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Demo (USD), FX Solutions , 1:400 , MetaTrader 4

Mức sụt vốn: 99.03%

Số dư: $114.82
Vốn chủ sở hữu: (100.00%) $114.82
Cao nhất: (Nov 20) $12,560.40
Lợi nhuận: -$9,281.22
Tiền lãi: $0.00

Khoản tiền nạp: $10,000.00
Khoản tiền rút: $603.99

Đã cập nhật Mar 15, 2013 at 21:25
Theo dõi 0
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Giao dịch: 94
Tỷ suất lợi nhuận:
Pip: -3,561.0
Thắng trung bình: 20.89 pips / $95.92
Mức lỗ trung bình: -113.85 pips / -$350.37
Lô : 45.27
Hoa hồng: $0.00
Thắng vị thế mua: (16/25) 64%
Thắng vị thế bán: (37/69) 53%
Giao dịch tốt nhất ($): (Nov 06) 430.00
Giao dịch tệ nhất ($): (Dec 04) -2,490.00
Giao dịch tốt nhất (Pip): (Dec 06) 96.0
Giao dịch tệ nhất (Pip): (Dec 16) -439.0
T.bình Thời lượng giao dịch: 2d
Yếu tố lợi nhuận: 0.35
Độ lệch tiêu chuẩn: $472.693
Hệ số Sharpe -0.31
Điểm số Z (Xác suất): -4.79 (99.99%)
Mức kỳ vọng -37.9 Pip / -$98.74
AHPR: -3.46%
GHPR: -2.76%
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Dữ liệu bao gồm 200 giao dịch gần đây nhất dựa trên lịch sử đã phân tích.
Dữ liệu bao gồm 200 giao dịch gần đây nhất dựa trên lịch sử đã phân tích.

