Pipable :: Menkent (Theo pipable)

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Pipable :: MenkentThảo luận

Jan 31, 2014 at 05:29
5,572Lượt xem
129 Replies
Tham gia từ May 24, 2010   354bài viết
Mar 11, 2014 at 11:58 (đã sửa Mar 11, 2014 at 12:02)
You do backtest from 2008 to 2014?

Đính kèm:

Tham gia từ Oct 25, 2013   62bài viết
Mar 11, 2014 at 15:03
Silverthorn posted:
pipable posted:
Menkent Weekly MAR 2 2014 MAR 9 2014 Lowrisk released:

Low Risk!!!! 17% draw down and Crashed on day 5?

Sorry but how is that low risk and is that a good point for conversation?

Great question. 3 points here though:

1: have you watched the results of same week? No crach. Why? because the EA has news detection capability.

2: the system is returning 60% a month. What is your exact expectations for drawdown? Please say something that would make sense. for 60% return you'd think 17% is high? Can you show us just 1 EA that can have same if not better results?

3: Dont you like the transparency and how honest we share the real information and not fake everything like scammers in online forex do?

Let us know.

Tham gia từ Oct 25, 2013   62bài viết
Mar 11, 2014 at 15:04
corre71 posted:
The thing that make me wonder (apart the fact the vendor is the same of S-Pahantom or not) is how is possible that people decide to subscribe to a strategy which has an hystory of 6 weeks and only 26 trades? this is a suicide! wait for at least 6 months (better 1 year) and 200 trades! also ask urself who is the vendor? what he developed in the past? (he cannot come from nowhere and pretend to be reliable)! anyway anyone is responsible for his money!

We havent developed anything public in the past. now if you like to keep assuming....well...thats just a personal choice :)
Tham gia từ Oct 25, 2013   62bài viết
Mar 11, 2014 at 15:05
Jarora posted:
corre71 posted:
The thing that make me wonder (apart the fact the vendor is the same of S-Pahantom or not) is how is possible that people decide to subscribe to a strategy which has an hystory of 6 weeks and only 26 trades? this is a suicide! wait for at least 6 months (better 1 year) and 200 trades! also ask urself who is the vendor? what he developed in the past? (he cannot come from nowhere and pretend to be reliable)! anyway anyone is responsible for his money!

Correctly. I would wait at least 1 year.

Good luck :)
Tham gia từ Oct 25, 2013   62bài viết
Mar 11, 2014 at 15:05
Jarora posted:
You do backtest from 2008 to 2014?

Like we have explained before. the EA has news detection capability so it is not really backtestable. Yet we backtest and release the results every week.

Tham gia từ Jan 06, 2014   249bài viết
Mar 11, 2014 at 15:11
pipable posted:
corre71 posted:
The thing that make me wonder (apart the fact the vendor is the same of S-Pahantom or not) is how is possible that people decide to subscribe to a strategy which has an hystory of 6 weeks and only 26 trades? this is a suicide! wait for at least 6 months (better 1 year) and 200 trades! also ask urself who is the vendor? what he developed in the past? (he cannot come from nowhere and pretend to be reliable)! anyway anyone is responsible for his money!

We havent developed anything public in the past. now if you like to keep assuming....well...thats just a personal choice :)

I am not assuming nothing about u, nothing bad and nothing good! I am wondering only for the strange behaviour of people jumping in systems (nothing bad on u) that are simply too young to shows that they can survive and be profitable in the medium term! Of course i maybe wrong, but i am more cautious on risk my money, and (again nothing bad versus u) i would like to know more about the developer (what preceeding eas he developed, how they worked, how they assisted customers)! This is my point of view! Maybe next year i will be ur customer if ur account will show good risk/reward ratio! But for now it is oo ealy in my opinion!
Running only Expert advisors with good long term backtests and nice forward tests
Tham gia từ May 24, 2010   354bài viết
Mar 12, 2014 at 18:05
ellvin posted:
Menkent from Pipable is the best forex EA!

Yes it was also sphantom and fx papa.
Tham gia từ May 24, 2010   354bài viết
Mar 12, 2014 at 18:16
pipable posted:
Jarora posted:
You do backtest from 2008 to 2014?

