Tortor Rebate Passive Income small Balance

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Tortor Rebate Passive Income small Balance Обсуждение

Nov 11, 2020 at 13:19
598 Просмотры
3 Replies
Участник с Aug 14, 2020   19 комментариев
Dec 02, 2020 at 16:02
Tortor Rebate Passive Income small Balance

November : 111$ + Rebate (7 lot X 3$ = 21$) = 132$
Tortor Rebate Passive Income

November : 471$ + Rebate (24 lot X 3$ = 72$) = 543$



Robot TORTOR PASSIVE INCOME is my own. This is made for those of you who want to earn a monthly income.profit per month 100 $ to 1000 $ per month.
This EA will order at any time. This EA is designed to be durable, no matter there is high impact news.
EA has a Swing character, but it doesn't matter with a bullish or bearish trend, but income is not as big as a swing.

If you like Rebate, you also get more than rebate, because this transaction is full day without stopping and lots of orders.

If you want buy this ea you can contact or my gorup

- minimum balance of 5000$ High risk, 10000$ save.
Участник с Aug 14, 2020   19 комментариев
Dec 07, 2020 at 06:08
Участник с Oct 26, 2020   9 комментариев
Dec 10, 2020 at 04:25
Nice system and what you’re offering is also reasonable. Good one.
Участник с Aug 14, 2020   19 комментариев
Dec 10, 2020 at 05:13
Ea is safe with a minimum of 3% - 10%.. Additionally, you get a rebate of 5 $ - 10 $ per lot or max 80% under my IB
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