire ceux cités ici) mais bizarrement, je n'ai pas les même trades que toi.
Par exemple, j'ai 15 trades le 09.08.2011 et pas toi.

Aurais tu une idée ?!

Merci encore !
Участник с Aug 31, 2011   55 комментариев
Sep 09, 2011 at 10:22
You use the million dollar pips 1.1.6? Can you send me your configuration (set-file)? [email protected]. Thank you very much!
Участник с Sep 04, 2010   24 комментариев
Sep 10, 2011 at 08:24

Myfxbook n'arrive plus a mettre a jour mon compte avec leur nouveaux system depuis le 2 septembre ;(
Cette semaine j'ai perdu - 47 pis environ.
La je vide le compte en attendant le déménagement a NewYork, ca va me permettre de tester d'autre broker :p


Yep i use MDP 1.1.6

My setting:



Myfxbook no longer able to update my account since 2 september, I lost -47.10 pips this week
Anyway, I empty the account until the NewYork migration .
The performance of this last week is the worst since the beginning.
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