Help- SL problem

Nov 25, 2012 at 10:04
1,073Lượt xem
4 Replies
Tham gia từ Apr 11, 2012   16bài viết
Nov 25, 2012 at 10:04
Hello all,
I am using G.p.Morgan-ks EA in Forex trading, and it is profitable, but in some time ,the market goes downward, all investments gone.I cannot to put SL in this EA,the take profit is working, but SL is not working. So anyone please modify this EA for coming stop loss while opening an order...thankyou

Đính kèm:

Tham gia từ Mar 11, 2012   2bài viết
Nov 28, 2012 at 13:12
Send me the Code and the SL detail how you want it.
Tham gia từ Apr 11, 2012   16bài viết
Nov 28, 2012 at 14:01
#property copyright ''
extern string com0 = 'Lot Decimal Places e.g: 0.1 = 1, 0.01 = 2';
extern int lot_st = 2;
extern string com1 = 'Lot size';
extern double Lots = 0.01;
extern double LotExponent = 1.667;
extern double TakeProfit = 10;
extern double Stoploss = 500;
extern double TrailStart = 10;
extern bool UseTrailingStop = false;
extern double TrailStop = 10;
extern double PipStep = 30;
int Insure1 = 0;
int Insure2 = 0;
extern int MaxTrades = 10;
extern bool UseEquityStop = false;
extern double TotalEquityRisk = 20; //loss as a percentage of equity
extern bool UseTimeOut = false;
extern double MaxTradeOpenHours = 48;
extern double slip = 3;

extern int MagicNumber = 88824;
double PriceTarget, StartEquity, BuyTarget, SellTarget;
double AveragePrice, SellLimit, BuyLimit;
double LastBuyPrice, LastSellPrice, ClosePrice, Spread;
int flag;
extern string EAName = 'G.P.Morgan-KS';
datetime timeprev=0, expiration;
int NumOfTrades=0;
double iLots;
int cnt=0, total;
double Stopper=0;
bool TradeNow = false, LongTrade=false, ShortTrade=false;
int ticket;
bool NewOrdersPlaced = false;// established order

int init()
 Spread = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_SPREAD)*Point;

int deinit()

int start()
 if (UseTrailingStop) TrailingAlls(TrailStart, TrailStop, AveragePrice); //then
 if (UseTimeOut) // default false
  if(CurTime() >= expiration) //then
   Print('Closed All due to TimeOut');
  double CurrentPairProfit = CalculateProfit(); //calculation of the current profit
  if(UseEquityStop)//external parameter - such as 'stop loss'
  if(CurrentPairProfit<0 && MathAbs(CurrentPairProfit)>(TotalEquityRisk/100)*AccountEquityHigh())
   Print('Closed All due to Stop Out');
   NewOrdersPlaced = false;

   int total=OrdersTotal();
  int count=0;
  for(int pos=0;pos<total;pos++)
     if(OrderSelect(pos,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES)==false) continue;
  total=CountTrades(); // number of deals with a specific identification number (open)
  if (total == 0) flag = 0;
  for(cnt=OrdersTotal()-1;cnt>=0;cnt--)//test - in which direction is open transaction

            LongTrade = true;
            ShortTrade = false;
            else {
                  LongTrade = false;
                  ShortTrade = true;
     else {
          LongTrade = true;
          ShortTrade = false;
            LongTrade = false;
            ShortTrade = true;
            else {
                  LongTrade = true;
                  ShortTrade = false;
     else {
          LongTrade = false;
          ShortTrade = true;
  if(total>0 && total <= MaxTrades)//if the schedule had gone more / less PipStep then open the transaction
   LastBuyPrice = FindLastBuyPrice();
   LastSellPrice = FindLastSellPrice();
   if(LongTrade && (LastBuyPrice - Ask) >= (PipStep*Point))
     TradeNow = true;
   if(ShortTrade && (Bid - LastSellPrice) >= (PipStep*Point))
     TradeNow = true;
  if (total < 1)
   ShortTrade = false;
   LongTrade = false;
   TradeNow = true;
   StartEquity = AccountEquity();//Returns the amount of own funds for the current account. The calculation of equity depends on the settings of the trading server.

  if (TradeNow) //if the schedule more PipStep jerked open transaction in the opposite direction
    LastBuyPrice = FindLastBuyPrice();
    LastSellPrice = FindLastSellPrice();
    NumOfTrades = total;
    iLots = NormalizeDouble(Lots*MathPow(LotExponent,NumOfTrades),lot_st);
    ticket = OpenPendingOrder(OP_SELL,iLots,Bid,slip,Ask,0,0,EAName+'-'+NumOfTrades,MagicNumber,0,HotPink);
    if(ticket<0){Print('Error: ',GetLastError()); return(0);}
     LastSellPrice = FindLastSellPrice();
    TradeNow = false;
    NewOrdersPlaced = true;
   else if (LongTrade)
    NumOfTrades = total;
    iLots = NormalizeDouble(Lots*MathPow(LotExponent,NumOfTrades),lot_st);
    ticket = OpenPendingOrder(OP_BUY,iLots,Ask,slip,Bid,0,0,EAName+'-'+NumOfTrades,MagicNumber,0,Lime);
    if(ticket<0){Print('Error: ',GetLastError()); return(0);}
     LastBuyPrice = FindLastBuyPrice();
    TradeNow = false;
    NewOrdersPlaced = true;
  if (TradeNow && total<1) //If there is no open transactions

