SMS price alertkết quả bình chọn
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SMS price alertThảo luận

Tham gia từ Mar 10, 2010
67bài viết
May 05, 2010 at 20:43
Tham gia từ Mar 10, 2010
67bài viết
Not sure how much would it cost you guys. It would be incredibly handy to have SMS price alert with you.
Idea is that if you want to be alerted when price reach some lvl you recive an SMS when this occur. It's not exactly what you offer here, but it's still related to FX and certainly would keep much more [and more often] people here.
Idea is that if you want to be alerted when price reach some lvl you recive an SMS when this occur. It's not exactly what you offer here, but it's still related to FX and certainly would keep much more [and more often] people here.
Tham gia từ Jul 31, 2009
1418bài viết
May 11, 2010 at 13:44
Tham gia từ Jul 31, 2009
1418bài viết
Sounds good - we had a similar suggestion regarding sms notifications in the past, so it's on our to-do list.
Thanks for the suggestion!
Thanks for the suggestion!

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