Robovore IQ (By hitescape)

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Robovore IQ Обсуждение

Mar 24, 2010 at 05:00
939 Просмотры
2 Replies
Участник с Sep 02, 2009   21 комментариев
Apr 09, 2010 at 00:41 (отредактировано Apr 09, 2010 at 00:41)
This EA is in its infancy. It lacks STP and ENC support and more importantly, it requires a tremendous amount of history to be on line. I can tell you that The Collective and Jade don't maintain the required history plus being STPs they are out of the question. Because the developer is open to fixing the issues and the strong money management, I will keep this here for one more month before making a final decision.

Besides that it is the only one making money :)
Участник с Sep 02, 2009   21 комментариев
Apr 10, 2010 at 22:11
Well, this is a disappointing start for an EA that is touted to make about 10% a month or more safely. I do agree that it does use proper money management right out of the box unlike any of the other "commercial" EAs that I have tested.
Участник с Sep 02, 2009   21 комментариев
Apr 14, 2010 at 22:51
In the book "Trading in the Zone" which really is about the psychology of money management, Mark Douglas gives a test for any trading system. Use the exact system for 20 trades. Trade 2 % of your account balance on each trade. St the conclusion of 20 trades, if you have not made a profit, you don't have a trading system. So 56 trades later, I'm down 1.4% so it is time to pull the plug. Thankfully this has excellent money management and for that reason the account still has 98% of the balance. But, it isn't making money. So either the mathematics behind the book are flawed or this EA is not going to achieve its stated objectives of 10% or more per month.

I have asked for a refund but will let it play out until they revoke my license.
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