Like we have explained before. the EA has news detection capability so it is not really backtestable. Yet we backtest and release the results every week.

Is it a EA or EA which receives the entry points from your server?
Tham gia từ Feb 11, 2011   1768bài viết
Mar 12, 2014 at 19:43
corre71 posted:
pipable posted:
corre71 posted:
The thing that make me wonder (apart the fact the vendor is the same of S-Pahantom or not) is how is possible that people decide to subscribe to a strategy which has an hystory of 6 weeks and only 26 trades? this is a suicide! wait for at least 6 months (better 1 year) and 200 trades! also ask urself who is the vendor? what he developed in the past? (he cannot come from nowhere and pretend to be reliable)! anyway anyone is responsible for his money!

We havent developed anything public in the past. now if you like to keep assuming....well...thats just a personal choice :)

I am not assuming nothing about u, nothing bad and nothing good! I am wondering only for the strange behaviour of people jumping in systems (nothing bad on u) that are simply too young to shows that they can survive and be profitable in the medium term! Of course i maybe wrong, but i am more cautious on risk my money, and (again nothing bad versus u) i would like to know more about the developer (what preceeding eas he developed, how they worked, how they assisted customers)! This is my point of view! Maybe next year i will be ur customer if ur account will show good risk/reward ratio! But for now it is oo ealy in my opinion!

because there is traders and there is players guess whose category they belong
Tham gia từ Feb 21, 2014   26bài viết
Mar 12, 2014 at 20:18
So, Sphantom went out of business today and we have the new sphanom here under the menkent name. lets look at the two strategies:
-10 TP
-secret strategy of entry
-run as trade copier
-two trades as a maximum
-the second trade is in the distance of approximately 25-50 pips from the initial entry.
-myfxbook account funded with an initial deposit of 100USD
-the MoneyManagement is managed throught "risk setting" which is the amount of account balance risked
-forward live test run at the risk of "30", although the recommended risk setting is "10"
-with risk setting of "10" you risk 50% of your equity.
-Sphantom was fair enough showing the SL of 200pips. Menkent does not show the stop-loss, but based on the information from the seller with the "10" risk setting the "recommended" risked equity will be approximately 50%.

The above is how the Sphantom was set-up and how the FXPapa was set-up. And - surprisingly - the above fits the setting of Menkent as well. Coincidence? For me it is the same system. Just sold under new name. if you could show me the difference - please do! Sphantom seller cheated on his customers and closed the business without any notice after cashing the 299 dollars per a license. These guys could do the same in the future. They are just recycling the strategy again and again. Or...Menkent has stolen the strategy from Sphantom and in such a case they should be sued for it. I am sorry, but I dont believe that non-relative people can create absolutely the same system (when considering fxpapa and cyberforex) 4 times in a row.

On a side note - Menkent people say that the SL is hit approximately once in 6 months based on their backtesting. With the recommended risk setting of "10" you will have an monthly return approximately 10%/month. After six month you will have approximately 180% of your initial investment and your SL will be hit and 50% of your equity is gone. So you will have the initial equity. More or less. Only difference ... the Menkent guys will enjoy your money. It's sounds like a scam to me.
Tham gia từ Oct 24, 2013   261bài viết
Mar 12, 2014 at 20:26
I find this interesting but when you are calculating profitability don't forget to include your subscription fee in your calculations.
You can't spend open trades.
Tham gia từ Oct 25, 2013   62bài viết
Mar 12, 2014 at 22:47
ellvin posted:
2014.02.21 10:30:01 sell 0.20 eurusdv 1.37069 0.00000 1.36969 2014.02.24 03:00:07 1.37409 -0.60 -68.00
2014.02.26 16:26:12 buy 0.30 eurusd 1.3695 0.0000 1.3705 2014.02.27 03:27:09 1.3693 0.00 -6.00
2014.02.26 17:17:10 buy 0.30 eurusd 1.3669 0.0000 0.0000 2014.02.27 03:27:09 1.3693 0.00 72.00
2014.02.27 10:05:06 buy 0.31 eurusd 1.3662 0.0000 1.3672 2014.02.27 15:56:47 1.3672 0.00 31.00
2014.03.03 20:00:01 buy 0.31 eurusdv 1.37405 0.00000 1.37506 2014.03.04 08:04:39 1.37512 -0.93 33.17
2014.03.04 18:01:01 buy 0.31 eurusdv 1.37434 0.00000 1.37535 2014.03.05 15:03:55 1.37371 -0.93 -19.53
2014.03.05 11:02:05 sell 0.31 eurusdv 1.37393 0.00000 1.37302 2014.03.05 11:27:26 1.37299 -0.93 29.14
2014.03.05 12:14:41 buy 0.31 eurusdv 1.37143 0.00000 0.00000 2014.03.05 15:03:52 1.37378 -0.93 72.85
2014.03.10 03:15:41 sell 0.46 eurusdv 1.38802 0.00000 1.38701 2014.03.10 13:22:55 1.38701 -1.38 46.46
2014.03.11 18:22:52 sell 0.47 eurusdv 1.38702 0.00000 1.38601 2014.03.11 19:49:10 1.38600 -1.41 47.94

