TotalGrid 1.5.5 LowRisk (By Citrullone)

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TotalGrid 1.5.5 LowRisk Обсуждение

Dec 13, 2012 at 21:09
744 Просмотры
5 Replies
Участник с May 24, 2010   354 комментариев
Jan 08, 2013 at 21:19
Участник с Nov 10, 2011   54 комментариев
Jan 08, 2013 at 21:26
You wrote the same post on my forexpeacearmy forum. If you don't like my EA, why you go on writing on my post?
Did you lost money with my EA?
Участник с May 24, 2010   354 комментариев
Jan 09, 2013 at 12:28
I want know whether you not have a conscience, because you always start the new version and have not tested it at all. No long history accounts. You write of low risk and max. DD this account is 63.69%!!! You do not know myself how it will behave you EA, when you write such stupid things. Please do not mislead customers!!!
Участник с Nov 10, 2011   54 комментариев
Jan 09, 2013 at 17:13
You are very wrong!
My EA is not for sale, i earn only IB commissions, i give demo version to all traders in order to evaluate the strategy. I give free support even to demo users.
You have a website where you sell many EA! Have you tested them all? Are all them profitable?
Don't speak about conscience!
If you see all my account you will find that i invested more than 10k $, real money, in my accounts.
I don't write stupid things as you say! I'm the first that invest in my strategy. Do you invest in one of the EA that you promote on your website or don't you love mine because it's free?
Участник с May 24, 2010   354 комментариев
Jan 09, 2013 at 20:13
Neither not surprising that it is free. For IB commissions you do not return the money customers. Cleverly devised :-) I wonder how will end now our real money for LotFactor 1.4. I guess decrease in value LotFactor still down. Why? Many DD? Burn accounts?
Участник с May 24, 2010   354 комментариев
Jan 12, 2013 at 12:12
Test Stopped: 01-10-2013 (Tested 10.9 weeks)

2013-01-11 Test crashed and burned.

Descriptions: New version 1.5.5 of TotalGrid. LowRisk settings open a few baskets only at the beginning of a new trend. The News filter stops new baskets next to high impact news.
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