StatArb Pro 250,000 USD (Theo statarbpro)

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Pip: 352.1
Giao dịch 128
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StatArb Pro 250,000 USDThảo luận

Jun 11, 2012 at 11:13
7,363Lượt xem
125 Replies
Tham gia từ Jun 11, 2012   55bài viết
Aug 26, 2012 at 16:19 (đã sửa Aug 26, 2012 at 16:21)
stevewalker posted:
should never argue with idiots because they will just drag you down to their level....then beat you with experience !

11 years of experience is more then enough I guess


And this is actually quite amusing on a Sunday morning. Just know that right now, until you post something of your own, showing everyone that you actually know what you're talking about. Until you can show that you've got experience or results that would justify criticizing mine, it's you, not me who looks look like quite the fool and I'll keep asking you to post them until you do.

Honestly, I'll be the first guy to congratulate you on your results if they're there!
Tham gia từ Jun 06, 2012   1434bài viết
Aug 26, 2012 at 16:25 (đã sửa Aug 26, 2012 at 16:26)
Oh boy

selling an Ea with NO identification at comment side.😑 I hope you have a MAGIC NUMBER CODED into EA😀 with your huge experience of trading.

or you will never make traders believe that trades handled by the EA.😭

enable magic analyses if you have a magic number


Tham gia từ Jun 11, 2012   55bài viết
Aug 26, 2012 at 16:43 (đã sửa Aug 26, 2012 at 16:48)
stevewalker posted:
Oh boy

selling an Ea with NO identification at comment side.😑 I hope you have a MAGIC NUMBER CODED into EA😀 with your huge experience of trading.

or you will never make traders believe that trades handled by the EA.😭

enable magic analyses if you have a magic number



There are magic numbers and global variables, but just a few things:

1) An EA can track trades by comments, global variables, magic numbers, a GUID, and many other ways. Your argument is becoming less and less valid with every post you make.
2) You still cannot debate that the performance is there.
3) You still cannot substantiate your claims of being some semblance of a trader. My performance is out there for the world to see. I only ask that you back your side of the argument with something, performance, studies, research, anything... otherwise you're honestly just another guy instigating arguments with no proof of what you're saying. Instead you just make accusations that I don't know what I'm doing or I'm making unsubstantiated claims
4) You accuse me of selectively replying to posts, but it's you who selectively stops replying to anything that refutes your argument. It's like you decide that you got beat there and will just move onto something else. They're all there for people to scroll back and see. You prove my point, not whatever ever-chaning point that you try to make.
5) I will NEVER make you believe anything apparently. It's not my job to do that anyways. I wouldn't want you as a customer. You'd be a constant thorn in my side. I want people who are open-minded and are generally knowledge seekers. I want people who are committed to success, not those who just question it.

Why you feel the need to come here and knock something that you don't understand and have no experience with is truly beyond me. I've dealt with people like you in my life. It's no fun. As my father used to say, "You're seldom right but never in doubt."
Tham gia từ Jun 06, 2012   1434bài viết
Aug 26, 2012 at 16:48
Tham gia từ Jun 11, 2012   55bài viết
Aug 26, 2012 at 16:50
stevewalker posted:
enable magic analyses I will shut up.

Wow, so we're already back to that? Now you're arguing just for the sake of arguing. Are you sure you're not my ex-wife? See my response on the previous page.
Tham gia từ Jun 06, 2012   1434bài viết
Aug 26, 2012 at 16:52
I know her very well.

statarbpro posted:
stevewalker posted:
enable magic analyses I will shut up.

Wow, so we're already back to that? Now you're arguing just for the sake of arguing. Are you sure you're not my ex-wife? See my response on the previous page.
Tham gia từ Jun 06, 2012   1434bài viết
Aug 26, 2012 at 16:52
stevewalker posted:
enable magic analyses I will shut up.
Tham gia từ Apr 09, 2012   26bài viết
Aug 26, 2012 at 16:54
Hi. I just would like to point out that oanda min
Lot Size for mt4 is 0.01 (10000) units.
On the fxtrade it does allow for as small as 100 units
But I doubt the ea runs on the fxtrade platform.

Unless something has changed

Btw will keep on eye and this ea. And see how it does.
Tham gia từ Jun 11, 2012   55bài viết
Aug 26, 2012 at 16:54
stevewalker posted:
I know her very well.

statarbpro posted:

Wow, so we're already back to that? Now you're arguing just for the sake of arguing. Are you sure you're not my ex-wife? See my response on the previous page.

Wow, and now you're being a child. I think we're done here.
Tham gia từ Jun 06, 2012   1434bài viết
Aug 26, 2012 at 16:54
I see Magic number is your Bank account number. How I could not catch that. really sorry.

Tham gia từ Jun 11, 2012   55bài viết
Aug 26, 2012 at 16:57
gelsi posted:
Hi. I just would like to point out that oanda min
Lot Size for mt4 is 0.01 (10000) units.
On the fxtrade it does allow for as small as 100 units
But I doubt the ea runs on the fxtrade platform.

Unless something has changed

Btw will keep on eye and this ea. And see how it does.

Please visit

We've compiled a list of compatible brokerages and the capital requirements.
Tham gia từ Apr 09, 2012   26bài viết
Aug 26, 2012 at 18:43
I know but for oanda the min lot size is wrong. ;-)
Tham gia từ Jun 11, 2012   55bài viết
Aug 26, 2012 at 19:31
Ah, OK. Now I understand. I'll change it. I appreciate you pointing that out.
Tham gia từ Jun 06, 2012   1434bài viết
Aug 28, 2012 at 23:48
until this gentelmen forcing me, it was not in my mind. I was just wanted to watch and see what will happen. but when he accuse me with making a copy of it then I decided to.

but how can I code an EA that prof coders coded. this logic made 600.000 $ to 26 billion $ wooowwww

but then I search net and read about statistical arbitrage for 2 days long.😂

hell difficoult.😑🙄

this is only a very very very small part of it. there should be mathlab + C++ and some other languages and programs need to code and optimize it. very very hard work.

