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Obchodní systémy
Jun 23, 2013 at 15:13
I am using forex grid trader, however, this E2_MART worked by chance since there was not any crash at the beginning and there is no possibility to withdraw money from demo account so balance increased and it was enough to survive the huge market movement. My live accounts using the same strategy were blown up in mid-may.
Steam Light - Trading stopped
Obchodní systémy
Feb 28, 2013 at 19:19
I am currently using TP 5 SL 10 maxtrades 2, risk 0,5-1% on my steam accounts.
Steam Light - Trading stopped
Obchodní systémy
Feb 27, 2013 at 21:18
This is what is written on the main page of, they say manual intervention is included.Disclaimer: In the interest of full disclosure we can not say that these results are representative of all users. We simply share the results we personally achieved on our accounts during our forex trading. Our results are not indicative of future performance or success. We are not implying that these results can be generally expected or achieved by anyone. There is a substantial risk of loss associated with trading Forex. Past performances do not necessarily indicate future results! Some of th...
Steam Light - Trading stopped
Obchodní systémy
Feb 07, 2013 at 20:54
Hi guys,I noticed since mid-january there are not good conditions for the forex steam with my custom settings and I also noticed that default settings were doing well in January so I switched the settings. However, these days are not good either using default settings so I lowered the lotsize to 0,1 and 0,2 respectively and I will check how it will perform further in february. I am also testing other parameters on demos and maybe one of them will be better in the long term.As for maxtrades 2, I was told by Paul from Forex Steam support about 6 months ago that they use maxtrades 2 on their acco...
Steam Light - Trading stopped
Obchodní systémy
Jan 31, 2013 at 20:18
I believe it was a good thing :) However, I plan to have one account with small balance and risk 5-10% in the future. Just to try fortune 😄
Steam Light - Trading stopped
Obchodní systémy
Jan 29, 2013 at 19:36
Hi Ken,As for the news filter, we would need to test both v5.1 and v5.2 versions in the long term to see if there is any difference. If not, we could say the news filter does not work...Steam is not opening trades on Fridays, so I can't check the non farm payroll reports.As for the divergence, your results are close to my ECN Pro FinFx account Other divergence can be caused by the different brokers as Surrealistik stated (I noticed that also on my accounts...Pepperstone vs FinFX) and also 2 following factors are i...
Steam Light - Trading stopped
Obchodní systémy
Jan 28, 2013 at 20:39
As Ken wrote, we are still waiting on the vendor reply.
Steam Light - Trading stopped
Obchodní systémy
Jan 28, 2013 at 20:22
Before I switched to v5.2 with the news filter, I used v5.1 in parallel a few weeks and both versions made the same trades. So yes, it seems that the news filter does not stop EA from trading. But I don't know it for 100% since I am currently using just v5.2 with the news filter.
Steam Light - Trading stopped
Obchodní systémy
Jan 28, 2013 at 19:56
Hi Surrealistik,On real accounts, I use 30min before/30min after, on demo 60min before/60min after. However, it seems that the news filter has not any effect to trading of Steam.
Steam Light - Trading stopped
Obchodní systémy
Jan 23, 2013 at 20:44
Hi Surrealistik,I currently have my accounts under Cashbackforex IB and I don't plan to open an account at IC Markets this year. The reason is simple, I already have enough live accounts :)In any case, thank you for your offer ;-)Radek
Steam Light - Trading stopped
Obchodní systémy
Jan 23, 2013 at 20:41
Hi Ken,I had 2 losses yesterday :) Trade you are talking about hopefully closed around BE.I don't know the reason of huge volatility in January. December was exceptional month I think. If you look at my demo account, there is a history since Sep 2012., my VPS provider UCVHost had an outage today without informing me so 2 trades haven't been opened on most of my live accounts 😇 This is the second unexpected outage in last 6 months and I don't trust them anymore. Hopefully I have another 2 V...
Steam Light - Trading stopped
Obchodní systémy
Jan 22, 2013 at 22:17
Hi Ken,It seems it is a black Tuesday for Steam :( I hope it will retain its profitability in the long term :)Ok, I will focus on martingales going forward, thank you for letting me know that mainly martingales generates profit in the long term. I know I have to learn much yet...Thank you Ken,Radek
Steam Light - Trading stopped
Obchodní systémy
Jan 22, 2013 at 20:26
Hi Ken,Vendor says this about installing the News filter:1.Download/Copy/Save the “News” MQ4/EX4 files into your C:\Program Files\MetaTrader 4\experts\indicators folder2.Close your MetaTrader application (assuming it’s currently open … Ignore this if the application hasn’t been launched)3.Launch your MetaTrader application (it is now working)To be honest, I am always testing the new steam version on demo before switching it to live accounts. When I had v5.1 and v5.2 running in parallel, they both traded the same way. So my opinion is that the news filter has no e...
Steam Light - Trading stopped
Obchodní systémy
Jan 21, 2013 at 21:26
Hi Ken,It is relatively large adjustment, however only for TP and SL inputs. Default is TP 10 and SL 90, with Pips retrace of 20, which was not always working for me well and it continued up to 90 very often. Default settings do not take an advantage of trailing stop loss, the secret function I found by accident by increasing TP value :) It is moving every 15 pips. First move is near to break even level at 15pips by the right way. My colleagues started trading Steam either so I think there will be many accounts with good results on myfxbook after some time.Kind regards,Radek
Steam Light - Trading stopped
Obchodní systémy
Jan 15, 2013 at 13:00
It is working fine for me. Please check your firewall, browser and other settings.
Steam Light - Trading stopped
Obchodní systémy
Jan 15, 2013 at 12:50
Hi Viltus,Please check it now. It may be possible that the provider had any tehchnical issue 7 hours ago.Thank you and regards,Radek
Steam Light - Trading stopped
Obchodní systémy
Jan 14, 2013 at 22:00
Hi Surrealistik,I am letting the EA to do all the trading without my intervention.Regards,Radek
Steam Light - Trading stopped
Obchodní systémy
Jan 14, 2013 at 22:00
Hi Ken,Thank you for the warning. I also tried the default Steam settings on Demo and I saw the same results as you described. However, I started to play with the settings and I think I found some settings for good performance. And I am still trying other settings to get it better :)Regards,Radek
Steam Light - Trading stopped
Obchodní systémy
Jan 13, 2013 at 19:45
I just finished the website showing the settings used on all of my accounts. Visit
Steam Light 2 5/10-2 1% - Trading stopped
Obchodní systémy
Jan 13, 2013 at 19:45
I just finished the website showing the settings used on all of my accounts. Visit
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