Email us on [email protected]
Skype id: [email protected]
Join Forex Manager Team with the longest and most profitable verified performance on Myfxbook. See below for FAQ.
ONLY contact us directly via this Myfxbook and [email protected]
BEWARE OF SCAM WEBSITES PLACING LINKS TO OUR MYFXBOOK PROFILE !!!!! We are the only ones that produce these returns.
FAQ 1: Do you manage accounts, what is the minimum deposit and fees?
- Yes we manage client accounts at many regulated brokers and have been successfully doing so since 2017. We have not found another managed account service or system that compares.
- Minimum deposit is $5-10k USD or equivalent in other currencies (EUR GBP AUD...) for System 2.0 and 25k for System 1.0 .
- Performance fee is 30% for this VIP style trading. Our system has required at least $100k in development costs and its the best of its kind and refined for over 3 years. We can trade your account Separately if your fund is above 10k for System 2.0 and 25k for System 1.0 . When you investigate most other managed accounts, they add commissions or markup the spread, but we don't add any mark up.
FAQ 2: Do you use an EA or offer copier service or training?
- Yes, we use EAs and its not possible to copy our trades.
- No, we don't offer training, only managed accounts.
FAQ 3: How do I proceed and join your service?
- Please send us your name, email address, which country you from, your level of experience, which brokers you already joined, approximate deposit size you considering having managed, along with your questions. [email protected]
FAQ 4: Do you have a website?
- We focus on trading and existing Clients and don't feel the need of website. This Myfxbook Page is our primary Website - how much good has pretty websites and hypothetical result got you in the past. Authentic verified live performances at numerous brokers over the long term, managed by Pros with the longest and most comprehensive display on Myfxbook is enough.
FAQ 5: Skype? Can we chat on Skype?
- Yes, we have skype. Our skype id [email protected]
FAQ 6: Contact phone number and address and social media?
- Clients that have $100k+ consistently invested for longer than 6 months may have direct contact with us. We are our own largest investors and value our privacy.
FAQ 7: Which brokers?
- Please send us your deposit size and your location / country.
- We provide you with the priority brokers that suit your profile and that we willing to trade at. We only get paid if we make you money, and no-one has as much experience with as many brokers as we do, therefore please help us help you by following our guidance.
FAQ 8: Why are there no trades on my account within a timeframe?
- It usually means that there were either no trades or no high probability opportunities.
- Our EAs are continuously monitoring for high probability setups and don't just trade to generate volume or turnover - we only trade to win...
FAQ 9: Why is performance different on some accounts. Are these different systems?
- No. The VIP system is the same for all accounts. Randomness in execution results in variability in performance metrics.
- So yes, performances differs somewhat per account, but all have been long term profitable with low drawdowns.
FAQ 10: Why haven't some myfxbook accounts been updated recently?
- Myfxbook stops updating some accounts and it requires a manually pushed update at times.
- We are busy with high priority trading related tasks, or
- You may also login to your account backoffice or trading platform to view your statement.
- If you are Not a Client, then please come back every week to see performance, or contact us.
FAQ 11: Why are some myfxbook accounts not updated in a very long time?
- They are closed and the funds have been moved elsewhere; usually to another broker or account.
FAQ 12: Can I become your partner ?
- Yes you can become our Partner too. If you have clients or your own PAMM/MAM Accounts, then we can run your PAMM/MAM Accounts too or your can recommend us to your clients. And you will get commission monthly.
We give 30% commission monthly to our partners from our performance fee.
FAQ 13: Can I have the investor password? and or a saved statement?
- Password access will never be provided to any accs that are not belonging to that person, because it may lead to fraud by uploading the acc to another myfxbook profile and used to market and scam. Myfxbook verification is as good as it gets in Forex, therefore if you don't trust this 3rd party verification, then don't invest in forex.
- No trading statements will be provided for the same reason, along with the fact that the statements and investor access reveals names and acc numbers - unnecessary privacy risk!Trading Style:
3 YEARS VERIFIED highly successful managed account service. Trading results & statistics that are in a league of their own! Consecutive performance at just one broker has generated many thousand percentage profit since 2009.
Extremely High Probability
Low Drawdowns
[email protected] - only contact us there or here on Myfxbook.
