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Global Trading Pros 1:5
Obchodní systémy
Mar 09, 2017 at 16:07
Hi Jcarre,The 1:5 account updates work again.Best regards,John
Global Trading Pros 1:5
Obchodní systémy
Mar 09, 2017 at 13:25
Hi Jcarre,We have the settings to update every 30 min, this issue is not from our side why it is not updated the last 3 days.We have send to myfxbook already a e-mail to ask to fix this issue and we wait now for them to fix it and update us.We will let you know as soon it is fixed or when we get a update from myfxbook.Best regards,John
Global Trading Pros 1:5
Obchodní systémy
Feb 28, 2017 at 12:03
Hi Greenday7711,We like to inform you that the 1:5 account is updated again.Best regards,John
Global Trading Pros 1:5
Obchodní systémy
Feb 28, 2017 at 10:48
Hi Greenday7711,Thanks for informing us, there is noting wrong with our account so we will contact myfxbook why it has not been updated.Best regards,John
Global Trading Pros 1:5
Obchodní systémy
Feb 16, 2017 at 08:07
Hello,That can only if you open a live account by our partner broker: We not provide a signal this is a manged account traded with a MAM system.Best regards,John
Global Trading Pros 1:5
Obchodní systémy
Jan 30, 2017 at 09:26
Dear Krugo,Thanks for your nice words and in this way it is related to our services and i can simply answer on this that ACM FX know and approved our trade and risk management already for 18 moths. ACM FX scalping policy is based on close trades under 10 pips with in short time frames and we place 15 pips stops and 25 pips profit targets so this is not even close to what is written in there terms and conditions. Also we have a good relation with ACM FX and if we would trade against there terms and conditions they would warn us or discuss this with us. Also not one of our clients/investors had ...
Global Trading Pros 1:5
Obchodní systémy
Jan 29, 2017 at 15:50
Dear Greenday7711,Thanks for understanding.Best Regards,John
Global Trading Pros 1:5
Obchodní systémy
Jan 29, 2017 at 12:12
Dear Krugo,Or anybody else who like to discuss about ACM FX terms and conditions or anything else related to the broker ACM FX we advise to contact ACM FX and not us, we have noting to do with this issue or points. Also it are not our terms and conditions and we only discuss or give answers about our product and services and not about others.Best regards,John
Global Trading Pros 1:5
Obchodní systémy
Jan 29, 2017 at 08:11
Dear Krugo,Or anybody else who like to discuss about ACM FX terms and conditions or anything else related to the broker ACM FX we advise to contact ACM FX and not us, we have noting to do with this issue or points. Also it are not our terms and conditions and we only discuss or give answers about our product and services and not about others.Best regards,John
Global Trading Pros 1:5
Obchodní systémy
Jan 27, 2017 at 09:11
Dear Greenday and 0808,If there is a dispute over a self trading account with scalping by ACM FX could you do this somewhere else!!We have noting to do with this issue and we are not the broker we are just money mangers who use ACM FX liquidity bridge for our investors.Thanks for understanding.Best regards,John
Global Trading Pros 1:5
Obchodní systémy
Jan 18, 2017 at 09:05
Hi Punter48,I understand your point about unregulated brokers but ACM FX is not set up for self traders and retail clients.I will also advise self traders if you choose a retail broker who trade against you to have a good regulator in the USA, UK or EU.ACM FX is set up for money mangers like us and only give us a better and direct access to the best liquidity pool what exist out of the biggest banks and they are better cover then the retail brokers so we are fine with this and happy with the spreads and execution we get.Our clients funds by ACM FX are also held on segregated accounts the same ...
Global Trading Pros 1:5
Obchodní systémy
Jan 10, 2017 at 12:43
Dear DynamixFX,I can only say that our clients never had any problems with withdrawal any of there funds what is traded by us.I have ask for you by ACM FX compliance department and they say that this account is under investigation because your wife did not keep here self on the trading terms and conditions and this has to do with scalping what is not allowed by ACM FX.The also have told me that they have replied and send several e-mails explaining your wife but that she react very rude to them and keep asking the same question.We can't do much more for you as your wife is not a client of u...
Global Trading Pros 1:5
Obchodní systémy
Jan 04, 2017 at 09:31
Dear Johntrung,We not refuse anything as hardly nobody have ask us to do so only a very small amount of potential clients with very small amount of investment funds have ask us this, ACM FX is maybe not in your eyes a good trusted broker but for us and many of our investors they are.We understand your point and you prefer to place your money by a regulated retail broker but we choose for a broker who is specially set up for money mangers with direct access to the liquidity providers and not trade against there clients.This way we have a much better spread and execution what create a better res...
Global Trading Pros 1:5
Obchodní systémy
Nov 22, 2016 at 09:27
Dear DynamixFX,We understand your concerns we can only confirm that our clients in the last 14 months sins we trade our MAM account by ACM FX have had no problems with any withdrawals.Unfortunately i can't give any names of our clients as they have to come forward them self.If there is anything we can help you with just contact us.Best regards,John.
Global Trading Pros 1:5
Obchodní systémy
Nov 18, 2016 at 13:25
Dear Zenlogic,The account size is fine, we start from accounts of $ 1.000,- so $ 2.000,- is good enough.You can only get our trades if you open a Live account by our partner broker ACM FX: Our strategy is very simple, low risk and volume, only one trade per day. Most of the time entry is between 7 am and 9 am before EU and UK markets open and let it run with preset Stop loss of 15 pips and Profit targets of 25 pips. You can see in our history tab all daily trades.Best regards,John
Global Trading Pros 1:5
Obchodní systémy
Nov 17, 2016 at 08:51
Dear Jos,There are a lot of traders who take similar trades and have same trade and risk management as us, this is no secret.We all see the same charts and technical analysis and if you learn the same education in the past you also see the same trade set up.The only way where we know Sakura FX from is that the in the past also bring clients by ACM FX and as it is a small world this days but we have no work relation with them.Best regards,John
Global Trading Pros 1:5
Obchodní systémy
Oct 03, 2016 at 13:06
Thanks for the compliment Paul.
Global Trading Pros 1:5
Obchodní systémy
Sep 27, 2016 at 12:46
Hello,We have noting to do with Sakura other that we both bring our clients to ACM FX but we do know them, they take different trades as us as, they have a different trader then us and they use a EA what you need to place on your MT4 account to copy there trades and we use professional MAM system so that all our clients get the exact same trades, entries and exits.We don't double up we always take max 1 trade a day most of the time end of Asian market and before start of European markets and place always 15 pips stop and 25 pips profit target and just let it go. If we think it don make the...
Global Trading Pros 1:5
Obchodní systémy
Sep 27, 2016 at 08:59
In that case i have put the open trades live for 24 hours today so you can see it, i also attach the screenshot of today open trades.You can always open a small live account by ACM FX and deposit $ 1.000,- that is the minimum account size and then you can try us out as long you want, you can stop every day and withdrawal your funds or profits as funds are every day free on the account after we close our daily trade.To open a live account by ACM FX you can do this from our website:
Global Trading Pros 1:5
Obchodní systémy
Sep 27, 2016 at 04:18
Besides i never asked to use or copy your signals!Sorry I mix you up with others in this chat page as now i see that on this same page and same chat i answer to 3 or 4 different people!! They ask it and wanted to copy it or ask if they can see the open trades so they can copy it, I say it again, we are not interested and looking for clients on myfxbook, we just place our track record here to show to our own clients as this is more easy, nicer and clear to read for our clients/investors then it was before with a accounted office and all the paper statements.
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