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Inlägg av forex_trader_6207
Trading System
Aug 09, 2010 at 09:20
😄 Thanks for the honestly. I see a lot of different brokers and i am always curious when I see a broker that I have not heard of. Thumbs Up TOM. -Will
Dukascopy Bridge
Trading System
Aug 09, 2010 at 07:39
Using Jforex to trade via MT4 will not work..When I place a LONG 1 lot on Jforex, the trade LONG 1 Lot is Copied to MT4 == GOODWhen I close out the LONG 1 lot on Jforex, a New order SHORT 1 lot will be placed on MT4== BADAlso when I close the LONG 1 lot on Jforex, the Original LONG 1 lot within MT4 will not close== BADI do not see a solution for this. What a shame... I really was hoping I can only use MT4 for sending signals and copying trades to my other MT4 accounts.. Now I am stuck with using MT4 for manual execution.
Trading System
Aug 09, 2010 at 06:03
"""forexlionI am the cutest Lion Member Since Sep 2009 8,204 Posts AAAFxMy default slippage setting is for 500 pipsand yet, I get re quotes has anyone else used them ??"""" Pulled from Forex Factory...Interesting
Dukascopy Bridge
Trading System
Aug 06, 2010 at 04:54
That is right!I am trading with all pending orders within Jforex...When a trade is executed, it is copied almost immediately to MT4 Beta.However, i have already found the limitation, such as the following.Jforex has the ability to close a Group order with 1 click. It does not matter how many orders I have placed. 1 Click, and the grouped order closes out immediately. :-) I really love this. MT4 Beta on the other hand does not have this ability. Execution for closing orders are delayed by as much as a minute, depending on how many orders I have opened.. 1 Tick= 1 Closed order, 1 more tick = 1 M...
Demand levels
Trading System
Aug 05, 2010 at 14:02
""There are some limitations, but for the most part, money flows into the accounts of these traders with such ease and effortlessness that it litterally boggles mostpeoples minds.""Mark Douglas -TRADING IN THE ZONE
Aug 03, 2010 at 21:51
As a Provider, I am trading off FXCM Spreads. Whether I choose to Trade from my Actual Real account or Demo is up to the provider. Either way the results will be the same because the trading conditions are Real and Live with FXCM Spreads.If you want to know What provider actually uses their Own signals, You can Login into Zipsignals, View the Providers History and See if the provider executed the Signal Into their own Trading Platform.. There is a Small Checked BOX Below Mt4 Tab. This shows that the trade was executed into their own platform. From my observation, I noticed that I am the only ...
Trading System
Aug 03, 2010 at 19:32
Why would I be jealous? i have already proved my point. This discussion is finished.
Trading System
Aug 03, 2010 at 16:03
Steve- 1.) It is really non of your business. 2.) Acceptable behavior is Red Flagging the Dishonest 3.) You defending your Robot only points out the Flaw in your Robot. 4.) This Site is Great, if we can fix the Errors. There are Many Problems with this Site and Loop holes. Iwill continue to point them out With videos 5.) I am not pulling anyone down, I am only telling the Truth and Exposing what MANY have quest It's how we Build Honesty.Tool- 1.) Accuracy is something that 99% will never achieve. Inlcuding this PAMM account. 2.) If you take a Closer look at my Instaforex account, you can s...
Trading System
Aug 03, 2010 at 09:01
Not Needed. I am a good trader. I have good accuracy. Do your best for your investors, and I will do my best for my investors. You act like I am a beginner that can not make an consistent PIP... My business is named "Pipinvestment" for a reason. can call it defamation if you want. But in order for you to win, you would have to display your balance :-0
Trading System
Aug 03, 2010 at 05:20
I also opened up a PAMM account for experimenting and to see if Manipulation is and was Possible and YES it is..Each time a deposit comes Through, (whether his, an adjustment, or from an investor) the Balance shows a Positive GAIN. hmmmm.. Very interesting... And 1 more thing that Caught my eye and probably others, is that your First Account (first account on myfxbook). You never updated to myfxbook and the results show a 91% equity balance.. To me this is a red flag, I really think, the trade went against you and you blew your account... At this time,, you also took a break from posting and a...
