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MyFxBook EA and Metatrader 4 - Build 600
Thông tin chung
Mar 21, 2016 at 17:42
Im asking because i had last night the same problems on a Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard.First i installed the EA manually, blah blah dll, blah cannot find toggleDebug, blah"Message error 'Myfxbook.dll' is not 32-bit version'"Then tried it with the EAInstaller. Fail again. Message: 'Cant install Net 2.0 part of Net 3.5 aso'wtf ?? Why 3.5 ??Knew i had the newest Version of Net4 on the Server but tried it again to install. With a external Net4.51installer, Message : "Your Net4.51 is up to date"Okk, hmm..Theeen, whent to Server Manager -> Add Roles...
MyFxBook EA and Metatrader 4 - Build 600
Thông tin chung
Mar 21, 2016 at 16:38
Could it be that you also use Windows Server ??
MyFxBook EA and Metatrader 4 - Build 600
Thông tin chung
Mar 21, 2016 at 16:02
Question again ;)What happens when you try to install the EA with the automatic installer ?
MyFxBook EA and Metatrader 4 - Build 600
Thông tin chung
Mar 21, 2016 at 16:00
Solved all problems last night and works now, but it was very tricky to find out how..
MyFxBook EA and Metatrader 4 - Build 600
Thông tin chung
Mar 21, 2016 at 15:43
Would like to know, who of you guys is using a server and has problems and who a home pc..
MyFxBook EA and Metatrader 4 - Build 600
Thông tin chung
Mar 21, 2016 at 15:25
Had the same problems yesterday.Question did you Installed the newest Net4 Version ?And did you tried the Automatic EA installer ?
MyFxBook EA and Metatrader 4 - Build 600
Thông tin chung
Mar 21, 2016 at 15:20
Are you using it on a Windows VPS Server ?
MyFxBook EA and Metatrader 4 - Build 600
Thông tin chung
Mar 19, 2016 at 15:26
..(Irrelevant, will contact the support on Monday.)
MyFxBook EA and Metatrader 4 - Build 600
Thông tin chung
Mar 18, 2016 at 10:48
Installed the new Version manually.New EA and the new dll.Now it says:Cannot call MyFXBook.dllMyfxbook - Unresolved import function call
MyFxBook EA and Metatrader 4 - Build 600
Thông tin chung
Jan 05, 2016 at 17:48
Btw. just noticed it. 😁There is a NEW Ea Version.Now 1.7.8Nice.
MyFxBook EA and Metatrader 4 - Build 600
Thông tin chung
Jan 05, 2016 at 11:10
Hello, both of you.Make sure the EA runs, updates correct, and is set public,then write Ethan (Support) the account Number, i forgot which one, better write both, (MT4 & MyFx Acc. Number) explain short, and all will be ok.Love MyFX ;)
MyFxBook EA and Metatrader 4 - Build 600
Thông tin chung
Dec 09, 2015 at 19:01
Or to explain it better. The EA updates, no error messages, aso (installed it manually) BUTif i try to analyze the account by the Magic Number, it shows only the trades that are made after i installed the EA,the Rest of the history is missing. When i switch back to normal analysis or only by Pair, all the History is there. The only error message i found (if it is) is the Red F in EA Setup/ Dependencies _CorDllMainWhat does that mean ?Thanks for the answers.
MyFxBook EA and Metatrader 4 - Build 600
Thông tin chung
Dec 09, 2015 at 18:43
Having Problems with the EA and Magic Number History..Anny updates here ??
Important - Auto Update Issue
Thông tin chung
May 29, 2013 at 13:31
I think, the launch of AUTOTRADE collides with the MT4 Signals Business..That could be one of the reasons. IMO..
Important - Auto Update Issue
Thông tin chung
May 29, 2013 at 12:14
Wanted to post exactly the same.Plus. Again. Im using MyFX with 3 differend Brokers, all Build 500 and have NO probs. with ftp auto update..
Important - Auto Update Issue
Thông tin chung
May 28, 2013 at 12:31
The same here. 3 different Brokers. Build 500. I use myfxbook Publisher over VPS and on the local Pc. Everything works fine. I also added a new ActivTrades Account few days ago at my local Pc. Also works fine and updates every 5 minutes.Happy. Till now..
d1 fxtrade
Hệ thống giao dịch
Oct 20, 2012 at 15:46
Stabilized my DD to below 6 %. MyFx should implement a 'DD at most * %' Option at Goals.
Trade time timestamp discrepancy
Hộp thư đề xuất
Dec 07, 2011 at 16:01
Im in a GMT +1 Location and set that in settings/profile. DST is off and i receive the right time for my location.but the closed orders history time stamp shows all trades always one hour earlier (in the GMT 0 time).If i close the order at 4 pm my time, it is listed as 3pm.. The same happens with open trades. Why ?And a question, i connected the Oanda FXTrade, works very well congratsbut whats the update interval. 15 minutes ? Thanks..
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