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Demo trading
Nhà giao dịch mới
Aug 31, 2022 at 14:41
Some traders think that a demo account is only for beginners. You trade for 2-3 weeks and that's it.In fact, they do.Every professional trader will tell you that.The demo account is needed not only for learning trading.There are cases when you want to test a new indicator or trading strategy. It's very risky to do it on a live account.You should do it on a demo account first. It will be right and you won't lose money!
Patience is best tool to get success
Nhà giao dịch mới
Aug 27, 2022 at 18:15
No matter what anyone says, it's true.Patience is an important thing for any trader.He must understand that the great success will not come in the first month. It takes time. A few months for learning and years for training and experience.If a person is greedy and impatient, he cannot succeed in trading.This traders often make mistakes.... Fatal mistakes!
Sàn giao dịch
Apr 19, 2022 at 07:28
Favourite company for me and my team (i trade with a team)we used to trade with metatrader 4 back in a days and now we are developing our trading systemsas well as we testing it on different trading platforms so its also a kind of a research for us. we checking ctrader cbots also. seems nice too
Basic mistake we make
Thông tin chung
Jan 22, 2022 at 14:19
It is true, however, it is very difficult to keep on learning without having any results for a long time. This thing should be dealt on your own and there are some moments when you have just learn and get new knowledge whatever happens and after it you will be able to trade safely and efficiently.
When a trader is a newbie
Thông tin chung
Dec 25, 2021 at 18:52
I am sorry for being overcritical, but I consider this piece of advice to be useless. I mean that it is easier to be said that a trader should choose the right path instead of choosing the wrong path of learning. It goes without saying that before getting any result a person should learn and trading is one of those activities where learning is the key for a survival. It can be compared with flying a plane. If you start practising it before learning the fundamentals, you are going to die. Quite the same thing happens with trading but less dramatic, of course. You will definetely lose your budge...
How to answer what do you do for a living?
Nhà giao dịch có kinh nghiệm
Dec 08, 2021 at 09:05
Guess that you should answer the truth. If you earn money due to trading activity, then you have to say that you earn money due to trading. Don't pay attention to skeptical claims of those who would tell you that you do nothing and you're a lazy boy. Actually, those who ar skeptical towards trading will never be able even earning a penny, so just ignore such people. If someone asks you to explain how to earn money due to trading, then also you would better not to describe your strategy in details, because the market doesn't like competitors.
There is no short cut
Thông tin chung
Oct 06, 2021 at 20:14
Trading success needs time and huge efforts. It is impossible to reach consistent success in tight deadlines. You need to practise a lot and learn.
Confidence is very important
Thông tin chung
Sep 25, 2021 at 16:07
Confidence is always important but it shouldn't be exaggerated. There should be no fear before opening a deal because you should fully rely on your trading strategy.
Sàn giao dịch
Sep 06, 2021 at 14:18
For me HYCM broker became the second broker. I had to leave the first broker, because after some time problems with quotes and withdrawal started. Why did I choose this broker? First of all, because it is a multi-regulated broker. The broker has been on the financial market so long that it can be considered as one of the oldest brokers. It has stood the test of time and deserved the trust of thousands of traders. This is not some quick-fix money-laundering office. What is your opinion, why do you trade with this broker?
Arrogant advice
Nhà giao dịch mới
Sep 01, 2021 at 19:53
Yes, there are many people who fail in trading but I believe that those people are either thos who didn't treat trading forex seriously (they gambeled) or just idiots. If you don't want to be in those 95%, read more forums about forex and learn what it is all about in order not to have too high expectations from it.
Demo can not make you well experienced
Thông tin chung
Aug 25, 2021 at 19:37
I guess that those traders who claim that trading on demo account can somehow make you well experienced should never advice novices how to start off in trading activity wisely. Everything because demo account gives you nothing but the common understanding about trading activity. Also, it give you an opportunity to test, edit or create your trading strategy which you will use on a real account. Never rely on demo account and never think that you can trade there all the time. Once you won't notice how you started to be afraid of real account because you're afraid of losses. I advice trad...
Sàn giao dịch
Feb 12, 2021 at 20:10
"'ve recently joined your platform and I like your trading conditions. First, I was somewhat puzzled by the inability to choose from several trading accounts, but then I realized that the availability of one universal trading account is an advantage. I should say that previously I dealt with fixed accounts only because I was afraid of working with floating ones. It’s because I once traded with a broker whose spreads tend to unexpectedly widen and they did it too much. But I tested spreads on the Fondex demo account. I liked it. I cautiously did the same on a real account. The wa...
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