   double PrevCl = iClose(Symbol(),0,2);//Returns the closing price
   double CurrCl = iClose(Symbol(),0,1);
    SellLimit = Bid;
    BuyLimit = Ask;
   if (!ShortTrade && !LongTrade)
    NumOfTrades = total;
    iLots = NormalizeDouble(Lots*MathPow(LotExponent,NumOfTrades),lot_st);
    if(PrevCl > CurrCl)
     ticket = OpenPendingOrder(OP_SELL,iLots,SellLimit,slip,SellLimit,0,0,EAName+'-'+NumOfTrades,MagicNumber,0,HotPink);
     if(ticket<0){Print('Error: ',GetLastError()); return(0);}
      LastBuyPrice = FindLastBuyPrice();
     NewOrdersPlaced = true;
     ticket = OpenPendingOrder(OP_BUY,iLots,BuyLimit,slip,BuyLimit,0,0,EAName+'-'+NumOfTrades,MagicNumber,0,Lime);
     if(ticket<0){Print('Error: ',GetLastError()); return(0);}
      LastSellPrice = FindLastSellPrice();
     NewOrdersPlaced = true;
    if(ticket>0) expiration = CurTime()+MaxTradeOpenHours*60*60;
    TradeNow = false;

//----------------------- CALCULATE AVERAGE OPENING PRICE
   double Count = 0;
    OrderSelect(cnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
     if(OrderType()==OP_BUY || OrderType()==OP_SELL)
       Count = Count + OrderLots();
   if(total > 0)
    AveragePrice=NormalizeDouble(AveragePrice/Count, Digits);

    OrderSelect(cnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
     if(OrderType()==OP_BUY) // Calculate profit/stop target for long
      BuyTarget = PriceTarget;
// Stopper=0;
      flag = 1;
     if(OrderType()==OP_SELL) // Calculate profit/stop target for short
      SellTarget = PriceTarget;
// Stopper=0;
      flag = 1;
  if(flag==1)// check if average has really changed
// PriceTarget=total;
     OrderSelect(cnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
// OrderModify(OrderTicket(),0,Stopper,PriceTarget,0,Yellow);// set all positions to averaged levels
      OrderModify(OrderTicket(),AveragePrice,OrderStopLoss(),PriceTarget,0,Yellow);// set all positions to averaged levels
     NewOrdersPlaced = false;

int CountTrades()
 int count=0;
 int trade;
  if(OrderType()==OP_SELL || OrderType()==OP_BUY)

void CloseThisSymbolAll()
 int trade;

  if(OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber()== MagicNumber)


int OpenPendingOrder(int pType,double pLots,double pLevel,int sp, double pr, int sl, int tp,string pComment,int pMagic,datetime pExpiration,color pColor)
  int ticket=0;
  int err=0;
  int c = 0;
  int NumberOfTries = 100;
  switch (pType)
      case OP_BUYLIMIT:
         for(c = 0 ; c < NumberOfTries ; c++)
               if(err==4 || err==137 ||err==146 || err==136) //Busy errors
               else //normal error
      case OP_BUYSTOP:
         for(c = 0 ; c < NumberOfTries ; c++)
               if(err==4 || err==137 ||err==146 || err==136) //Busy errors
               else //normal error
      case OP_BUY:
         for(c = 0 ; c < NumberOfTries ; c++)
               if(err==4 || err==137 ||err==146 || err==136) //Busy errors
               else //normal error
      case OP_SELLLIMIT:
         for(c = 0 ; c < NumberOfTries ; c++)
               if(err==4 || err==137 ||err==146 || err==136) //Busy errors
               else //normal error
      case OP_SELLSTOP:
         for(c = 0 ; c < NumberOfTries ; c++)
               if(err==4 || err==137 ||err==146 || err==136) //Busy errors
               else //normal error
      case OP_SELL:
         for(c = 0 ; c < NumberOfTries ; c++)
               if(err==4 || err==137 ||err==146 || err==136) //Busy errors
               else //normal error

double StopLong(double price,int stop)

double StopShort(double price,int stop)

double TakeLong(double price,int take)

double TakeShort(double price,int take)

double CalculateProfit()

   double Profit=0;
    OrderSelect(cnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
    if(OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber()==MagicNumber)
     if(OrderType()==OP_BUY || OrderType()==OP_SELL)


void TrailingAlls(int start,int stop, double AvgPrice)
 int profit;
 double stoptrade;
 double stopcal;
 int trade;


// OrderModify(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(),stopcal,OrderTakeProfit(),0,Blue);
// OrderModify(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(),stopcal,OrderTakeProfit(),0,Red);

double AccountEquityHigh()
 static double AccountEquityHighAmt,PrevEquity;
  if(CountTrades()==0) AccountEquityHighAmt=AccountEquity();
   if(AccountEquityHighAmt < PrevEquity) AccountEquityHighAmt=PrevEquity;
   else AccountEquityHighAmt=AccountEquity();
  PrevEquity = AccountEquity();

double FindLastBuyPrice()//returns the number of the last transaction buy
 double oldorderopenprice = 0, orderprice;
 int cnt, oldticketnumber = 0, ticketnumber;
  OrderSelect(cnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
  if(OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber()==MagicNumber && OrderType()==OP_BUY)
     ticketnumber = OrderTicket();

double FindLastSellPrice()
 double oldorderopenprice = 0, orderprice;
 int cnt, oldticketnumber = 0, ticketnumber;
  OrderSelect(cnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
  if(OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber()==MagicNumber && OrderType()==OP_SELL)
     ticketnumber = OrderTicket();

Tham gia từ Apr 11, 2012   16bài viết
Nov 28, 2012 at 14:02
i want to buy in 0.01 lots , TP = 10 points, SL =40 points
Tham gia từ Apr 11, 2012   16bài viết
Nov 28, 2012 at 14:03
This is the EA

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