DBMM (Theo ljh5678900)
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DBMMThảo luận
Tham gia từ Nov 23, 2013
79bài viết
May 16, 2014 at 07:27
Tham gia từ Nov 23, 2013
79bài viết
Dear DBMM,
I have subscribed your signal (DBMM) on mql5.com with my account number 640001 with the balance of $1000 however after putting the risk level minimum to 5% on mt4 terminal, it opened 20 positions of .13 lots and wiped my account in no time. I paid for the service but cannot use because mt4 terminal and mql5 cannot adjust the lot size according to account balance. I still want to use your service but not through mql5 because I don’t want to wipe my account again.
Can you please provide me signal by any other means or please give me investor password so that I can put some good copier which can adjust the lot size as per my account size. I will pay the fee directly or via PayPal to you, whatever you like. Please let me know if you can help me.
I have subscribed your signal (DBMM) on mql5.com with my account number 640001 with the balance of $1000 however after putting the risk level minimum to 5% on mt4 terminal, it opened 20 positions of .13 lots and wiped my account in no time. I paid for the service but cannot use because mt4 terminal and mql5 cannot adjust the lot size according to account balance. I still want to use your service but not through mql5 because I don’t want to wipe my account again.
Can you please provide me signal by any other means or please give me investor password so that I can put some good copier which can adjust the lot size as per my account size. I will pay the fee directly or via PayPal to you, whatever you like. Please let me know if you can help me.
Tham gia từ Nov 23, 2013
79bài viết
May 18, 2014 at 10:54
Tham gia từ Nov 23, 2013
79bài viết
Can you provide signal via myfxbook ?

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