Myfxbook Autotrade

Mar 06, 2013 at 06:51
59,632 視聴
943 Replies
Mar 02, 2016からメンバー   23 投稿
Aug 29, 2017 at 12:33
bfis108137 posted:
I have been trading since April with good results although August was not so great

Thanks everyone for your feedback. So far fxtrader holds the world record with 5 months trading with Autotrade 😄. I hope there is more people out there but not posting in this thread.

I would like to ask your opinion of nightprofits and ninjatrader and if you are copying them, I know you have already commented their high correlation and I do not question they might be profitable for the signal providers but with expectancys of 3.0 and 3.1 I really doubt they will be profitable for us, specially when the avg. slippage will be around minus 2 - 3 pips (not sure if this average is calculated by myfxbook and I am not sure how to calculat it). They caused the mayority of my losses and I was waiting for their recovery but I decided to quit them today after noticing an slipagge of 9.7 pips in a nighprofits GBPCHF trade.
May 13, 2016からメンバー   1 投稿
Sep 03, 2017 at 06:55
jeffkoo posted:
I can see there's a significant drop on the signal provider subscribers number indicator. Is it only showing Real account subscribers now?

I noticed the same thing today when i logged in, last time I checked Lucky Pound had over 3000 subscribers, now it has 1120. Also I found my demo account expired sometime after Aug. 20. Maybe this has something to do with the lost subscribers?
Mar 02, 2016からメンバー   23 投稿
Sep 19, 2017 at 14:43
About NinjaTrader and NightProfits:

I know it has been commented that they are highly correlated but I wanted to know how many of you are subscribed to these and what was your experience. Here comes mine:

NightProfits: After 1 month subscribed (August) and losing a lot I decided to cancel the subscription, it seems that it is copying NinjaTrader trades (as they are done a little bit later) and I assume it copies also some other trades to make it harder to detect. I think Myfxbook should do something with this.

NinjaTrader: I decided to cancel the subscription at the same time than Nightprofits but being too greedy I subscribed back a week ago. Today I am out again and will never subscribe back and these are the reasons why I think we should run away from these strategies:

- 3.1 expectancy pips is not great but seems to be good enough. Issue is that at the end of the day when you factor the actual slippage you will get a very different picture. I have copied 44 NinjaTrader trades since August and the average slippage turned out to be negative -2.46 pips. If this slippage is the standard one and I have no reason to argue that due to the nature of this system, then the recalculated expectancy will be reduced down to 0.64 pips.... No way this can be profitable for the subscribers.

- Then we have missing trades, those trades that are not copied for any reason. Unfortunately despite how myfxbook does this make absolutely sense it is always reducing our profits. "If a trade can not be copied the it will keep on trying to copy it if the current price is better than the original price" -> So those trades that are winning trades since the very first moment to the end will never be copied. What would be the final recalculated expectancy?? I can't calculate as I don't have stats for trades not done but probably close to 0 if not negative.

So this is how a wining system for the trader becomes a losing system for the subscriber.

I came to the conclusion that I will never subscribe to any strategy with less than 4 pips expectancy.

I think myfxbook should do its best to add average slippage stats into autotrade so we can make smarter decisions as it is just impossible for us to calculate that until it is too late.

Let me know your thoughts.
Jul 18, 2015からメンバー   24 投稿
Sep 19, 2017 at 23:17
I noticed a lot subscribers facing issues with NightProfit and NightTrader and I had been through the same thing therefore I decided to apply for provider position. But it has been one week and there is no reply to my email and my status for application is still pending. My stats should be enough to become a provider. Hope I can get listed so I can help everyone to grow their account together with me.
What you do today determine what you become tomorrow
Nov 30, 2009からメンバー   135 投稿
Sep 21, 2017 at 06:46
milktm posted:
I noticed a lot subscribers facing issues with NightProfit and NightTrader and I had been through the same thing therefore I decided to apply for provider position. But it has been one week and there is no reply to my email and my status for application is still pending. My stats should be enough to become a provider. Hope I can get listed so I can help everyone to grow their account together with me.

Please review the rules for becoming a signal provider. I believe your account is not compliant.

