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Příspěvky od
Apr 05, 2023 at 14:45
If the funding was straightforward, then no issues withdrawing money as well. In fact, there are no difficulties withdrawing profits as the company clearly describes the overall process and the quantity of propose payment methods is impressive.
Reccomendation for EA
Noví obchodníci
Aug 17, 2022 at 19:50
The majority opinion is quite objective in this matter, when you are in control of the situation yourself it is always a good thing.
Which exotic pairs are good to use for trading?
Noví obchodníci
Aug 14, 2022 at 17:09
It is difficult to give specific advice on such matters. It is not, after all, a general recommendation.) So maybe you should listen to the majority opinion - use basic or cross pairs, and try exotics on demo for now and draw conclusions.Maybe with time you will give up the idea altogether.
Help me learn technical analysis
Jan 12, 2022 at 09:18
Everything you need is just to find some eucation content, whether it's provided by your broker or you will find it by your own for example on various forums like this one, it doesn't really matter. If you are interested from where you need to start, then I can advice you to start from the definitions of forex trading, trends, trend reversal and basic indicators, such as MAs, RSI, Bollinger bands, read some information about patterns like triangle, flags and so on. The matter here is to understand the mechanics of these indicators, then you will be definitely able to understand why the...
What is your trading schedule?
Noví obchodníci
Nov 09, 2021 at 15:10
Every trader determines his/her schedule by himself/herself, according to their daily schedule. I personally try to trade every day. I'm fond of scalping and always try to make up to 15 trades per day. I try not to make as much trades as I can, but I reach for the result. If I reach the result on my day for 5 trades, I usually stop. However, sometimes I want to continue, despite the fact that I wisely understand that I'd better stop. Always try to control your emotions in such cases. Emotions sometimes can betray you a lot and you will be able to lose everything you earned.
Fear of losing
Oct 21, 2021 at 09:47
Fear of losing is something that drives traders crazy actually. They always try to win this fear and every day starts from a struggle with these fears. To my mind, it's the most difficult task in trading activity. I mean the task to set up your mood and understand that you have to control your emotions. I believe the most effective way is to look in the eys of your fears. Try to fight them despite the fact that these fears always try to take over control your mental health. Traders shouldn't be afraid of losses, because loss is a great teacher and it helps traders to foresee further st...
Best Crypto to Invest in these Times.
Sep 13, 2021 at 19:22
I consider ethereum as the best cryptocurrency nowadays which traders who are fond of cryptotrading should invest in. Well, some traders can claim that cryptocurrency is the worst asset which trader can invest in, because it's highly volatile and it's almost impossible to foresee the future price movement, however, I'm sure that it's possible. The main thing in cryptotrading is to combine fundamental analysis with technical i guess. You should check the crypto news and conduct technical analysis before the trading day or trading week. In this case, there are much more chance to...
You don't need to be
Jul 27, 2021 at 18:18
The writer of the text is absolutely right by saying that we cannot be 100% correct about the market and all of its movements. It is true that if there is adequate risk reward ratio, there is no need to be 100% right to make forex trading profitable. 50% of success can bring you profits.
where to invest money to get good returns
Zkušení obchodníci
Oct 27, 2020 at 18:30
You may be able to find what you want to invest in, but it isn't a fact that it will bring you income. I would say that 2020 isn't the best year for a successful investment, as the pandemic has affected all areas of our lives. This is pretty sad, but it is true :c All we can do now is hope that things will get better and the situation overall will get better. But for now, if I were you, I would rather refrain from making any investments, especially large ones.
Sep 08, 2020 at 19:47
Brokerage has stable and long lasting reputation and for me that's the most important thing. Really, there are nothing special to offer, except sync-trading but process is well organized and you're very unlikely to face any difficulties. Overall, if you're looking just for a place to keep on trading, than TeleTrade is a good place to be trading there.
How to Avoid Forex Losses In Forex Trading?
Noví obchodníci
Sep 01, 2020 at 17:06
1. Work more on a demo.2. Do not increase risks.3. Determine the allowable drawdown percentage.4. Using current strategies.5. Keeping statistics on a regular basis.
Trading using community outlook
Jun 21, 2020 at 14:26
You know, the point is that there are traders who trade against the trend and there are traders who trade against the trend. And both formats can be called working and efficient.The other question is that most of the traders from these two groups use different methods of market analysis, choose different timeframes and even differently insure themselves in the market.
7 Benefits of using stoplosses
May 10, 2020 at 15:06
It's a great list with benefits. I think it's very well-formed. My friend and I recently talked about using stop loss. He's not using it, and he's been asking about benefits. But I couldn't make so many arguments in it's favor, so we decided to postpone the argument. I can't believe I found this thread on the forum so well in time.
scalping is risky ?
Apr 07, 2020 at 18:22
Thinking that forex is a simple way to get a lot of money in a shortwhile is the major cause of traders failing and quiting. No one canbet forex is untill they get into it. The ads on youtube will make it seem like a simplse thing like downloading a trading app, creating an account, investing, making predictions, waiting for the trade to end and finally withdrawing the money.
Coronavirus outbreak - markets
Mar 28, 2020 at 16:09
As for me everything is very bad entirely and absolutely on basically every possible level here, I do assume all will fix itself. But I plan to to make buys on every money I have now and just wait out over time till it work again with new waves entirely.
When you choose your pair.
Noví obchodníci
Feb 12, 2020 at 18:00
If I work with currency pairs, I try to find those that have the greatest movement potential - that's all...
Whats Dominan Your Strategy ?
Feb 05, 2020 at 18:31
I couldn't understand your question anyway on so many parameters I am not even able to discuss it. Where else we can do it? Which dominant if I am not mistaken. Can you really see it or not? I need to get going with such matter please.
Brokers ban deposits from Neteller/Skrill
Jan 30, 2020 at 18:20
And they for sure have all the rights to do that cause both of that systems are very very shady anyway on so many reasons I will not even start to describe. How we can compete with that matter? I do not see what is going on there for them?
Currency esteems.
Jan 04, 2020 at 10:12
Exchange rate are constantly changing and are affected with a great number of factors, so for common traders that's impossible to calculate them all, there is no even reason to do so. Traders, even huge funds, are trying to move forward the trend and to buy or sell before the trend become visible, that's why currencly esteems never remain stable.
Beginners Greed
Dec 07, 2019 at 15:23
It seems to me that greed is not so bad, especially when it comes to greed for knowledge. Although if you want a lot of money, it's also a normal desire. Another thing is that many people in the pursuit of financial achievements forget about the basic rules of trading and it leads to losses. No matter what happens, you should follow the rules in this business. And any risk you choose for yourself should be justified, otherwise you risk being in an unpleasant situation. Moreover, even the first loss can lead to the fact that a person is basically disappointed in this business and just does ...
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