Quantina Forex NewsTrader v2.1 (Theo Plexy)

Mức sinh lời : +43.94%
Mức sụt vốn 19.67%
Pip: 1029.1
Giao dịch 603
Đã thắng:
Loại: Thực
Đòn bẩy: 1:200
Giao dịch: Tự động

Quantina Forex NewsTrader v2.1Thảo luận

Oct 01, 2013 at 18:21
2,083Lượt xem
19 Replies
Tham gia từ Sep 20, 2013   4bài viết
Dec 22, 2013 at 07:06

What are the settings you are using in this account?
Tham gia từ Sep 06, 2012   31bài viết
Dec 31, 2013 at 07:38
Hi, I'm using all the "High Impact Low Risk" settings from the main website. For USD, GBP, AUD, and NZD news. (mostly)
I din't use MoneyManager ever.
Never Stop
Tham gia từ Jan 12, 2014   1bài viết
Jan 13, 2014 at 12:25

I want to lower the risks and to do that I need to use more strategies simultaneously, so my question: Is it possible to start 4-5 different settings at the same time?

Also, is there an option to restart the EA or the MT4 automatically on the weekend and download the news by itself for the next week, because I am not going to be near my computer for 3 weeks due to travelling?
Tham gia từ Sep 06, 2012   31bài viết
Jan 13, 2014 at 20:09
HI Giorgo25,

You can spread the risk if you run more than 1 settings on same currency pair on same time with different settings. Do not forget to set the Magic numbers to different.

You don't need to restart your EA (version 2.1) because ForexNewsTrader EA is checking the news events in every hour. "Plug and Earn System" :)))
So you can let it go forever :)) , Btw, you can check it by phone if you have VPS server.

Never Stop
Tham gia từ Jan 13, 2014   13bài viết
Jan 20, 2014 at 07:40
is this still working or there is an higher version now?
Tham gia từ Jan 19, 2014   2bài viết
Jan 20, 2014 at 12:46
Hi Quantina, speaking of version 1.7 (manual robot) .....due to the widening-spreads & slippages (just before and just after the news), I'd like to disable my stop loss but replace it by BEPips, TrailingStop1 and TraiingStop2. So in case the market reverses very quickly in a split second, the price volatility is still in control. (Don't forget to put "false" on OCO)

Unfortunately, it seems that the TRAILING STOP2 only works for the positive pairs. So if we put "number of candle" =2 in a one minute charts, then after 2 minutes the TrailingStop2 can't be triggered for any negative pips.

Please correct me if I am wrong here. But I heard that this unnecessary restriction (TrailingStop2 for the gainers only, not for the losers) has been a serious challenge in this Quantina products especially in v1.7.

In case the price stay forever in the neutral zone after the news... then the triggered pending orders shall go nowhere for a long time. What a beautiful idea if the TRAILINGSTOP2 will be automatically executed at our requested time--regardless the gain/loss of our triggered pending orders.

How about that?
Tham gia từ Sep 06, 2012   31bài viết
Jan 21, 2014 at 07:21
Hi Onomse,

Right now I'm using the version 2.1 on real account. Strategy is the same as it was on version 1.7 and v2.0 .
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Tham gia từ Sep 06, 2012   31bài viết
Jan 21, 2014 at 07:22
multifx posted:
Hi Quantina, speaking of version 1.7 (manual robot) .....due to the widening-spreads & slippages (just before and just after the news), I'd like to disable my stop loss but replace it by BEPips, TrailingStop1 and TraiingStop2. So in case the market reverses very quickly in a split second, the price volatility is still in control. (Don't forget to put "false" on OCO)

Unfortunately, it seems that the TRAILING STOP2 only works for the positive pairs. So if we put "number of candle" =2 in a one minute charts, then after 2 minutes the TrailingStop2 can't be triggered for any negative pips.

Please correct me if I am wrong here. But I heard that this unnecessary restriction (TrailingStop2 for the gainers only, not for the losers) has been a serious challenge in this Quantina products especially in v1.7.

In case the price stay forever in the neutral zone after the news... then the triggered pending orders shall go nowhere for a long time. What a beautiful idea if the TRAILINGSTOP2 will be automatically executed at our requested time--regardless the gain/loss of our triggered pending orders.

How about that?

Regarding version 1.7 of Quantina Forex Newstrader:
You're right. If you turn off the StopLoss only the Trailing Stops (1-2) and/or BePips or TakeProfit can close your order. All of them are working on pozitive area only. Trailing stop2 was developed for the trinity psychology only :)) , After a news released (first minute) the market is always overreacted (volatile), the second + a few minutes market is doing a little correction, after than the market will be normal again.

