Papa Seiryu (Theo vlarcz)

The user has made his system private.

Papa SeiryuThảo luận

Jan 21, 2021 at 08:28
612Lượt xem
1 Replies
Tham gia từ Jan 08, 2016   276bài viết
Jan 23, 2021 at 16:43
Why are you keeping everything private ?
Complexity is expensive, inefficient, and ineffective > Crocodile trading
Tham gia từ Apr 03, 2021   28bài viết
Apr 09, 2021 at 06:16
You are doing quite well. Even the leverage you are using is quite normal for an experienced trader. But I would like to get some more details about your trades. When you trade more with this system, you will get a better picture of it.
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