wm - classic sd (By wm247)
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wm - classic sd Обсуждение
Участник с Nov 20, 2013
88 комментариев
Feb 03, 2017 at 10:04
Участник с Nov 20, 2013
88 комментариев
Hello everyone.
I'm still new to MyFxBook, and I want to use the statistics to monitor my trading system. I have been learning technical analysis for several years, and I want to check how my knowledge works in real trading situation.
My strategy will be simple and straightforward, utilizing classical TA and supply-demand analysis. Majority of my trades will be swing-trading.
My hope is that I could stay consistently profitable and compound my capital in the long-run. Let's do it! 😉
I'm still new to MyFxBook, and I want to use the statistics to monitor my trading system. I have been learning technical analysis for several years, and I want to check how my knowledge works in real trading situation.
My strategy will be simple and straightforward, utilizing classical TA and supply-demand analysis. Majority of my trades will be swing-trading.
My hope is that I could stay consistently profitable and compound my capital in the long-run. Let's do it! 😉
One man's fate comes from one man's wait.
Участник с Nov 20, 2013
88 комментариев
Feb 06, 2017 at 17:07
Участник с Nov 20, 2013
88 комментариев
Owww... I just noticed that I had accidentally skipped an important step on my trading plan. 😡
Decided to force close some positions that did not fit my personal trading plan. That's too bad, but I must stick to the plan if I want high-probability setups only. 😕
Decided to force close some positions that did not fit my personal trading plan. That's too bad, but I must stick to the plan if I want high-probability setups only. 😕
One man's fate comes from one man's wait.
Участник с Nov 20, 2013
88 комментариев
Feb 25, 2017 at 15:35
Участник с Nov 20, 2013
88 комментариев
Well, it's almost the end of February, and so far the system works accordingly. I do notice that we experienced quite a drawdown this month, but then the performance is now back on track. I must admit that there was a mistake on my earlier trading plan that I had overlooked; should have noticed it earlier, but then again it's part of my trading journey.
I had updated the trading plan after revising the cause of the error. Let's hope we continue on the right track for this March.😄
I had updated the trading plan after revising the cause of the error. Let's hope we continue on the right track for this March.😄
One man's fate comes from one man's wait.
Участник с Sep 15, 2014
243 комментариев
Mar 01, 2017 at 09:07
Участник с Sep 15, 2014
243 комментариев
Mantap gan, aku lihat historinya akhir2 ini entri dan TPnya josss...dan resistance 51% udah ditembus. Mari kita bahas di Indonesia Bersatu....lanjutkan perjuangan.
Участник с Nov 20, 2013
88 комментариев
Mar 01, 2017 at 09:19
Участник с Nov 20, 2013
88 комментариев
Merdeka!! Merdeka!! 😂
One man's fate comes from one man's wait.
Участник с Nov 20, 2013
88 комментариев
Apr 01, 2017 at 01:01
Участник с Nov 20, 2013
88 комментариев
And we are done with March. So far the plan works, but the last week has been quite unfortunate with our trading. Ah well, that's part of trading journey, there will always be ups and downs. We are still profitable, so it's a bit consolation.
For this April, we will strife for more quality instead of quantity. Let's do it.
For this April, we will strife for more quality instead of quantity. Let's do it.
One man's fate comes from one man's wait.
Участник с Sep 15, 2014
243 комментариев
Apr 01, 2017 at 07:45
Участник с Sep 15, 2014
243 комментариев
Yeah...let's do it!! Bravo for Indonesian Trader...Keep spirit within trading and keep it up.
Участник с Nov 20, 2013
88 комментариев
Apr 29, 2017 at 02:07
Участник с Nov 20, 2013
88 комментариев
One more month has passed. Praise the Lord, it has been profitable month once again. In fact, I almost accomplished my yearly target this month, but barely. We are to maintain this trajectory on May, and improve the quality even more.
One man's fate comes from one man's wait.
Участник с Nov 20, 2013
88 комментариев
May 27, 2017 at 16:25
Участник с Nov 20, 2013
88 комментариев
Happy fasting month! This May has been rather difficult for our trading, with some losses accumulated. I am still confident with our system, but I'll make some adjustment in the future. Maybe we are being too reckless after several months of profitability, after all.
One man's fate comes from one man's wait.

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