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- Amber Paul and TrumpHack Script
Amber Paul and TrumpHack Script (Theo GJscalper)
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Amber Paul and TrumpHack ScriptThảo luận
Tham gia từ Jul 25, 2016
220bài viết
Feb 14, 2017 at 07:31
Tham gia từ Jul 25, 2016
220bài viết
In correct. For some reason the stop loss on the reverse side of 6 pips never got activated, then that big reversal came on GJ and I was exposed. Other then that the loss would of been of 6 pips instead of the close. Yet, still in profit and 1000 is easy to get back up to. NOT to mention when I do it, Johntrung will only look like a trollster because with over 2300% profit he was no where to be found. lol How much did you make noobster?
@GJscalper for more information
Tham gia từ Sep 29, 2012
416bài viết
Feb 14, 2017 at 22:42
Tham gia từ Sep 29, 2012
416bài viết
There will always some good opportunities , just don't give up
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