( most of the reserches about stat arb funded by wallstreet, Oassis fund means very big funds. very expensive case ) 😲
so I think, can anyone sell that complicated EA for 300 $.

NO. this EA must be as simple as I can code.😉

So I started to code.

have a look at below 2 pic.

first one from stat arb pro original web page
second one is mine.

look carefully and sse the main blue line that indicated the arbitrage opp is the same.
the rest is some more codings.

have a good day.😎


Tham gia từ Jun 11, 2012   55bài viết
Aug 29, 2012 at 00:48 (đã sửa Aug 29, 2012 at 01:11)
I didn't force you Steve Stalker. That's complete BS. Any person visiting this thread can see that you came here, tried to discredit me, failed, tried again, failed and we can repeat this for as long as you want.

But, since you're obviously a glutton for punishment... let me pick apart your illogical logic once again:

You are truly showing what you don't understand about statistical arbitrage Steve Stalker. You've coded the ratio of the closing prices of two pairs. Bravo! An entry and exit system is needed for any trading system. Statistical arbitrage is no different. You can't just say "hey, these pairs are correlated/cointergrated/steve-stalkeri-zed" and just enter trades randomly. The entry exit logic is simple.

To quote myself "What's special about the indicator? Nothing!"

EVERY single one of my current clients has heard that from me, because... it isn't.

Now, explain how you would select what two pairs, that would work and be profitable today, to apply that ratio to in some effort to trade them profitably? I'll help you, since you won't know. You code an algorithm to go over every permutation as as many pairs as you want to track and apply some sorting methodology to them to generate valid results... today.

You see that's what you do not understand (among many other things). You look at this from the outside and you have no idea what's going on behind the scenes. The actual picking algorithm isn't coded in MQL4. That's where the real muscle in this system is. Actually all of the data from that is passed from the picking algorithm which we host in a private cloud to the EA via a DLL. You could have saved yourself a lot of time if you simply read the FAQ for gods sakes.

The fact that you've spent so much time on this, trying to discredit me only to yet again prove my point about how little you do know, is a bit flattering if I can be perfectly honest. I feel like a celebrity with my very own Steve Stalker.

and the 600K to 26B statement... still true. You don't have to take my word for it. Google Jim Simons and Statistical Arbitrage.

I can keep busting you up all day. Keep coming back here with your mythological trading account and your vapor research and I'll knock you down with facts and performance every single time.

Tham gia từ Jun 11, 2012   55bài viết
Aug 29, 2012 at 00:54 (đã sửa Aug 29, 2012 at 00:55)
And by the way, Matlab isn't hard work. If you're familiar with C++, spend a few weeks at the Mathworks campus. They'll get you sorted out.

You can code the entry and exit system in a few hours. I did. The picking algorithm though... best of luck. You're going to need more than that Metaeditor compiler.
Tham gia từ Apr 09, 2012   26bài viết
Aug 29, 2012 at 02:08
How many trades are made in month?
The account does not show a lot of trades.
Tham gia từ Jun 11, 2012   55bài viết
Aug 29, 2012 at 03:14
Statistically about 20 trades a month. That said, the last 45 days have been excruciatingly slow as the market volatility has died down as it does a lot of times in the summer months. As it's picking back up trades will come more frequently. Today the algo picked out 5 or 6 more pairs to watch. It should resume some semblance of normalcy very soon.
Tham gia từ Jun 06, 2012   1434bài viết
Aug 29, 2012 at 08:31 (đã sửa Aug 29, 2012 at 08:32)
1- I did not come, you did publish with very attractive numbers ( profit DD initial deposit ) . that was you want to do anyway.
2- you may be call me as Steve Coder or Steve Programmer
3- did not I telll you, I have talents at coding mql4, c++, and other some programing languages. I eductaed comp eng.
4- super smart guy, you are basicly searching for >80 or 90 corolated pairs. I have already coded the pair corolation part. do you think this is the difficoult part? poor boy. this is the most basic part.

what I want to explain here, there can be a guy that converted 600.000 to 26 billion. but this guy is not you and this program is not that program.

I am not going to answer all stupid cooments of you.

but the most dangerous part is here
as your entry/exit logic coded now you are talking about pair selecting (this part already coded) & lot calculation.
any average trader can undersand what is going wrong with this system when they read below explanation.
how your system coded in dangerous way.

at my early post I mentioned that while expecting a one pair moving trader favor as same as BT result is eanough difficoult(most of the time impossible) you are expecting 2 Pairs move to your favor with incredibly unbalanced lot size. this one day which not very late will work against you and instead of adding the value as a profit, you will add to your loss side. now you can say it will not happen and I will say again it wil happen becouse this is the name of the program you are selling.

statistical arbitrage. the most basic statistical example is flip coin.😉

and you proud of this part of your code. what kind of trader are you?

statistical arbitrage is a very well known trading system for hedge funds thats correct. butthis program can not be even the fırst letter of that system.


Tham gia từ Jan 27, 2012   49bài viết
Aug 29, 2012 at 08:41

instead of quarreling here with others you should come over to donnaforex and clarify questions of users..... 😉

I think the question of needed history in MT4 is not clarified.
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