Progressive (Theo mforce)

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ProgressiveThảo luận

Jun 05, 2020 at 15:51
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46 Replies
Tham gia từ Feb 12, 2020   24bài viết
Feb 24, 2021 at 22:20 (đã sửa Feb 24, 2021 at 22:22)
Chenker posted:

I am running the same system, same settings, and have pretty different results. In fact, the system is extremely dangerous as all Grid trading systems.

In the EURCHF runup that we had in the last few days, my first entry was at 1.08702 (short), on 22.2.2021 at 01:07. Increasing by 0.0025. Now looking at the runup to 1.10566 pretty much straight up, I would have hit the Portfolio protection level of -35% very quickly if I hadn't intervened manually closing some trades and hedging others.

Now looking at your trades, I find it particularly interesting that for whatever reasons, your first entry was one day later on 23.2.2021 20:22 at 1.09801. How is that possible? Over the past month I had some similar trades, but also quite different trades. I was for example not in the EURGBP trade, but in the GBPUSD trade. So not sure, where that comes from.

So same system, same settings, EURCHF H4, and after one month I hit the PF Protection because I got into the trades much earlier than you did, and you manage to run it one full year without ever hitting it, avoiding all runups miraculously or enterying them when they are half way through? No offense, but that is very strange.

Well, whatever, I just wanted to warn other users that this system is definitely not getting the returns you imagine, but will quite soon destroy your account. It is okay to run on low level, but don't leave it unattended.

Just my2cents.


Hey Fred,

Sorry to hear that. I think this is the first time you're messaging to me? You must've taken the settings from my earlier posts? What I always try to say to everyone is that first of all, I haven't created the EA part of the strategy, and definitely can't take responsibility of it - I'm happy to help people but can't guarantee anything. My understanding is that the EA is very sensitive on things such as the broker being used - I'm not sure if you've been following my recommendations on that? And finally, Flex is a kind of an EA where you can have the exact same settings, the exact same broker, and you still get different entries - now, and always will. What I think is that if the environment (broker) is the same, the entries SHOULD be such entries that one can compare the results to mine - but no one has tested that to the letter and come back to me to report about it - so I don't know if this is true or not. What I know is that this strategy works for me, and my results are 100% authentic.

I do understand why people want to "mimic" my results, however, to really be profitable in the long term, one really needs to develop an own strategy or adapt a strategy that fits ones own style. I'm lucky to have found this one and having been able to adapt it to my own style and psychology.

Now, that all being said, I wouldn't be sure you're using the exact same settings I'm using - what about the risk setting for example? Or the entry settings (virtual trade settings)? I can't be 100% sure but your entry seems you might not have the entry settings exactly the same, or then a different broker you're using is affecting that. I'm saying that because the price action at your first entry doesn't seem to me like the price action where my first entries usually are, which might say that something is different. Also, if your first entry was a 1.0870 and if you're using the same risk settings that I use, with a big enough account (min 1000USD balance), you are right about the fact that you are in a bit of a "trouble" at today's highs (far from your average price / TP) 1.1056 - however, your -35% stop wouldn't have been triggered. From the fact that you say the contrary, I might think you might not have the same risk setting set ( which might mean too large position sizes, and position sizing is the absolute key for this kind of a strategy).

Finally, the last and important part of the long-term success comes from my manual intervention rules that have saved me from many troubles as well. At your entry, on the 22nd after midday European time, your trade would've been in an ok profit with two positions basket. Taking the fact that opening the third position of the basket was missed with a few pips before the retrace happened (which is often a sign of a basket that is not going very well), and that EURCHF being not-the-most-typical pair the strategy trades, and not one I'm most familiar with (USD pairs are much more common), I might have actually considered of taking the profits and closing the positions manually. Not that I'm blaming you for not doing that, but just goes into showing the intervention, and often, the importance of it.

Anyways, right now, if you're willing, I'm happy to try to help you to figure out why things went wrong - so feel free to PM me. I'm happy to discuss the EURCHF trade, for example, if you do - and the risk settings - and anything you need.
Tham gia từ Feb 24, 2021   3bài viết
Feb 25, 2021 at 20:43
Good evening

Sorry if this came across like blaming you or something, I don't blame anybody, not even Flex EA, and definitely not you, however, having some experience in FX trading I always get a bit suspicious if a Grid system performs very well over a long time. That is why I tried to follow that one up, just out of curiosity. I am happy to share the risk settings, I have pretty much taken the Half Grid settings, Risk 0.2. I can send you the risk file if interested, no problems.

