Do you use Daily or Weekly Max Loss?

Apr 25, 2021 at 05:34
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13 Replies
Tham gia từ Nov 19, 2017   39bài viết
Apr 25, 2021 at 05:34
Do any of you use a daily or weekly max loss or combination of both?

short-term swing : Maybe something like this? Weekly loss limit 2% Daily risk Limit 0.50% with placing 4 trades a week.

Just curious to see if others practice weekly or daily loss limits and what are your limits.

Tham gia từ Dec 18, 2020   35bài viết
May 04, 2021 at 05:30
For me, the money I have has been earned hard. I can’t let it go off so easily. This is the reason why I never risk more than 1% of my capital ever.
Tham gia từ May 04, 2021   1bài viết
May 04, 2021 at 06:12
triticieek posted:
For me, the money I have has been earned hard. I can’t let it go off so easily. This is the reason why I never risk more than 1% of my capital ever.
Why is it difficult for me to strictly abide by these rules when doing trading?
Tham gia từ Nov 19, 2017   39bài viết
May 04, 2021 at 06:16
triticieek posted:
For me, the money I have has been earned hard. I can’t let it go off so easily. This is the reason why I never risk more than 1% of my capital ever.

Totally agree and I know what you mean. Thank you for your reply
Tham gia từ Feb 09, 2021   4bài viết
May 14, 2021 at 06:18
Swing trading has always fascinated me and I’m trying to understand the strategy first and then begin backtesting.
Tham gia từ Mar 16, 2021   477bài viết
May 22, 2021 at 01:13
I don't think I can risk more than 2% per week or month. I try to trade it with money management. And I use a 1: 2 risk ratio in every trade.
Tham gia từ Jul 04, 2020   18bài viết
Nov 12, 2021 at 11:51
I got used to plan my statistics on loss/wins on a month. So, I set a particular max loss per month and try to comply my plan. Of course, sometimes there are situations when I can't comply with my max loss plan, because for a half of the month I lose more than I planned. I try to do everything in order not to let such situations to appear, because they can easily break me down because of such emotional pressure. It's sad when you see that you exceed you plan just for a half of the month. Nevertheless, I believe that it's a great idea for elaborating discipline.
Tham gia từ Jul 25, 2018   5bài viết
Nov 13, 2021 at 08:10
earn money is the first thing, how to count later
Tham gia từ Mar 16, 2021   477bài viết
Nov 14, 2021 at 13:41
jsrfund posted:
earn money is the first thing, how to count later
Yes, our main goal is to make money, but to achieve that we need to build knowledge. Money making skills cannot be developed without knowledge and discipline.
Tham gia từ Nov 03, 2021   53bài viết
Nov 17, 2021 at 05:16
For me, it’s about the risk percentage on every trade. I don’t prefer to take numerous trades and my standard risk percentage is 1.5%, although I adjust it before every trade where I think I should risk more or less.
Tham gia từ Apr 09, 2019   538bài viết
Nov 19, 2021 at 10:58
More than 3 back to back losses I walk away. I risk 1% per trade.
If you can't spot the liquidity then you are the liquidity.
Tham gia từ Mar 16, 2021   477bài viết
Nov 22, 2021 at 01:24
Great, it's a great plan. I target 2% per month. Although not targeted in any month. Never worry, keep planning with patience.
Tham gia từ Nov 02, 2021   73bài viết
Nov 23, 2021 at 05:04
For me, Forex is a challenge. It's a game of strategy and discipline. I always use Daily max loss levels for all my trades because it gives me the opportunity to learn every day. By using Daily max loss, I have an opportunity to give back some of my losing trades and win more.
Tham gia từ Mar 16, 2021   477bài viết
Nov 24, 2021 at 15:59
I calculate monthly how much I have earned and how much I have lost. And in order to recover the loss, we work with patience by controlling the emotions.
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