Undeclared identifier error

Mar 08, 2015 at 07:45
1,505Lượt xem
2 Replies
Tham gia từ Sep 04, 2014   25bài viết
Mar 08, 2015 at 07:45
Hello, could someone help me?
I have undeclared identifier line 128. I don't know how to fix it.
Thank you

//| escape.mq4 |
//| Copyright © 2009, OGUZ BAYRAM |
//| [email protected] |
extern double lTakeProfit = 10;
extern double sTakeProfit = 10;
extern double lStopLoss = 1000;
extern double sStopLoss = 1000;
extern color clOpenBuy = Green;
extern color clOpenSell = Red;
extern string Name_Expert = 'escape';
extern int Slippage = 1;
extern bool UseSound = false;
extern string NameFileSound = 'Alert.wav';
extern int maxOpenPositions = 70;
extern int tbet = 5;
extern int premier = 5;
extern int deuxieme = 5;
extern int Magic = 11111;

void deinit() {

// |
datetime nextRun;

int start(){

double Account_Equity = AccountEquity();

double Lots = (Account_Equity*0.00001);


if( nextRun > TimeCurrent() ) return(0);
    nextRun = TimeCurrent() + tbet;
      Print('bars less than 50');
      Print('TakeProfit less than 1');
      Print('TakeProfit less than 1');

   double diClose0=iClose(NULL,5,0);
   double diMA1=iMA(NULL,premier,deuxieme,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_OPEN,1);
   double diClose2=iClose(NULL,5,0);
   double diMA3=iMA(NULL,premier,deuxieme,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_OPEN,1);

      Print('We have no money. Free Margin = ', AccountFreeMargin());
   if (!ExistPositions()){

      if ((diClose0<diMA1)){

      if ((diClose2>diMA3)){
   return (0);

bool ExistPositions() {
for (int i=maxOpenPositions; i<OrdersTotal(); i++) {
if (OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES)) {
if (OrderSymbol()==Symbol()) {
void OpenBuy() {
   double ldLot, ldStop, ldTake;
   string lsComm;
   ldLot = GetSizeLot();
   ldStop = GetStopLossBuy();
   ldTake = GetTakeProfitBuy();
   lsComm = GetCommentForOrder();
   if (UseSound) PlaySound(NameFileSound);
void OpenSell() {
   double ldLot, ldStop, ldTake;
   string lsComm;

   ldLot = GetSizeLot();
   ldStop = GetStopLossSell();
   ldTake = GetTakeProfitSell();
   lsComm = GetCommentForOrder();
   if (UseSound) PlaySound(NameFileSound);

string GetCommentForOrder() { return(Name_Expert); }
double GetSizeLot()
 { return(Lots); }
double GetTakeProfitBuy() { return(Ask+lTakeProfit*Point); }
double GetTakeProfitSell() { return(Bid-sTakeProfit*Point); }
double GetStopLossBuy() { return(Bid-lStopLoss*Point); }
double GetStopLossSell() { return(Ask+sStopLoss*Point); }



Tham gia từ Nov 21, 2011   1718bài viết
Mar 08, 2015 at 10:15
string GetCommentForOrder() { return(Name_Expert); }
double GetSizeLot()
 { double Lots; return(Lots); }
Tham gia từ Sep 04, 2014   25bài viết
Mar 08, 2015 at 10:56
Thanks a lot Crazy Trader!
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