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Broker delete my trading history ?!?!

Sep 03, 2009からメンバー
13 投稿
Apr 03, 2010 at 18:20
Jul 31, 2009からメンバー
1418 投稿
This is an issue on our side, due to the recent timezone shift.
We're already aware of the issue and fixes will be made probably tomorrow, when maintenance will be performed.
Please note, the trades are still being accounted for in the statistics, only hidden in the history section if closed in the last hour.
Apologize for the inconvenience.
We're already aware of the issue and fixes will be made probably tomorrow, when maintenance will be performed.
Please note, the trades are still being accounted for in the statistics, only hidden in the history section if closed in the last hour.
Apologize for the inconvenience.