I looking forward to seeing your strategy listed in AT. Thanks
exquisite entries with calculated exits
Jul 18, 2015からメンバー   24 投稿
Sep 21, 2017 at 10:08
Aimak posted:
milktm posted:
I noticed a lot subscribers facing issues with NightProfit and NightTrader and I had been through the same thing therefore I decided to apply for provider position. But it has been one week and there is no reply to my email and my status for application is still pending. My stats should be enough to become a provider. Hope I can get listed so I can help everyone to grow their account together with me.

Please review the rules for becoming a signal provider. I believe your account is not compliant.

I looking forward to seeing your strategy listed in AT. Thanks

Aimak Rokalno, I'm not sure which part does not comply with the signal provider rules. My SGKen account fulfilled all the criterias and I had apply for signal provider and it shows as pending already. Please share with me on what you see so I can go through it. Thanks!


What you do today determine what you become tomorrow
Mar 02, 2016からメンバー   23 投稿
Sep 21, 2017 at 14:27
milktm posted:
Aimak posted:
milktm posted:
I noticed a lot subscribers facing issues with NightProfit and NightTrader and I had been through the same thing therefore I decided to apply for provider position. But it has been one week and there is no reply to my email and my status for application is still pending. My stats should be enough to become a provider. Hope I can get listed so I can help everyone to grow their account together with me.

Please review the rules for becoming a signal provider. I believe your account is not compliant.

I looking forward to seeing your strategy listed in AT. Thanks

Aimak Rokalno, I'm not sure which part does not comply with the signal provider rules. My SGKen account fulfilled all the criterias and I had apply for signal provider and it shows as pending already. Please share with me on what you see so I can go through it. Thanks!

Usually they take some weeks to answer but at least you do not have the minimum balance. You should have at least 1000 USD during the last 3 months
Jul 18, 2015からメンバー   24 投稿
Sep 21, 2017 at 23:15
Agagon posted:
milktm posted:
Aimak posted:
milktm posted:
I noticed a lot subscribers facing issues with NightProfit and NightTrader and I had been through the same thing therefore I decided to apply for provider position. But it has been one week and there is no reply to my email and my status for application is still pending. My stats should be enough to become a provider. Hope I can get listed so I can help everyone to grow their account together with me.

Please review the rules for becoming a signal provider. I believe your account is not compliant.

I looking forward to seeing your strategy listed in AT. Thanks

Aimak Rokalno, I'm not sure which part does not comply with the signal provider rules. My SGKen account fulfilled all the criterias and I had apply for signal provider and it shows as pending already. Please share with me on what you see so I can go through it. Thanks!

Usually they take some weeks to answer but at least you do not have the minimum balance. You should have at least 1000 USD during the last 3 months

So during the 3 months, the account must always have a minimum of USD1000?
What you do today determine what you become tomorrow
Mar 02, 2016からメンバー   23 投稿
Sep 24, 2017 at 06:33
Item 7 below:

What is a proven track record?

A connected real and verified MetaTrader 4 account with Myfxbook with at least 3 months history.
Drawdown of no more than 50%.
Return of at least 10% and higher than drawdown.
Average pip per trade (expectancy) of at least 3.
Average trade time over 5 minutes.
System must not use any martingale/grid techniques.
An account balance of at least $1000 for the last 3 months of trading.
At least 100 trades.
Jun 21, 2015からメンバー   25 投稿
Sep 25, 2017 at 06:21
milktm posted:
Agagon posted:
milktm posted:
Aimak posted:
milktm posted:
I noticed a lot subscribers facing issues with NightProfit and NightTrader and I had been through the same thing therefore I decided to apply for provider position. But it has been one week and there is no reply to my email and my status for application is still pending. My stats should be enough to become a provider. Hope I can get listed so I can help everyone to grow their account together with me.

Please review the rules for becoming a signal provider. I believe your account is not compliant.

I looking forward to seeing your strategy listed in AT. Thanks

Aimak Rokalno, I'm not sure which part does not comply with the signal provider rules. My SGKen account fulfilled all the criterias and I had apply for signal provider and it shows as pending already. Please share with me on what you see so I can go through it. Thanks!

Usually they take some weeks to answer but at least you do not have the minimum balance. You should have at least 1000 USD during the last 3 months

So during the 3 months, the account must always have a minimum of USD1000?

