To Demo or not to Demo

May 11, 2021 at 20:15
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35 Replies
Tham gia từ May 26, 2021   4bài viết
May 29, 2021 at 07:52
street_pips posted:
Most traders on forums advise new traders to start on a demo account.

I don't think this is good advice. Where is the respect for money on a demo?

Let's see why.

The most important aspect of trading is knowledge. Has anyone seen that movie "the chronicles of narnia the lion the witch and the wardrobe"? If you haven't go see it, there is a part where the boy finds treasure and can't contain himself and becomes a slave to money (gold).
If you trade on a demo and have not learned the essence of trading, you will become a slave to a demo. Then your nervous system gets linked to an emotional connection to a demo. If you lose a trade you go back to a demo, if you win, you go to a live. But live only there is no where to go except live and face reality. It's made clear of bad behavior by Pavolv's experiment. Demo creates negative feed back loops. Then how would you learn? Get a real mentor, you don't even know how good you might be, we could be talking about a potential multi-million dollar trader, I mean you, but you gotta get polished. This advice is only for people that see themselves as making it big in trading.

I believe in "FEAR" , "PLEASURE", and "REVENGE".
You do not feel these emotions on a demo, If the market has an interest rate decision you will be nervous in real life, if the market stole your Stop/Loss get revenge and take that money back, revenge trades are ok, and fine and moral.
When you make 3pips it's pleasure, when you make 30pips it's pleasure, when you make 300pips in a day, it's pleasure.
My first trade in the New York Stock Exchange was a magical moment, it was a silver mining stock that I bought for something like $5.35 a share then it went up to $25 per share in less than a month.

Do you think I would tell you this if it was on a demo?
Demo is for some people but fast acting, insightful, mathematical people it may not be.
This is a list of what you need in order to be successful. It's in order of importance.
1) Lump sum or income source
2) Personal Income behavior under control.
3) Personal 1-on-1 Access to a trading mentor that understands your style and behavior with money.
4) Action.

You notice how no one talks like this but 90% of traders fail? This is why, no one talks about the most important stuff, which is a mentor and personal income behavior.
Did you notice I didn't say "personal finances"? Finances are loans income is fiat.
Sometimes I don't talk because I know a lot of people don't understand then get upset, that's why I don't post here much only years at a time, but maybe I'll change.
Get a mentor, if you can't find one learn about sales and persuasion, then persuade them, what is it worth?


Demo port ... My opinion is

Suitable for

1.People who start trading for the first time, who never tried to trade manually before.

2. Used to practice opening and closing orders (buy or sell).

Not suitable for

1. People who think that pressing orders to buy or sell between trading demo port and real money port is the same.
- The bar graph and its run up-down will look different.
- Your heart (Bravery) to press the orders when using the real money portfolios will be different with the demo port. --------> 'FEAR' , 'PLEASURE', and 'REVENGE'. You do not feel these emotions on a demo.

2. The narcissist, you think " you can often make profits in the demo portfolio will be able to profit in the real portfolio as well."
- If you open lot over trad on demo port be careful, if you do the same that in your real port will explode easily (lost all money).

So what do you have to do to trade in the real money portfolio?

1. Prepare to lose that money but it must be worthwhile.
- Find a broker that can open a portfolio USD (Cent), you can increase your capital from 50 USD to 5,000 USD (Cent).
- Practice trading, start trading by pressing the order lot 0.01, not more.
- If you want to open another order, just press lot 0.01 only

2. If you practice and can keep your initial capital from wasting in the first 3 months. Gradually increase the lot to 0.02
"Let's do it"
Tham gia từ Jul 23, 2020   816bài viết
Jun 09, 2021 at 06:10
The demo is good learning. But traders also need real accounts to learn.

Tham gia từ May 26, 2021   4bài viết
Jun 09, 2021 at 11:25
LyudmilLukanov posted:
The demo is good learning. But traders also need real accounts to learn.


