rvd (By Aleks82trade)

Прибыль : -99.89%
Просадка 99.97%
Пипс: 22780.1
Сделки 470
Тип: Демо
Кредитное плечо: 1:1000
Трейдинг: Вручную

rvd Обсуждение

Feb 01, 2013 at 19:44
663 Просмотры
2 Replies
Участник с Feb 01, 2013   3 комментариев
Feb 02, 2013 at 09:22
Hi! I'm trading 3 years. Now serching investors to mi PAMM accounts. I have a forex copy system account. Trading with VSA method+analize CME dayly report. If you have a questions,please ask me.I want to find good investors and work long time with them
Участник с May 04, 2012   1534 комментариев
Feb 02, 2013 at 19:15
I suggest going with a LIVE account for at least 6 months. After that you may get some investors.

Why would anybody invest in your PAMM if you don't even have the courage to risk your own money...? Come on! Have some common sense!
Please click "Vouch" if you liked my post. If not, just put me on your Blocked list. :o)
Участник с Feb 01, 2013   3 комментариев
Feb 02, 2013 at 21:35
Trade on this account will begin in
2 months. While there is no
opportunity to fill up it. Now I will
show system, sag, profit factor on a
demo an account, then on the
deposit of $1000 real money. I
don't ask and I don't wait for
investments today or tomorrow. If
the investor is ready to risk money
without looking, it is his problem.
But at first I will show trade, and I
will accept then investment
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