I suspect the reason could be that not your entire account is public: Eg- cannot view your open trade/hisotry/pending orders. If you look into all the autotrade systems, we are able to tell their historical trades as well as those being opened.
Mar 02, 2016からメンバー   23 投稿
Sep 25, 2017 at 14:48
What are your results during September? I am losing less than 1%, obviously much better than August but still very far away from being profitable, I am very concerned about those trades that are not copied so the results of the copy system will never be the same than the original (even before slippage)
Jul 18, 2015からメンバー   24 投稿
Sep 27, 2017 at 10:54
javforex posted:
milktm posted:
Agagon posted:
milktm posted:
Aimak posted:
milktm posted:
I noticed a lot subscribers facing issues with NightProfit and NightTrader and I had been through the same thing therefore I decided to apply for provider position. But it has been one week and there is no reply to my email and my status for application is still pending. My stats should be enough to become a provider. Hope I can get listed so I can help everyone to grow their account together with me.

Please review the rules for becoming a signal provider. I believe your account is not compliant.

I looking forward to seeing your strategy listed in AT. Thanks

Aimak Rokalno, I'm not sure which part does not comply with the signal provider rules. My SGKen account fulfilled all the criterias and I had apply for signal provider and it shows as pending already. Please share with me on what you see so I can go through it. Thanks!

Usually they take some weeks to answer but at least you do not have the minimum balance. You should have at least 1000 USD during the last 3 months

So during the 3 months, the account must always have a minimum of USD1000?

I suspect the reason could be that not your entire account is public: Eg- cannot view your open trade/hisotry/pending orders. If you look into all the autotrade systems, we are able to tell their historical trades as well as those being opened.

I believe trades history are only shown after it has been approved as one of the trade provider. Those who are autotrade provider, please correct me if i'm wrong. Thanks!
What you do today determine what you become tomorrow
Jul 18, 2015からメンバー   24 投稿
Sep 27, 2017 at 10:54
Agagon posted:
Item 7 below:

What is a proven track record?

A connected real and verified MetaTrader 4 account with Myfxbook with at least 3 months history.
Drawdown of no more than 50%.
Return of at least 10% and higher than drawdown.
Average pip per trade (expectancy) of at least 3.
Average trade time over 5 minutes.
System must not use any martingale/grid techniques.
An account balance of at least $1000 for the last 3 months of trading.
At least 100 trades.

What you do today determine what you become tomorrow
Jul 12, 2016からメンバー   80 投稿
Sep 28, 2017 at 06:53
yes i am also in autotrade
Nov 30, 2016からメンバー   8 投稿
Sep 29, 2017 at 09:34
sparkplug2150 posted:
jeffkoo posted:
I can see there's a significant drop on the signal provider subscribers number indicator. Is it only showing Real account subscribers now?

I noticed the same thing today when i logged in, last time I checked Lucky Pound had over 3000 subscribers, now it has 1120. Also I found my demo account expired sometime after Aug. 20. Maybe this has something to do with the lost subscribers?

I also noticed this. Looks like expired demo account have been removed. I am curious how many live accounts are following each provider.
May 13, 2017からメンバー   18 投稿
Sep 29, 2017 at 09:35
Hi If you want to kwon more about my strategic sent me a email average of win 11 %
You can have simple strategic but with a good money management system and discipline you will get the goal without problem
Dec 24, 2015からメンバー   2 投稿
Sep 29, 2017 at 09:36

Hey guys
What do you think of Turtle EUR system?

It has an expectancy above 5. Good profit factor (3.28) and no losing month so far.
Oct 16, 2013からメンバー   18 投稿
Oct 01, 2017 at 06:19
andresgc67 posted:

Hey guys
What do you think of Turtle EUR system?

It has an expectancy above 5. Good profit factor (3.28) and no losing month so far.

The only risk I see is that he trades with, what is effectively, no stop loss, as it is such a large stop loss (1200 pips). I think when things go against him and they keep going against him, he closes trades manually for a loss at his discretion. I think he basically works on the principle that the EURUSD will never trend for too long and therefore, always, at some point, come back to his level.

His stops are essentially 1200 pips. If that was to get hit in something like a flash crash, it would cause quite a dent.
Apr 23, 2017からメンバー   17 投稿
Oct 01, 2017 at 06:19
I think I'm done with ninjatrainer, his trades just don't make sense to me.. and there is a disturbing similarity between his, nightprofits and gpb4...
Apr 18, 2017からメンバー   659 投稿
Oct 01, 2017 at 06:22
Till now I can’t attach my account here, don’t know why? But I tried all of method of account attaching!
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