Viper EA 20x TW (stopped) (By forex_trader_165856)
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Viper EA 20x TW (stopped) Обсуждение

Участник с Dec 03, 2013
599 комментариев
Jun 02, 2015 at 14:13
Участник с Dec 03, 2013
599 комментариев
Incredible trading today, almost 1000 pips. I was more impressed before EURUSD moved 200+ pips today. Volatile markets from the Greece rumors. A deal, no deal, or in between.
Участник с Dec 04, 2010
1447 комментариев
Jun 03, 2015 at 00:21
Участник с Dec 04, 2010
1447 комментариев
I did notice drawdown at 84% so probably wouldn't run at 20 times risk, but good to push it to the limits during testing phase so you can discover the optimal ratio of DD to % gain, pips etc. well done!

Участник с Sep 09, 2013
406 комментариев
Jun 12, 2015 at 19:06
Участник с Sep 09, 2013
406 комментариев
I could possibly see 100% gains in about 30 days running these risk setting and lately the lotsize has been turned down to about 5x risk. I normally start with a 0.01 on $1000 balance which is 10x risk and this account has above $2k trading 0.01 lotsize most of the time.

Участник с Dec 03, 2013
599 комментариев
Jun 15, 2015 at 02:07
Участник с Dec 03, 2013
599 комментариев
Today +2.09% ( - ) $50.16 ( - ) 133.40 ( - )pips 100% ( - ) 33 ( - )Wins
within the first 4 hours of the Asian Session on Monday's Market Open. All market participates eyes on ECB President Draghi's Speech
within the first 4 hours of the Asian Session on Monday's Market Open. All market participates eyes on ECB President Draghi's Speech

Участник с Dec 03, 2013
599 комментариев
Jun 15, 2015 at 02:48
Участник с Dec 03, 2013
599 комментариев
10 Licenses available for FX VIPER EA. I'll be able to finish the first Commercial version this week and give access to only 10 customers. Once the software is delivered, you'll have 30 days to trade the ultimate scalper on your Real Account. You must use the selected brokers under IB Links to finalize your Account License. The Beta Testing will also end at the end of this week. Thanks you for all the participates. - -
Участник с Jun 15, 2015
3 комментариев
Jun 15, 2015 at 11:48
Участник с Jun 15, 2015
3 комментариев
Is demo-copy of your robot still available? Will participate in testing with great pleasure
Участник с Sep 29, 2012
416 комментариев
Jun 16, 2015 at 10:11
Участник с Sep 29, 2012
416 комментариев
Please explain why the drawdown is so scarily high?
There will always some good opportunities , just don't give up

Участник с Dec 03, 2013
599 комментариев
Jun 16, 2015 at 12:03
Участник с Dec 03, 2013
599 комментариев
@romale7 - The Beta Testing was on Real accounts only and we didn't try this system on demo accounts.
@johntrung I run the system on only live data feeds and make adjustments to the project as I go along. I can't backtest this system and I don't want unrealistic results from testing on demo accounts. I went ahead with only live testing to learn from execution speeds and real world slippage to make appropriate adjustments. We started at super high risk setting and small account balances to make the most of it.
@johntrung I run the system on only live data feeds and make adjustments to the project as I go along. I can't backtest this system and I don't want unrealistic results from testing on demo accounts. I went ahead with only live testing to learn from execution speeds and real world slippage to make appropriate adjustments. We started at super high risk setting and small account balances to make the most of it.

Участник с Dec 03, 2013
599 комментариев
Jun 19, 2015 at 10:18
Участник с Dec 03, 2013
599 комментариев
This Month +65.54% (+33.88%) 5742.40 (+3050.0)Pips
I don't know what happened at TradersWay recently, but their Spreads were increased.
I don't know what happened at TradersWay recently, but their Spreads were increased.
Участник с Dec 04, 2010
1447 комментариев
Jun 19, 2015 at 10:26
Участник с Dec 04, 2010
1447 комментариев
yes I love the myfxbook spread monitoring helps to narrow down brokers for further research. I have been monitoring for news trading.

Участник с Dec 03, 2013
599 комментариев
Jun 19, 2015 at 11:13
Участник с Dec 03, 2013
599 комментариев
Yes it is, it makes it very easy on us when we need to find the best brokers. I remember the days where opening accounts were necessary to gain access to the spread data. I am glad those times are over. I hope TradersWay returns with the old liquidity provider. Those spreads were unbeatable. Now TW spreads are inline with the other ECN brokers and ICM is back on top.

Участник с Dec 03, 2013
599 комментариев
Jun 22, 2015 at 16:12
Участник с Dec 03, 2013
599 комментариев
+4.88% (+3.06%) 299.00 (+23.0)pips 87% (-3%) Win rate 78 (-8)Trades today
EURUSD took out the highs and now falls back into the high volume trading zones awaiting any signs of a Grexit.
EURUSD took out the highs and now falls back into the high volume trading zones awaiting any signs of a Grexit.
Участник с Nov 02, 2012
17 комментариев
Jun 28, 2015 at 13:43
Участник с Nov 02, 2012
17 комментариев
Hi, After reviewing performance for June, I am closing out one scalper product and would like to add in yours for July if that works for you. I trade at ICM now although I would need to figure out what is needed to open an account under your IB code as opposed to just another one in my name. Let me know if you are interested. I, like you, do not want to set it up on a demo and waste time. - Thanks.

Участник с Dec 03, 2013
599 комментариев
Jun 30, 2015 at 11:06
Участник с Dec 03, 2013
599 комментариев
Contact ICM and you can ask them to move your account to IB Code. I've sent you a PM
Участник с Apr 15, 2015
65 комментариев
Jun 30, 2015 at 13:42
Участник с Apr 15, 2015
65 комментариев
every thing is privet f****k

Участник с Dec 03, 2013
599 комментариев
Jul 01, 2015 at 12:09
Участник с Dec 03, 2013
599 комментариев
History is available upon request for selected candidates, but private for public use.
Участник с Jun 01, 2015
39 комментариев
Jul 18, 2015 at 08:02
Участник с Jun 01, 2015
39 комментариев
Very interested in buying this would like to see more of the history if i could?
Work Hard Play Hard... Signal App(Google Play Store):

Участник с Dec 03, 2013
599 комментариев
Jul 22, 2015 at 07:42
Участник с Dec 03, 2013
599 комментариев
RedRhinoLab posted:
10 Licenses available for FX VIPER EA. I'll be able to finish the first Commercial version this week and give access to only 10 customers. Once the software is delivered, you'll have 30 days to trade the ultimate scalper on your Real Account. You must use the selected brokers under IB Links to finalize your Account License. The Beta Testing will also end at the end of this week. Thanks you for all the participates. - -
New Brokers added to the list
and previosuly TradersWay and ICMarkets.

Участник с Dec 03, 2013
599 комментариев
Jul 23, 2015 at 15:20
Участник с Dec 03, 2013
599 комментариев
2.32% Gain today with 55 trades.
Участник с Nov 02, 2012
17 комментариев
Aug 16, 2015 at 22:04
Участник с Nov 02, 2012
17 комментариев
I have send several PMs but no replies since July 23rd. Can you please check and respond? - Thanks.
I have send several PMs but no replies since July 23rd. Can you please check and respond? - Thanks.

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