Tiểu sử
A 40 year old manager who's married with 2.5 kids and a dog. Started learning too trade through Babypips.com as well as reading all the books and watching all the youtube video (the worthwhile one's anyway). My goal is to firstly supplement my income with a view to eventually becoming a full-time trader.
Phong cách giao dịch
A technical trader with a rigorously back tested strategy, strong trading psychology and sound risk management.
Phương châm

Biểu đồ

Hệ thống của Ladams79

Tên Mức sinh lời Mức sụt vốn Pip Giao dịch Đòn bẩy Loại
StrategyZ 99.02% 51.18% 18339.8 Thủ công 1:200 Thực