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Admiral Markets is ok. I am from Tallinn but Tallinex is not reliable...
Let me warn everyone of Ronny Kortgård Kortgaard from Norway, Ronny Kortgård Kortgaard the scam or scammer is also a IML member imarketslive.com,
My pamm account was connected to him through the broker Tallinex.com a total deposit of $2800,he blew this in less than two weeks this is the chat we had after the account had gone.....
[02:08:44] Charlie Man S3: why don't you explain to your clients .....what you been doing?
[02:09:01] Ronny Kortgård Kortgaard: what is there to explain.
[02:09:02] Ronny Kortgård Kortgaard: ?
[02:09:06] Ronny Kortgård Kortgaard: reaaally?=
[02:09:06] Charlie Man S3: I rang you because you blew our money in less than 2 weeks
[02:09:14] Ronny Kortgård Kortgaard: what is it to say?
[02:09:18] Ronny Kortgård Kortgaard: the account is gone
[02:09:28] Ronny Kortgård Kortgaard: what can i say?
[02:09:30] Charlie Man S3: why you blown the account and not use SL in your trades?
[02:09:42] Charlie Man S3: how about sorry?
[02:09:45] Ronny Kortgård Kortgaard: NO!
[02:14:51] Ronny Kortgård Kortgaard: well i dont care.
[02:15:11] Ronny Kortgård Kortgaard: Douche
[02:15:33] Ronny Kortgård Kortgaard: now go and cry over Your 100 bucks you los. you fucking looser
To make you aware it was not 100 bucks it was $2800
So let this be a warning Mr Ronny Kortguard cannot trade,he does not use Stop Loss,he is gamblering with other people money,and you can see from the chat he does not give a shit.
Ps. This is NOT and i repeat NOT the fault of Tallinex.com as they are an excellent broker and have dealt with this this matter in a very professional manner by disconnecting Mr Ronny Kortgard from the accounts and black listing him.Stay away from this trader unless you want to loose all your money.....when he blew the account he also managed to put it in a negitive balance!
I hope this can help protect us all from these rogue coyboy unprofessional traders.
I have traded with tallinex for years. I have deposited and withdrawn money with them and both are handled efficiently and quickly. Their trading model is as an ecn using integral as the liquidity provider. So, whatever spread, etc. you get will be shared by many at many other such brokers. Customer service is well-done via chat and is similarly efficient. They are honest. This is not a bucket shop. I have nothing but good things to say about them and they are a particularly good venue for american refugees from the sorry rip-off artists passing as forex brokers in this country, with regulatory agents out to protect you from making a dime in forex. That's all.
if you want to get ripped of, do trade with them!
I have never been so angry with a broker! This is my first time I have been scammed by a broker during my trading career.
Stay as far as possible from them!!!!!!!!!
The ironic part is that I was trading with a tiny fund of below 6k with them, to see their performance... imagine if I went with normal equities of 40k and plus.
From an experienced trader, take my advice, do not trade with them, you'll regret it.
anybody would tell us about slippage with them?
Tallinex is one of the BEST brokers I ever dealt with. They are honest, reliable, and their support is fast. I would rate them more than 5 if I could.
Stay away If you value your hard earned money. Just a quick research show tallinex is not regulated to provide financial services and is also registered in St Vincent and the Grenadines which is often used for money laundering.
Nonetheless, the legal, supervisory, and regulatory systems of St. Vincent and the Grenadines at present create significant opportunities and tools for the laundering and protection of the proceeds of crime and allow criminals who make use of those systems to increase significantly their chances to evade effective investigation or punishment. The structural weaknesses in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. laws increase the possibility that transactions involving banks or other entities and accounts maintained in St. Vincent and the Grenadines will be used for illegal purposes.