Trade2FI-Max Risk (Theo realreason)

Mức sinh lời : -94.6%
Mức sụt vốn 94.88%
Pip: 11020.5
Giao dịch 1190
Đã thắng:
Loại: Thực
Đòn bẩy: 1:200
Giao dịch: Thủ công

Trade2FI-Max RiskThảo luận

Apr 26, 2014 at 07:32
1,015Lượt xem
4 Replies
Tham gia từ Jan 22, 2014   21bài viết
Jul 03, 2014 at 15:13
for the Max Risk Strategy, the risk is 100%.
our concept is, if with a 10K account, people can accept a 5% Max DD, 2% monthly return. then, he only need invest 500$ to get $200 monthly return. invest $500, but trade like $10K. the risk is in fact 100% essentially but the risk capital is low.

the Max Risk is only one strategy. the I, II and III account only show different periods of the strategy development.

the Max Risk I is the first account. I started this account with $500. and when its balance reached about $1500, I withdrawn the initial $500, and started the max Risk II with the same $500. and now, the Max Risk II has a balance about $1000, and I also plan to withdraw another $500 when its reach $1500. and start another account again. this is a endless process.
I just want to show that i can start the account with only $500 at any time and can get a success.
skype ID:realreasonDY
Tham gia từ Jan 22, 2014   21bài viết
Jul 21, 2014 at 11:15
$500 initial deposit, made $2588 profits in 3 months,
skype ID:realreasonDY
Tham gia từ Jul 11, 2014   7bài viết
Jul 21, 2014 at 17:51
Tham gia từ Jul 04, 2014   2bài viết
Oct 08, 2014 at 06:59
Hi realReason,

i have an account with FXPro, how can i join your program?
Tham gia từ Jan 22, 2014   21bài viết
Oct 08, 2014 at 07:05
Hi Zniter81,
sorry, but there is no more Fxpro MAM account.
Fxpro need us to be regulated to charge a performance fee.
but we are not. so, we can only do a mark up to the commission with Fxpro.
this is not the way we want.
so, forget Fxpro.
skype ID:realreasonDY
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