These were the trades:

I am not 100% sure about the lot sizes, I'd have to check the logs since I started intervening But given the fact that 6th lot is nearly 10x the first lot, and EURCHF pretty much went straight up to 1.10550, pretty sure you would have hit the 35%.

Any time I hear a system is depending on brokers, VPS and such things, sorry don't buy it. If the difference between gain or fail is 1 pip or whatever, it is just a question of time that this one pip is failing you.

What you say about manual intervention is all true, couldn't agree more, but I think somewhere you stated you had never intervened manually.

All I am saying, this system has potential, it is worthwile playing around with it, but be aware, that the results that you have posted, are very rare if not impossible to achieve. It is also wll known that the provider frequently changes results which are on the internet if a track record hits a disaster trade.

So again no offense meant, I just wanted to highlight that one might get totally different results with that system, and sooner or later, and in my experience with Grids rather sooner, you get into serious troubles.


Tham gia từ Feb 12, 2020   24bài viết
Mar 03, 2021 at 13:24
Chenker posted:
Good evening

Sorry if this came across like blaming you or something, I don't blame anybody, not even Flex EA, and definitely not you, however, having some experience in FX trading I always get a bit suspicious if a Grid system performs very well over a long time. That is why I tried to follow that one up, just out of curiosity. I am happy to share the risk settings, I have pretty much taken the Half Grid settings, Risk 0.2. I can send you the risk file if interested, no problems.

These were the trades:

I am not 100% sure about the lot sizes, I'd have to check the logs since I started intervening But given the fact that 6th lot is nearly 10x the first lot, and EURCHF pretty much went straight up to 1.10550, pretty sure you would have hit the 35%.

Any time I hear a system is depending on brokers, VPS and such things, sorry don't buy it. If the difference between gain or fail is 1 pip or whatever, it is just a question of time that this one pip is failing you.

What you say about manual intervention is all true, couldn't agree more, but I think somewhere you stated you had never intervened manually.

All I am saying, this system has potential, it is worthwile playing around with it, but be aware, that the results that you have posted, are very rare if not impossible to achieve. It is also wll known that the provider frequently changes results which are on the internet if a track record hits a disaster trade.

So again no offense meant, I just wanted to highlight that one might get totally different results with that system, and sooner or later, and in my experience with Grids rather sooner, you get into serious troubles.



Sorry for the delay in replying. This is going quite detailed - and would be nice to get to know you better - so I'll drop you a DM. Commenting to your comment about a grid system being able to be successful over longer-term (my system has been around just for a year really), it's not very common but certainly possible. If you look up Blackwave (Lazard here at Myfxbook), you'll see a grid trader that has been successfull with proven track record for more than the majority of other people. Yes, he trades a maual grid, not an automated one - but I'd say it's a proof that grid is just like any other system - risk management is the key to it, and persistance, and good nerves / psychology. Those things might be even more needed than in some other type of systems.

Will get back to you over DM.
Tham gia từ Feb 24, 2021   3bài viết
Mar 03, 2021 at 18:33
Most of professional tradres use some kind of grid, or averaging down, or whatever you wanna call it. No doubt about that. Just haven't seen any automated Grid being successful over time. The Market ist too dynamic. Everyone who has coded their own EA's will agree that every EA that performs well in certain years, performs terrible in other years. FX is a beast, plain and simple.

Tham gia từ Apr 20, 2012   131bài viết
May 20, 2021 at 16:35
Where can I get the set files ? are they attached to the flexforum by any chance?
I am curious to try out this set as I am old timer with flexEA.
Tham gia từ May 28, 2021   1bài viết
May 30, 2021 at 10:18

Can I start with 400 US dollars??
Account leverage 1:500

Tham gia từ Jun 12, 2021   6bài viết
Jun 12, 2021 at 09:57
comment puis-je utiliser votre expert sur mon compte démo ? Merci pour votre temps
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