Email us on [email protected]
Skype id: [email protected]
Join Forex Manager Team with the longest and most profitable verified performance on Myfxbook. See below for FAQ.
ONLY contact us directly via this Myfxbook and [email protected]
BEWARE OF SCAM WEBSITES PLACING LINKS TO OUR MYFXBOOK PROFILE !!!!! We are the only ones that produce these returns.
FAQ 1: Do you manage accounts, what is the minimum deposit and fees?
- Yes we manage client accounts at many regulated brokers and have been successfully doing so since 2017. We have not found another managed account service or system that compares.
- Minimum deposit is $5-10k USD or equivalent in other currencies (EUR GBP AUD...) for System 2.0 and 25k for System 1.0 .
- Performance fee is 30% for this VIP style trading. Our system has required at least $100k in development costs and its the best of its kind and refined for over 3 years. We can trade your account Separately if your fund is above 10k for System 2.0 and 25k for System 1.0 . When you investigate most other managed accounts, they add commissions or markup the spread, but we don't add any mark up.
FAQ 2: Do you use an EA or offer copier service or training?
- Yes, we use EAs and its not possible to copy our trades.
- No, we don't offer training, only managed accounts.
FAQ 3: How do I proceed and join your service?
- Please send us your name, email address, which country you from, your level of experience, which brokers you already joined, approximate deposit size you considering having managed, along with your questions. [email protected]
FAQ 4: Do you have a website?
- We focus on trading and existing Clients and don't feel the need of website. This Myfxbook Page is our primary Website - how much good has pretty websites and hypothetical result got you in the past. Authentic verified live performances at numerous brokers over the long term, managed by Pros with the longest and most comprehensive display on Myfxbook is enough.
FAQ 5: Skype? Can we chat on Skype?
- Yes, we have skype. Our skype id [email protected]
FAQ 6: Contact phone number and address and social media?
- Clients that have $100k+ consistently invested for longer than 6 months may have direct contact with us. We are our own largest investors and value our privacy.
FAQ 7: Which brokers?
- Please send us your deposit size and your location / country.
- We provide you with the priority brokers that suit your profile and that we willing to trade at. We only get paid if we make you money, and no-one has as much experience with as many brokers as we do, therefore please help us help you by following our guidance.
FAQ 8: Why are there no trades on my account within a timeframe?
- It usually means that there were either no trades or no high probability opportunities.
- Our EAs are continuously monitoring for high probability setups and don't just trade to generate volume or turnover - we only trade to win...
FAQ 9: Why is performance different on some accounts. Are these different systems?
- No. The VIP system is the same for all accounts. Randomness in execution results in variability in performance metrics.
- So yes, performances differs somewhat per account, but all have been long term profitable with low drawdowns.
FAQ 10: Why haven't some myfxbook accounts been updated recently?
- Myfxbook stops updating some accounts and it requires a manually pushed update at times.
- We are busy with high priority trading related tasks, or
- You may also login to your account backoffice or trading platform to view your statement.
- If you are Not a Client, then please come back every week to see performance, or contact us.
FAQ 11: Why are some myfxbook accounts not updated in a very long time?
- They are closed and the funds have been moved elsewhere; usually to another broker or account.
FAQ 12: Can I become your partner ?
- Yes you can become our Partner too. If you have clients or your own PAMM/MAM Accounts, then we can run your PAMM/MAM Accounts too or your can recommend us to your clients. And you will get commission monthly.
We give 30% commission monthly to our partners from our performance fee.
FAQ 13: Can I have the investor password? and or a saved statement?
- Password access will never be provided to any accs that are not belonging to that person, because it may lead to fraud by uploading the acc to another myfxbook profile and used to market and scam. Myfxbook verification is as good as it gets in Forex, therefore if you don't trust this 3rd party verification, then don't invest in forex.
- No trading statements will be provided for the same reason, along with the fact that the statements and investor access reveals names and acc numbers - unnecessary privacy risk!Trading Style:
3 YEARS VERIFIED highly successful managed account service. Trading results & statistics that are in a league of their own! Consecutive performance at just one broker has generated many thousand percentage profit since 2009.
Extremely High Probability
Low Drawdowns
[email protected] - only contact us there or here on Myfxbook.
Стиль трейдинга
"Trade to Win"
Price Action System