BPGE (PAMM account) (Theo forex_trader_100568)

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BPGE (PAMM account)Thảo luận

Mar 28, 2014 at 08:46
23,117Lượt xem
545 Replies
Tham gia từ Nov 25, 2012   122bài viết
Apr 07, 2016 at 05:59
For the sake of clarity, the website update issues include the client area. Very likely related to the issue you had.

Probably also worth mentioning that this is not a broker that chases or advertises for the typical retail client - and that suits us just fine because it means they have absolutely no interest in pulling the same bs stunts that others do.

We've flooded them with new applications, on top of the website issue, just be patient :)

The docs will be on their website in due course, so once that has happened you won't even need to ask for them - that is only a temporary thing.

I raised the concerns you've all mentioned with the head of admin just now, I will check that things work ok myself, and I'll put another message here advising if all seems ok then or if we need to wait a little longer.

Tham gia từ Oct 20, 2009   38bài viết
Apr 07, 2016 at 06:10
OK thanks BP
Tham gia từ Mar 22, 2016   29bài viết
Apr 07, 2016 at 06:17
BP33 posted:
mcpeacock posted:
Just out of curiosity, I wonder why reputed brokers such as Pepperstone, FxPro or others are not choosen/considered?
Just find this PriorFX a bit strange..
- There is very little information (background/history) on this broker to be found online.
- They are based in and regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission..
- There are quite a few rather basic English mistakes on their website.
- Website doenst seem very stable

just my two centsss...
as they say, don't invest/trade if you cant afford to loose it.... this just adds another level to the excitement i guess :)

I find it strange that folks don't read before posting, just my two cents ;)

the 4 reasons that mcpeacock mentions has nothing to do with "reading previous posts" ... they're in fact very well true ! and as somebody else said: first impression counts... we will see how this turns out.
Tham gia từ Nov 01, 2015   41bài viết
Apr 07, 2016 at 06:24
Has anyone here receive the documents to join the account? I opened an account yesterday through the link and I sent them an e-mail, but no response so far.
Tham gia từ Dec 01, 2015   10bài viết
Apr 07, 2016 at 06:24
BP33 posted:
Rules169 posted:

Is there a way to avoid this currency risk? (I'm from Europe)

Not sure what you mean here. If you use your bank to send in USD instead of EUR you'll be charged some ridiculous markup on the actual exchange rate. But basically, no.

Well I mean after I convert my euros to USD, then I can lose money if the EUR/USD rate drops.

Today I had to convert my USD from hotforex to euros and turns out i lost 5% of my money due to the drop in the EUR/USD rate (if you look a couple months back).
Tham gia từ Feb 05, 2014   9bài viết
Apr 07, 2016 at 06:29
Use this link ; www.scamadviser.com/check-website/priorfx.com Priorfx has a good rating.
Tham gia từ Feb 05, 2014   9bài viết
Apr 07, 2016 at 06:29
Search https://www.scamadviser.com/check-website/priorfx.com PriorFx has a good rating.
Tham gia từ Sep 20, 2014   12bài viết
Apr 07, 2016 at 06:33
I has opened account, but I do not known were Link to join sector-1-moderate .
In https://client.priorfx.com I can not see nothing about sector-1-moderate.
In https://priorfx.com/en/client/account/ also.
Can you put url to page were I can join to sector-1-moderate ?
Tham gia từ Dec 05, 2015   38bài viết
Apr 07, 2016 at 06:34
select all ? what can i do ? tell me please

Đính kèm:

Tham gia từ Mar 21, 2016   4bài viết
Apr 07, 2016 at 06:35
Well, i got registered. Just need to upload the documents to move on. :)

But after i have uploaded the needed documents, whats the next step?
(Im the type that likes to know what comes next so i can be prepaired for it.. :P)
Tham gia từ Feb 23, 2014   53bài viết
Apr 07, 2016 at 06:40
agree with Lee, support system horrible. i already registered. submitted ID proof yesterday. today i logged in saw it's still pending. but few min ago account checked to see it's approve yet or not and now saying those attachment has been deleted and no e-mail from priorfx other than activation link email.

if anyone already registered how long it took to finish to registration?
Tham gia từ Nov 06, 2015   88bài viết
Apr 07, 2016 at 06:57

I respect you very much as a trader.

However I am bit concerned about this broker. Not only because the issues that are showing up but about management of PAMM.