Menkent from Pipable is the best forex EA!

Thanks Ellvin
Tham gia từ Oct 25, 2013   62bài viết
Mar 12, 2014 at 22:48
Silverthorn posted:
I find this interesting but when you are calculating profitability don't forget to include your subscription fee in your calculations.

Thanks for your comment.

We have, we considered our fee to be 25-33% of the profit.

Does that sound like a good figure to you?

Tham gia từ Jan 06, 2014   249bài viết
Mar 12, 2014 at 23:17
myfxbook111 posted:
So, Sphantom went out of business today and we have the new sphanom here under the menkent name. lets look at the two strategies:
-10 TP
-secret strategy of entry
-run as trade copier
-two trades as a maximum
-the second trade is in the distance of approximately 25-50 pips from the initial entry.
-myfxbook account funded with an initial deposit of 100USD
-the MoneyManagement is managed throught "risk setting" which is the amount of account balance risked
-forward live test run at the risk of "30", although the recommended risk setting is "10"
-with risk setting of "10" you risk 50% of your equity.
-Sphantom was fair enough showing the SL of 200pips. Menkent does not show the stop-loss, but based on the information from the seller with the "10" risk setting the "recommended" risked equity will be approximately 50%.

The above is how the Sphantom was set-up and how the FXPapa was set-up. And - surprisingly - the above fits the setting of Menkent as well. Coincidence? For me it is the same system. Just sold under new name. if you could show me the difference - please do! Sphantom seller cheated on his customers and closed the business without any notice after cashing the 299 dollars per a license. These guys could do the same in the future. They are just recycling the strategy again and again. Or...Menkent has stolen the strategy from Sphantom and in such a case they should be sued for it. I am sorry, but I dont believe that non-relative people can create absolutely the same system (when considering fxpapa and cyberforex) 4 times in a row.

On a side note - Menkent people say that the SL is hit approximately once in 6 months based on their backtesting. With the recommended risk setting of "10" you will have an monthly return approximately 10%/month. After six month you will have approximately 180% of your initial investment and your SL will be hit and 50% of your equity is gone. So you will have the initial equity. More or less. Only difference ... the Menkent guys will enjoy your money. It's sounds like a scam to me.

@myfxbook111 i totally agre with u! But u can see that a lot of people are interested in this and if u check some are the same Who bought S-phantom! People like to be cheted and don't like people like u and me trying to advice them! So leave them was te their money! They simply are not able to discern the risk involved and still believe in the holy grail!
Running only Expert advisors with good long term backtests and nice forward tests
Tham gia từ Oct 24, 2013   261bài viết
Mar 12, 2014 at 23:43
pipable posted:
Silverthorn posted:
I find this interesting but when you are calculating profitability don't forget to include your subscription fee in your calculations.

Thanks for your comment.

We have, we considered our fee to be 25-33% of the profit.

Does that sound like a good figure to you?


Initially looking at the numbers to date No. But eventually it all comes down to the numbers and unfortunately there is not enough data in to make an astute judgment yet.

Either good or bad.

The fact is that there is about 1/3 less profit in the system than most will be calculating due to the subscription fees.

