---3 main forex topic debate endlessly---

Apr 10, 2019 at 08:26
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10 Replies
Tham gia từ Apr 20, 2017   9bài viết
Apr 10, 2019 at 08:26

Welcome back in my thread, hope you get the green pips and be happy always...
I wrote this thread just for giving you the view for everyone from newbie till master of the master...of course this is what i resume from my experience, its pure subjective, if you disagree with me its okey....
When i was learning forex in the second year, i am actively join many groups on Telegram, Whatsapp, and Facebook. Until the 4th years my total groups in my phone and facebook was about 40 groups about forex....then i pay attention what topic that they usually asked and discuss it. Honestly its not just 3 topics but many topics always discuss it in many groups, but i resume it to become 3 only because that topics is very fundamental and always excited, every that topic appears it always hectic.

1. Indicator vs clean chart
This is very fundamental, we can have fight with this topic....i only have question for you who always debate this things, please answer this?
• With or without indicator, did you get money from forex? If yes, why you debate it?both of you can get money from it... pride?
• Why broker or metatrader or any platform always provide the tools or indicator? If indicator can’t be used
• Both, with or without indicator, why there are so many techniques to analyze the market?
Whatever you choose is your way, every person is different you can’t be another person, even you are the best student of your teacher, you can’t copy your teacher 100%. With or without is the same, your purpose is one, earning money from forex!

2. Haram vs halal in Forex
This is the most interesting thing for me, i can’t explain too much about it, because this topic is very sensitive this era. But i have question for this, please answer it?
• What is haram and halal according to you? If you said its haram don’t get involved! Be wise and respect to the others.
• When was the forex discovered? How about the banking system?

3. Technical vs fundamental
This topic also has many questions from the people, which is better using technical or fundamental, because most of us, only use technical and they can get the money from forex.
Both is different things!
if you think that fundamental is just reading the data and compare the data. Sorry, you are wrong!!! Fundamental not just like that, at least you should know the policy of the central bank, political issue, macro economic (data that you can get from forexfactory, fxstreet, fxdaily, investing, etc) and stability of the state security. It will give you information of the whole story of that currency.
Then technical is represent of the now market condition, the price is on the chart (technical issue), to analyze the price you can use hundreds or even thousands technical analysis. But the biggest problem is, which is the best technical analysis method to analyze the market?

So, what is the solution of it? From my experience is, you need to understand the market with your view, not other view because too many possibility in the market. How to choose the right method to you are trial error until you feel it and try to learn the market with your basic knowledge (like physic, chemistry, enginering, etc) (the exactly story i will post later)

I am sorry for my bad english and explanation, please forgive me if there is wrong word or bad words of me. Once more its very subjective you might disagree with me, if its very useful thats great, thank you... i hope with this there is no debate it true or false, great or greater bad or worse, we are all the same train guys!
i am just a human who not perfect, perfect is only GOD....#keepthisworldpeace and #behappyalways
peace be upon you😄😄😉
Be Grateful and Happy always
Tham gia từ Apr 18, 2017   659bài viết
Apr 29, 2019 at 05:54
According to your last point; I think we should focus on both; only technical or fundamental isn’t here enough! But, it’s true new traders are comfortable with the technical analysis most.
Tham gia từ Aug 27, 2017   875bài viết
Apr 29, 2019 at 14:34
AmDiab posted:
According to your last point; I think we should focus on both; only technical or fundamental isn’t here enough! But, it’s true new traders are comfortable with the technical analysis most.

No way to ignore the fundamental analysis; but till now you can move here if you have enough chart reading skill.
keeping patience.......
Tham gia từ Apr 18, 2017   659bài viết
Apr 29, 2019 at 17:35
No doubt; price action is important! But I think, we all should aware of high voltage news session; since a high impact news can change the direction of market trend.
Tham gia từ Apr 18, 2017   659bài viết
Jul 01, 2019 at 06:54
Marraby posted:"2. Haram vs halal in Forex
This is the most interesting thing for me, i can’t explain too much about it, because this topic is very sensitive this era. But i have question for this, please answer it?
• What is haram and halal according to you? If you said its haram don’t get involved! Be wise and respect to the others.
• When was the forex discovered? How about the banking system?"
I simply loled at this, are you really for real ? Something should be done in favor of all that traditions but not to that much cases.

What is halal and haram? I am not familiar with this type of terminology!
Tham gia từ May 11, 2019   22bài viết
Jul 21, 2019 at 19:54
Let me show you what is haram and halal - Halal, also spelled hallal or halaal, is an Arabic word that translates as "permissible" into English. In the Quran, the word halal is contrasted with haram. Now you do understand what is what ? I hope you do.
Tham gia từ Apr 18, 2017   700bài viết
Jul 23, 2019 at 15:26
Laige posted:
Let me show you what is haram and halal - Halal, also spelled hallal or halaal, is an Arabic word that translates as "permissible" into English. In the Quran, the word halal is contrasted with haram. Now you do understand what is what ? I hope you do.

I don’t see any bad sign here! Even, Forex is one of the most effective ways of money making! So; we should concentrate on trading instead of this type of argument!
Tham gia từ May 16, 2019   28bài viết
Jul 25, 2019 at 17:29
Price action traders claim that it is a much better trading method in general. But if you dig a little deeper, price action and indicators are not that different. Candlesticks or bar charts are tools to visualize price information on your charts. Indicators take the same price information and apply a formula to it. Indicators don’t add or take away anything from the price information you see in your candlesticks – they just process the information in a different way.
Tham gia từ May 10, 2018   76bài viết
Jul 25, 2019 at 17:47
Duzragore posted:
Price action traders claim that it is a much better trading method in general. But if you dig a little deeper, price action and indicators are not that different. Candlesticks or bar charts are tools to visualize price information on your charts. Indicators take the same price information and apply a formula to it. Indicators don’t add or take away anything from the price information you see in your candlesticks – they just process the information in a different way.

I like the way you think.
Tham gia từ Jul 16, 2019   7bài viết
Jul 26, 2019 at 10:22
Interesting thread. I too have noticed that the same threads keep on coming back over and over again with people saying the same thing over and over again. I am surprised that there is no conclusion to these topics. Surely there is some kind of concensus
Tham gia từ Apr 18, 2017   700bài viết
Jul 29, 2019 at 13:52
Alexander654 posted:
Interesting thread. I too have noticed that the same threads keep on coming back over and over again with people saying the same thing over and over again. I am surprised that there is no conclusion to these topics. Surely there is some kind of concensus

The author is elaborating so many things; but the real value is questionable! No doubt on it!
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