Các hệ thống khác theo atsignals

Tên Mức sinh lời Mức sụt vốn Pip Giao dịch Đòn bẩy Loại
hunlion 0.19% 2.46% 26.0 - - Demo
jambasha 31.04% 91.48% -232.0 - - Demo
ahmedphen0m real 5.75% 4.47% 238.0 - - Thực
Marcos 2.17% 0.07% 1,632.0 - - Demo
ahmedphen0m -10.44% 54.35% -200.0 - 1:400 Thực
كاستر1 6.11% 3.10% 122.0 - - Demo
alameen911 -96.67% 98.65% -129.0 - - Demo
kha1397 0.00% 0.00% 0.0 - - Demo
Palover 0.00% 0.00% 0.0 - - Demo
المضارب القادم 0.00% 0.00% 0.0 - - Demo
ابو يحيى 2012 4.03% 15.19% 30.0 - - Demo
sgr 0.00% 0.00% 0.0 - - Demo
كاستر1 -91.40% 96.81% -1,788.0 - - Demo
السهم المصرى 28.95% 18.60% 1,129.0 - - Demo
crownpearl77 -71.63% 78.26% -646.0 - 1:100 Thực
mohammedmed -99.86% 99.91% -296.0 - 1:400 Demo
houssem1012 0.49% 1.49% 270.0 - 1:400 Demo
ابوعبدالله555 -99.90% 99.90% -1,697.0 - 1:400 Demo
الفهد المصري 0.00% 0.00% 0.0 - - Demo
babunji 0.00% 0.00% 0.0 - - Demo
mohamed.sobhy 191.43% 54.41% 2,947.0 - 1:400 Demo
candidaplus 116.21% 55.07% 322.0 - 1:400 Demo
كاستر1 -87.43% 90.72% -934.0 - 1:400 Demo
ماجد ،،،، 88.39% 14.49% 354.0 - 1:400 Demo
kamal.awad 0.31% 4.14% 294.0 - 1:400 Demo
techforex -79.74% 82.06% -395.0 - 1:400 Demo
samerbaddar -99.63% 99.74% -446.0 - 1:400 Demo
rs10 -87.08% 88.02% -811.0 - 1:400 Demo
جابر عثرات الكرام -21.84% 46.70% -20.0 - 1:400 Demo
rifland -90.05% 93.97% -262.0 - - Demo
nouraba 2.06% 3.96% 108.0 - 1:400 Demo
wael0102003 0.00% 0.00% 0.0 - 1:400 Demo
Elmahi Fx -87.33% 88.89% -1,055.0 - 1:400 Demo
youssef_1025 -95.41% 97.46% -414.0 - 1:400 Demo
طارق سليمان 0.00% 0.00% 0.0 - - Demo
Dr.Mohamed.G 0.00% 0.00% 0.0 - 1:400 Demo
walid basset 0.00% 0.00% 0.0 - 1:400 Demo
العتاب 0.00% 0.00% 0.0 - 1:400 Demo
khaled71a -94.95% 97.90% -1,154.0 - 1:400 Demo
dalya -96.01% 96.34% -788.0 - 1:400 Demo
اسلوب حياة -31.08% 38.75% -2,733.0 - 1:400 Demo
على بابا 0.00% 0.00% 0.0 - 1:400 Demo
agad 44.47% 23.41% 206.0 - 1:400 Demo
real madrid -99.81% 99.90% -331.0 - 1:400 Demo
AHMED46 -96.77% 96.77% -143.0 - 1:400 Demo
alameen911 -54.35% 54.44% -108.0 - 1:400 Demo
ومنكم نستفيد -95.62% 95.62% -1,123.0 - 1:400 Demo
mohammedmed -90.28% 90.28% -257.0 - 1:400 Demo
forexex 0.00% 0.00% 0.0 - 1:400 Demo
ahmed sleem -97.41% 97.68% -756.0 - 1:400 Demo
techforex -37.36% 41.01% 71.0 - 1:400 Demo
mahmoudh7 0.00% 0.00% 0.0 - 1:400 Demo
كاستر1 75.55% 35.97% 2,560.0 - 1:400 Demo
Mr-Trading 10.29% 12.78% 31.0 - 1:400 Demo
احمد علوان الفحام -79.52% 79.52% -671.0 - 1:400 Demo
mohammedmed -99.90% 99.92% -306.0 - 1:400 Demo
asd77 9.61% 14.73% 1,610.0 - 1:400 Demo
areef 0.00% 0.00% 0.0 - 1:400 Demo
mmavtv 20.16% 37.04% -181.0 - 1:400 Demo
mhemam2005 -90.24% 90.37% -216.0 - 1:400 Demo
sonamed -94.78% 94.82% -276.0 - 1:400 Demo
وسام النوباني 13.82% 6.60% 429.0 - 1:400 Demo
محمد موسى حمزه 16.15% 54.45% 4,722.0 - 1:400 Demo
Don Corleone -58.78% 78.89% -640.0 - 1:400 Demo
السهم المصرى 10.61% 19.76% 240.0 - 1:400 Demo
الـقـنـاص -90.80% 96.44% -1,748.0 - 1:400 Demo
ahmed sleem -93.90% 97.79% -2,830.0 - 1:400 Demo
مخاوي الجن -89.53% 92.35% -743.0 - 1:400 Demo
houssem1012 -99.24% 99.77% 21.0 - 1:400 Thực
ماجد ،،،، 0.00% 0.00% 0.0 - 1:100 Demo
crownpearl77(2) 9.66% 7.36% 308.0 - 1:100 Thực
مازن راح يشيب 36.00% 19.85% 1,267.0 - 1:400 Demo
ابو يحيى 2012 0.00% 0.00% 0.0 - 1:400 Demo
quiter -95.11% 95.11% -587.0 - 1:400 Demo
techforex 14.26% 10.43% 280.0 - 1:400 Demo
ابونايـف 0.00% 0.00% 0.0 - 1:400 Demo
ashrafnajo -86.72% 90.44% -747.0 - 1:400 Demo
rs10 15.42% 7.90% 313.0 - 1:400 Demo
000 -39.09% 39.09% -326.0 - 1:400 Demo
Burn of The blood -42.51% 65.09% 8,450.0 - 1:400 Demo
madalinanabil 3.30% 60.64% 33.0 - 1:400 Demo
Elmahi Fx -96.50% 97.52% -154.0 - 1:400 Demo
Full Of Energy 0.00% 0.00% 0.0 - 1:400 Demo
Forex killer 2 1.24% 17.80% 123.0 - 1:400 Demo
M.Radwan 5.71% 0.55% 182.0 - 1:400 Demo
MustaphaMa 4.93% 6.20% -203.0 - 1:400 Demo
عبدالعزيز اليمني 5.51% 85.40% 355.0 - 1:400 Demo
Defallah 0.62% 3.70% 62.0 - 1:400 Demo
15828 7.13% 5.11% 687.0 - 1:400 Demo
fbif -55.18% 63.42% -405.0 - 1:400 Demo
MustaphaMa -42.25% 42.91% -81.0 - 1:400 Demo
Elmahi Fx -98.37% 98.56% -195.0 - 1:400 Demo
صامد 10.88% 14.95% 862.0 - 1:400 Demo
mohammedmed 3.75% 6.40% 18.0 - 1:400 Demo
لبنان 24.02% 7.76% 531.0 - 1:400 Demo
السلاحف 0.00% 3.23% 0.0 - 1:400 Demo
dentist_hussein -21.63% 21.63% -425.0 - 1:400 Demo
اسلام السيد 0.00% 9.84% 0.0 - 1:400 Demo
صامد 31.52% 11.31% 2,497.0 - 1:400 Demo
mahmoudh7 0.00% 0.00% 0.0 - 1:400 Demo
بو محمد 6.28% 15.89% 2,207.0 - 1:400 Demo
abunoas 41.23% 42.65% 370.0 - 1:400 Demo
rifland -98.09% 98.47% -1,049.0 - 1:400 Demo
حسن الهلالي 71.11% 6.81% 1,836.0 - 1:400 Demo
mohamed.sobhy 35.45% 42.32% 4,555.0 - 1:400 Demo
ahmed sleem -96.75% 97.24% -1,007.0 - 1:400 Demo
rs10 -92.69% 98.20% 756.0 - 1:400 Demo
Elmahi fx -91.93% 95.63% 73.0 - 1:400 Demo
Account USV