Intelligence Prime Capital
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Hello everyone, no one has received their money from IPC, be careful it was a scam or does anyone have another solution
Was anyone able to get their money back from IPC after they ran off with it?
Anyone who's is involved and "waiting on their funds to be released" taken any steps? Or know if there are steps taken against these guys? I've got money in, but everything is down. It really was a scam. Searching for others / people who have taken steps.
Be careful! This broker do price manipulation and show good stats. Not real trading! ipcloud withdrawal ‼ Scam Alert‼ Stay away! 💣💣💣 https://youtu.be/tZkE9j5Uczs So stay away!
It is scam Guys. Ponzi scheme in forex. Try not to be involve. The scammers purchased a broker and started their ponzi scheme. They pay you for a while and then they run away with huge collected money. Be careful.
esta compañia es una total estafadora!
Hello, all the claimed regulatory certificates that they claim they have is fake, go to the FINTRAC and ASIC websites to confirm their registration, you will see that these regulators don't have IPC as one of their regulated brokers.
IPC is no longer paying our capital withdrawals...they claim their staffs stole 80% of the funds...and has locked our trading capital on their so-called robot for 100days without our permission
Hello everybody!
I have been with IPC since January and it worked very well so far without any issue. I withdraw every week and it also worked very well. I understand that there is a big competition among many brokers and platforms that don´t like each other. Anyway i put that much money that i can afford to lose. Now IPC started with Crypto currency too.
I will be happy to help if anyone has any question. thank you.
Superb Broket
IPC you can´t withdraw all of your money. 20% of your capital don`t pay you. Take out of this
excelente oportunidad de inversión, no tengo queja alguna hasta el momento
Can someone give me a clear answer about the fact that they claim being in good term with HLK while HLK is calling them scammers on their website ? why would HLK do that if everything is clean ?
there is some confusion with the ACN number, but the search must be done in the professional records tab, the ACN number that appears in the company's pdf must be searched in the tab that I explained earlier and you will see that even HLKGroup gave the license.
Been with IPC since Dec 13 2021, very promising company almost 2k profit from a 3k deposit as of today.
About the ASIC I saw a article saying that they are using a ASIC number that is not from them it's from another company and on that company website exist a warning about this. The BSC (British Columbia regulator) have warning on their website about that too, saying that they don't have permission to provide that kind of service in that region.
I was about to start work with then but that stuff concerned me. You can see the entire article, they have links showing the warning from the regulators.
Loving it so far
Intelligence Prime Capital broker is fantastic!
Excelente oportunidad
Super Robot pour le moment.