Trading System
Aug 03, 2010 at 05:14
LOL.160 Pip drawdown on EURJPY for a mere 7.8 PIP gain. ???And a 20% Equity Drawdown that I noticed last Friday. This is not Trading, Nor Scalping. Would you like to come clean Robert and Tell the Truth about your trading activity? And, why you refuse to Display your Account balance with Deposits and Withdraws?If you come clean now, It would be very wise of you. Especially since your a Big believer of Karma and Honestly, right???I really thought you were the real deal. And, I was considering to diversify a nice sum into your PAMM. From my quick and basic math Example, this is my finding.Lets s...
Aug 03, 2010 at 02:23
I forgot to mention, As I read SteveTrades post about another Signal Provider service.You can not Open a whole bunch of Positions. This ensures, that IF you Provide a Signal, You are trusting your Trade call.I believe there is a 20% MAX for Open positions.. AND this is already Huge enough!
Aug 03, 2010 at 02:20
You could not have said this any clearer or More Precise. The first time I was on their site, I figured out that ZULU is not a reliable source for Profitable Signals. I am sure you can Get a lot of SIGNALS. But reliable and profitable signals were Way to hard to filter out. I personally wouldn't trust this site. ""One of the things that is scary about them is that anybody can sign up and provide signals, nobody tests their systems first""Very True.. Check Out Zipsignals... YOU HAVE TO BE APPROVED TO PROVIDE A RELIABLE AND PROFITABLE SIGNAL. I believe that all the curr...
Aug 03, 2010 at 02:14
Lets see if I can answer all these questions.1.) As a provider, I can use MY OWN Expert advisor (I don't Use EA's but you can) to trade my account. Zipsignals provides a Trade Copier (EA), That will send ALL the Activity from My account to the Clients Account automatically. The delay when using the Zipsignals Trade Copier EA is fast. within 5 seconds or right around there. 2.) If you are an aggressive Scalper and 5 seconds is Too long, then you can Log into Zipsignals Website and Trade straight from their Platform. I have done this during a News Release and the Delay to the Client is M...
Aug 01, 2010 at 15:39
I have been testing ZipSignals as a provider and not as a customer. However, when I was testing their software, I never had any issues. Their platform allows me you directly place my trades from their website which does speed up the signal to the clients by a few ticks. I am also using their PROVIDER EA which copies all of my trading activity and sends the signals to the client. So far the speed is working great, even though I am an aggressive scalper. Their platform allows me to see when each trade was executed on the clients side, which is very useful. I can also send messages to my clients ...
Jul 28, 2010 at 05:30
Please wait for a site operator to respond.You are now chatting with 'Piers'you: what is the Min. depositPiers: Thank you for visiting Vantage FX. How may I assist you?Piers: Hi and what is your relationship to Go marketsPiers: There is no minimum deposit to open an account with usPiers: We are different companies. We use Go Markets for their back officePiers: Do you currently trade FX?you: yesPiers: OK. Have you had a look at our platform to see how it compares with your current provider?you: Metatrader is all the same, Its all about the broker behind the platformPiers: Ag...
Trading System
Jul 24, 2010 at 01:04
Thank you DoubleTrap.. Yes, large gains are very possible with the correct discipline, but when we trade demo accounts, the results are for Fun.Check out my activity from the FXDD contest- all Fun and Games! Nothing to lose, Its more and less practice. The demo accounts get ALL the positions while our live accounts get the sure thing! 1. I am a scalper2. I do not use indicators3. ALL Stoploss and Takeprofits are based on S/R levels. 3. When I am in ++ Equity, I will continue to position build while scalping 4. I may...
Trading System
Jul 01, 2010 at 08:52
This account was set to 1;1 on that particular Sunday Open, then was reset to normal within 24hrs automatically. However, today Alpari Disabled my account!
Pip Movement- Distance +/-
Jun 22, 2010 at 07:13
Myfxbook EA Feature:More Statistics:I would like to see how many pips in movement both positive and negative that take place before the trade was closed for each trade position. As some tracking records fail to display a Fixed Stoploss in the tab window, We as viewers would like to see how many pips did the trade move +/- before the position was closed. This would also help many EA developers when they needed to determine what TP, SL and TS variables to use with their strategies.Thank You
Trading System
Jun 15, 2010 at 09:23
"I hope this is your own creation and Not something purchased. If purchased, hit reset! If not, then no logic needed.. Your only down 13% in Equity after a few months. Better than Most Traders."" Like I said, if you created it then thumbs up. I know what you mean about your last response! Not a hater nor an advisor. 😉
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