I agree with you. 😄
Tham gia từ Dec 28, 2020   167bài viết
Jun 11, 2021 at 05:55
Yes you can definitely not connect your emotions with a demo but demo is the best thing to learn forex, trading platforms and helps to build your strategy.
Tham gia từ Jun 17, 2021   15bài viết
Jun 19, 2021 at 07:40
Demo trading is recommended until you are well-versed with a platform. But when you get a fair idea, move to micro accounts. They are better to check your capability and trading skills while risking small amounts.
Tham gia từ Aug 09, 2017   598bài viết
Jun 21, 2021 at 07:43
demo is really important there is no way to ignore , but demo can be useless if there is no focus and discipline.
Tham gia từ Dec 11, 2020   17bài viết
Jun 24, 2021 at 06:45
If you are not yet sure with your forex skills to make profits, a demo account is your best place to groom your skills with zero risks. Learn forex trading by doing it with virtual cash and real market data.
Tham gia từ Jul 08, 2020   14bài viết
Jun 26, 2021 at 19:45
I partly agree with the opinion expressed in this post.
I totally agree that it is next to impossible to experience psychological side of trading on demo account. Psychology plays crucial role in everything which is related to money and trading is not an exception. The surge of greed, fear is unlikely to happen when you don't risk anything.
However, I do see fit in using a demo account in order to test some new trading strategies. Surely, you should backtest the strategy but in addition to it, you need to be sure that it works well in current situation. Market is a fastly developing thing and many strategies that used to work in the past, don't bring any profit today.
More than that, I also encourage to use a demo account to get used to trading platform. It gets on my nerves when I try to open a trade but I need to spend time on finding the right button to do this or that thing.
Tham gia từ Jul 19, 2020   742bài viết
Jun 27, 2021 at 14:39
marshallbuchanan posted:
Demo trading is recommended until you are well-versed with a platform. But when you get a fair idea, move to micro accounts. They are better to check your capability and trading skills while risking small amounts.

Very good. How well I fit depends on my trading practice. That's why I should use the demo platform.
Tham gia từ Jul 23, 2020   696bài viết
Jul 02, 2021 at 17:58
The demo is the best way to learn and practice trading. I prefer a demo account.
Tham gia từ Apr 17, 2021   20bài viết
Jul 28, 2021 at 06:50
Thanks to a demo account, you can get rid of many fears
Tham gia từ Jun 23, 2020   13bài viết
Nov 19, 2021 at 14:10
Guess that the wisest move is to trade on demo. Lots of traders neglect this rule as they're convinced that real practice brings more experience an skills. It's partly so actually. The main objective of demo account is to acquint you with trading activity and mechanics of price changes. The rest is for real trading.
To my mind, traders must stay on demo no longer than a month, because it can easily ingulf them and they will never move on a real account. It's so enticing to trade by money, in case you know that it's not your money. Although, trading implies tradding by your money in order to make profits.
Tham gia từ Jul 19, 2020   742bài viết
Nov 21, 2021 at 02:35
Imamul posted:
the journey of demo account is very painful because there is no real money and no one can keep this kind of patience for a long time. thats why it is very difficult.

If you want to get something good, you have to be patient. Demo platforms create knowledge that will be a lifetime capital.
Tham gia từ May 01, 2021   11bài viết
Nov 21, 2021 at 12:56
demo is really important but the main problem is the experience we take from
demo account actually not works when trading in a real account. this is really a true fact.
Tham gia từ Jun 07, 2021   70bài viết
Dec 02, 2021 at 04:42
Demo trading can’t totally prepare traders to face the market because there is no involvement of emotions and entitlement to the money being traded. However, people who are new and serious about trading should make the most out of demo trading because it can help them enter the market with some trading skills.
Tham gia từ Apr 09, 2019   516bài viết
Dec 02, 2021 at 10:32
Take money out of the equation for a moment (although you should treat a demo like it's real money in my opinion). What basis do you have the the strategy you have has an edge if you haven't tested in demo? It is a vital part of the process and skipping it only sells you short. There are no shortcuts.
If you can't spot the liquidity then you are the liquidity.
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