My opinion is to set Trailing Stop high as you want (let say 25) if the market is too volatile.
Set the Candle Number to 2-5 (Waiting for the market correcting)
And Set the Trailing Stop back to 6 pips.

Even if yo user your Trailing Stop too high too dangerous BePips=1 can save little profit anyway.

In version 2.1 has better options (BePips + LockPips) and Spread control in Market Orders/execution

I guess if someone trading long time ago on Forex Market, never gonna trade without StopLoss.
StopLoss is always needed!

Never Stop
Tham gia từ Jan 19, 2014   2bài viết
Jan 22, 2014 at 07:29
Hahaha.. LOL..Thanks for the advice Mr Quantina. Yes, Stop Loss is always needed.

HOT TOPIC: "Trail Immediate" Vs. Trail Stop2
As you know, right now there are almost hundreds of different News Trading like Quantina, and they're so proud of so-called "Trail Immediate" [it will immediately start & move the Stop Loss at our requested Pips Away soon after the pending orders are triggered--even when the trade is NOT in profit]

Unfortunately it's really hard to find any EAs, though they have an "Trail Stop2", which would start & move the Stop Loss at our requested Pips Away even when the trade is NOT in profit]

So... just a little suggestion here for Quantina Robot: Isn't it time to update again with this feature? Let the traders having their options available on BOTH DIRECTIONS: (just make it simple)
1. TrailingStop2 when the trade is in profit,
2. TrailingStop2 when the trade is NOT in profit.
Tham gia từ Sep 06, 2012   31bài viết
Jan 26, 2014 at 22:15
There are many good and usable Expert Advisor in the Retail market today.
Their developments are also more and more effective.

We are open to every needs / ideas left by customers regarding our development.
That is why we were able to intensively improve the NewsTrader in the past 1 year.

Besides our customers have the opportunity to require individual copyrighted development on the Custom Development page for a reasonable price.
Never Stop
Tham gia từ Jan 02, 2014   7bài viết
Apr 04, 2014 at 13:13
How about the performance of version 1.7 and 2.0. Is version 1.7 still supported?
Tham gia từ Sep 06, 2012   31bài viết
Apr 10, 2014 at 19:04
We have no performance of version 1.7 , btw v1.7 is not automated yet.
However still supported.
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Tham gia từ Sep 06, 2012   31bài viết
May 13, 2014 at 06:24
We will open new accounts on 4 different forex broker (Recommended only) with same size of deposit and same settings for the new version of Quantina Forex News Trader EA v2.3. All our customers will be able to compare them in real time. Please be patient.
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Tham gia từ Sep 06, 2012   31bài viết
May 24, 2014 at 08:36
v2.3 is still under test, sorry..., however all the previous tests were "awesome" :) so, please be patient.
Fixed spread broker account has huge slips to cover they negative (spread) trade, so v2.3 will be perfect for varied spread especially on ECN accounts. StopLoss and Trailing Stops will be dynamic and it's determining actual spread with minimum distance...Your stops will follow the spread and market price together..... so please be patient... Thank you.
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Tham gia từ Sep 06, 2012   31bài viết
Jul 01, 2014 at 09:55
Quantina ForexNewsTrader EA v2.3 (ECN/STP Account) out now. = https://quantina-intelligence.com

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Tham gia từ Feb 18, 2012   2bài viết
Feb 07, 2016 at 07:22
I'm abot to buy the last version of quantina forex news 3.1 2015 but I need information about my broker, I have fxdd in new york, you guys what you think?
Tham gia từ Feb 18, 2012   2bài viết
Feb 07, 2016 at 07:23
Sorry is not fxdd, is FXCM broker ...
Tham gia từ Sep 06, 2012   31bài viết
Feb 10, 2016 at 08:04
FXCM is great. For this EA or for this strategy you need better connection , low latency, and ECN type of account.
Also, if you test an account with 0.01 lot size it's usually different than with 1 lot. Reason: doesn't worth for the broker.
Read more on Quantina Product forum site: https://quantina-intelligence.com/forum/

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Tham gia từ Dec 04, 2010   1447bài viết
Feb 11, 2016 at 09:10
is there any account monitoring set up for the Forex After News Trader the new EA you guys have out?
Tham gia từ Sep 06, 2012   31bài viết
Feb 16, 2016 at 18:13
Not yet... sorry.
Our plan is to run all our system on one single "perfect" account which is good for News Trading , Scalping, and also Trend follow trading with breakout systems.... Brokers are under competition. Sorry for the long delay.
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