ICMarketsReal HappyGold V2.0 M30 (Theo wolfz)

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ICMarketsReal HappyGold V2.0 M30Thảo luận

Nov 12, 2021 at 17:33
530Lượt xem
2 Replies
Tham gia từ May 25, 2020   16bài viết
Nov 18, 2021 at 07:49
This is the same EA run by the original EA author here :--> https://www.myfxbook.com/members/HappyForex/happy-gold-v20-vtmarkets-m30/8647517

I tried to post on his discussion forum pointing out that there's odd differences in the transaction Trade history.
Like @ Nov16th2021 the one @ VTMarkets is missing trade. On ICMarkets and Tickmill, I have 2 trades closed when the one VTMarkets only have 1 trade.
And there's another trade more than 1 month ago, where VTMarkets have 2 extra trades whilst on Tickmill and ICmarkets have none.

Granted all other trades is virtually the same with some minor deviation on Prices and PIPS profit taken.

Since my post on author discussion keep being deleted, I can only post it here. So others might read this.
Tham gia từ May 25, 2020   16bài viết
Nov 19, 2021 at 04:50
I did run this EA on demo, for a couple months, the results are inline with what the creator/author produced.

Just FYI, I did 99.90% BT using tickstory, the performance from Jan1 2020 til Nov 1st 2021 is really good. But then again as you all know real world performance will only be a fraction of BT results.
And also so many EA out there that only perform well in BT because those EA work by reading history data, basically a scam EA. And also if an EA don't run well in BT, well you can forget that it will perform better in real world application.

1. EA don't perform in BT --> Avoid it right away
2. EA perform well in BT --> Need further inspection SCAM or REAL
3. FT in Demo for a few months --> Compare results with BT of the same period and also compare results with EA creator/author account running the same (if Available)
4. Run it on Real Account. Can start initially with small comfortable deposit amount.
Tham gia từ May 25, 2020   16bài viết
Jan 05, 2022 at 04:07
Mixing ArthurFX EA with mini size setting just to add transaction/profit when HappyGold EA produce no transaction/profit due to market condition.
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