If they are not able to manage properly something as easy as registration process, are they going to be able to manage properly something as complicated as the PAMM. New investors, calculation of watermark, drawbacks, withdrawals and deposits…

I do not know, I am concerned.
Tham gia từ Nov 25, 2012   122bài viết
Apr 07, 2016 at 10:17
Hi everyone,

I'm happy to say the website update issues that were clearly affecting the signup process now appear to be resolved :)

This was the *direct cause* of activation emails not being received, and clients not appearing as registered when they contacted support asking for the activation email.

To make this absolutely 100% clear - the website update issues caused this problem. The entire client area was affected. It is not their normal procedure.

I tested this is working correctly myself just now. Activation email received right away.

If you were waiting to register, you can now do so. Here is the link https://priorfx.com/en/?live=sector

If you tried but had issues and had to wait, please try again now from the start.

Once approved as a client, next step is to fund your account.

*Once your account is funded*, ask them for the forms to invest in whichever version of Sector 1 you wish to invest in.
Be specific and say "Sector 1 Moderate" or "Sector 1 Low".
Remember, those forms will be on the website in due course.
You only need to fill them out the first time you invest in any given version of the strategy.
If you wish to invest in both versions of the strategy, you need to complete both forms and advise them how much to invest in each.

If you have any further issues at all with the signup process, please message me privately the email address you used to signup with (assuming you're ok with that) and I can forward that on straight to the head of admin so he can follow it up asap.


Tham gia từ Mar 22, 2016   29bài viết
Apr 07, 2016 at 10:35
JohannFX posted:
Search https://www.scamadviser.com/check-website/priorfx.com PriorFx has a good rating.

this means NOTHING ! this is purely about the domainname (virusses ets...) and has nothing to do with the company on its own... you only bring people to the wrong idea about this company that it's a safe company while it's says nothing in fact about the company.
Tham gia từ Jan 16, 2016   20bài viết
Apr 07, 2016 at 11:35
Hello guys,

the Registration for the new broker has worked well . The link to sector 1 moderate was completed within one day from the service team. Depositing money from my German bank account to priorFX has also lasted one day.

The first positions are open now. my advice ... talk with problems directly with the live chat . the service helps immediately.

regartds from cologne

Tham gia từ Feb 12, 2016   52bài viết
Apr 07, 2016 at 11:40
BP33 posted:

Once approved as a client, next step is to fund your account.

*Once your account is funded*, ask them for the forms to invest in whichever version of Sector 1 you wish to invest in.
Be specific and say "Sector 1 Moderate" or "Sector 1 Low".
Remember, those forms will be on the website in due course.

Will those forms be available in our own clients area? Because as of now I just see my account number and nothing about your Sector 1 accounts. Is it supposed to be so?
Tham gia từ Dec 01, 2015   10bài viết
Apr 07, 2016 at 11:41
Rules169 posted:
BP33 posted:
Rules169 posted:

Is there a way to avoid this currency risk? (I'm from Europe)

Not sure what you mean here. If you use your bank to send in USD instead of EUR you'll be charged some ridiculous markup on the actual exchange rate. But basically, no.

Well I mean after I convert my euros to USD, then I can lose money if the EUR/USD rate drops.

Today I had to convert my USD from hotforex to euros and turns out i lost 5% of my money due to the drop in the EUR/USD rate (if you look a couple months back).

@BP33 ^^
Tham gia từ Apr 07, 2016   5bài viết
Apr 07, 2016 at 11:41
Hi BP33

I have received the Sector 1 document from priorfx and whilst reading it I did not fully understand the following point which I imagine (maybe incorrectly) is a clause you asked them to customize for you:

6.2. The Client has to submit a prior request for the amount of money he/she wants to withdraw from his/her Managed Forex Account. The execution of the withdrawal request is carried out within the first five (5) days of the day the request has been made. PriorFX Limited transfers the requested amount for withdrawal (provided the minimum required amount for the Account has been maintained) to the bank account specified by the Client.

From my understanding this means that the minimum investment amount of $5,000 (or less by paying a monthly fee) has to be maintained in the account in order to process a withdrawal.

For arguments sake lets say I deposit 5000 and the account reaches 5500 and I submit a request to withdraw 1000. Will I be prevented from doing so because I would be below the 5000 mark?

Tham gia từ Mar 18, 2016   9bài viết
Apr 07, 2016 at 11:41
Can anyone make a screenshot of the web of PriorFX, where some see Sector 1 Moderated?
I'm still waiting registration process. These people work very slow.
Has anyone managed to invest?
Tham gia từ Nov 06, 2015   88bài viết
Apr 07, 2016 at 13:19
I got an agreement from the broker.

However there is no identification of Sector 1 moderate at all. There is only a blank line. Is this what are you getting guys?. Also if this is the case what are you filling in the form.

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