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- PowerFlow EA (3rd acc)
PowerFlow EA (3rd acc) (Theo Forex21)
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PowerFlow EA (3rd acc)Thảo luận
Tham gia từ Jan 16, 2014
401bài viết
Jul 06, 2015 at 10:44
Tham gia từ Jan 16, 2014
401bài viết
@ remind_later
As you trade with large amounts it is a very good idea to use multiple (and of course regulated) broker houses. BTW, adjusting the risk according to the actual volatility is perhaps a smart idea.
Regards, Alexander
As you trade with large amounts it is a very good idea to use multiple (and of course regulated) broker houses. BTW, adjusting the risk according to the actual volatility is perhaps a smart idea.
Regards, Alexander
Tham gia từ Jun 25, 2011
67bài viết
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