OSOBv2 (Theo dlewisfl)
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OSOBv2Thảo luận
Tham gia từ Sep 09, 2009
70bài viết
Apr 30, 2011 at 10:30
Tham gia từ Sep 09, 2009
70bài viết
Hi dlewisfl,
May i know the percent risk for both the scalper and swing respectively?
Also, is it better to run with fixed lot size for both scalper and swing or using a % risk will be better?
Thank you!
May i know the percent risk for both the scalper and swing respectively?
Also, is it better to run with fixed lot size for both scalper and swing or using a % risk will be better?
Thank you!
Slow and Steady Wins the Race :)
Tham gia từ Jan 28, 2010
18bài viết
May 03, 2011 at 00:51
Tham gia từ Jan 28, 2010
18bài viết
Both are at 5%.
MM is your choice, scalper wins enough to use percent risk. Some feel the swing system is better with a fixed lot size.
MM is your choice, scalper wins enough to use percent risk. Some feel the swing system is better with a fixed lot size.
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