Please understand I have no problem with high risk EAs and use them almost exclusively. I understand and use a method of money management that is very similar to what you are promoting where the whole account is placed at risk and the MC is considered the stop. No problem with that either. But unless the EA is able to make sufficient income to extract the initial capital and operating costs plus profits prior to draw down then it will not be profitable. The subscription is another overhead like spread that has to be factored into each trade before it becomes truly profitable.

So while your account here shows you as being about 100% in profit you are actually only about 65% in profit when subscription cost is factored in.

Still VERY sceptical but not with the EA. I may yet become a customer in the future but I am not a fan of releasing account details, Credit Card details or the levels of the subscription fees that I am seeing when compared to the required risk.

You can't spend open trades.
Tham gia từ Oct 06, 2013   19bài viết
Mar 13, 2014 at 06:35
Understandably you will want to keep your exact strategy to yourselves, but can you explain your method for entry and exit in rough outline please? Given the subscription fee and the need for and individuals due diligence, I think this is a valid question to ask.

There are a number of us who invested in sPhantom and got stung. For the record, whilst I don't think sPhantom is a scam, they are terrible at customer communication and satisfaction and not professional in their dealings with clients.

Whilst I do not believe that you are affiliated with sPhantom, I don't want to have a similar strategy to theirs in my portfolio given that I want to diversify my risk and minimise the damage done to my accounts by large drawdowns and subsequent margin calls.
Tham gia từ Nov 03, 2013   15bài viết
Mar 13, 2014 at 06:37
pipable posted:
Silverthorn posted:
I find this interesting but when you are calculating profitability don't forget to include your subscription fee in your calculations.

Thanks for your comment.

We have, we considered our fee to be 25-33% of the profit.

Does that sound like a good figure to you?


you will take 25-33% of the profit as a fee. okay will u take the same amount of the loss too?? i mean if the account lost 300 $ will u pay 100 $ !!!!!!
Tham gia từ Oct 25, 2013   62bài viết
Mar 13, 2014 at 18:48
4xman4x posted:
pipable posted:
Silverthorn posted:
I find this interesting but when you are calculating profitability don't forget to include your subscription fee in your calculations.

Thanks for your comment.

We have, we considered our fee to be 25-33% of the profit.

Does that sound like a good figure to you?


you will take 25-33% of the profit as a fee. okay will u take the same amount of the loss too?? i mean if the account lost 300 $ will u pay 100 $ !!!!!!

As a customer, you may set your own settings including risk lotsize and etc. How would we offer refund if you setup your EA in a way that it hits SL constantly?

furthermore, we dont charge your profit, we charge a flat fee which is based on the lot size but normally it comes to around 25% of the profit. I have to indicate that there is no guarantee an account will generate money. It is the nature of financial markets.

Tham gia từ Oct 25, 2013   62bài viết
Mar 13, 2014 at 19:10
quietairofmenace posted:
Understandably you will want to keep your exact strategy to yourselves, but can you explain your method for entry and exit in rough outline please? Given the subscription fee and the need for and individuals due diligence, I think this is a valid question to ask.

There are a number of us who invested in sPhantom and got stung. For the record, whilst I don't think sPhantom is a scam, they are terrible at customer communication and satisfaction and not professional in their dealings with clients.

Whilst I do not believe that you are affiliated with sPhantom, I don't want to have a similar strategy to theirs in my portfolio given that I want to diversify my risk and minimise the damage done to my accounts by large drawdowns and subsequent margin calls.

I think all your points are valid. As much as I want to have the development team share the strategy with you, it is not a possibility.

What I can guarantee you is that we have no involvement with any other vendors including sphantom and if we do we will announce it.

In terms of risk and getting burned...I would like to mention that ANY EA including Menkent may have potential risk and the higher you expect profit, the higher you'd have to take risk.

On our part, we will do our best to generate profit as long as possible as we only offer subscription basis and the long we keep going the higher profit we generate, so that's our goal.

Tham gia từ Oct 25, 2013   62bài viết
Mar 13, 2014 at 19:16
Silverthorn posted:
I find this interesting but when you are calculating profitability don't forget to include your subscription fee in your calculations.

You will be still profitable.
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