Comment of the day or of the trade投票結果
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Comment of the day or of the trade 討論
Aug 20, 2009 at 17:39
Jul 31, 2009からメンバー
1418 投稿
Could you elaborate on that one please?
Your portfolio may consist of several systems, each system has it's own discussion thread ('Discuss' link at the top of the system page).
Do want to have some sort of a blog attached to your overall portfolio?
Your portfolio may consist of several systems, each system has it's own discussion thread ('Discuss' link at the top of the system page).
Do want to have some sort of a blog attached to your overall portfolio?
Aug 20, 2009 at 19:49
Aug 13, 2009からメンバー
10 投稿
I'd like in the history tab add a comment in the trade that I want, to specify why I enter or exit. A blog or something similar could be interesting becouse sometimes could I need to express the feelings of the trade day.
Discussion thread is not available on private portfolios.
Discussion thread is not available on private portfolios.
Aug 21, 2009 at 08:02
Jul 31, 2009からメンバー
1418 投稿
Thank you for that explanation zetapaf.
Discussions are not available on private portfolios as by their nature discussions are public, therefore you can't use it until your system goes public.
Do you mean to create a private discussion for yourself? Sort of a private journal?
Discussions are not available on private portfolios as by their nature discussions are public, therefore you can't use it until your system goes public.
Do you mean to create a private discussion for yourself? Sort of a private journal?
Aug 21, 2009 at 09:20
Jul 31, 2009からメンバー
1418 投稿
zetapaf posted:
A quick fix could be that I could edit my own posts in discussions.
We are working on it already, and it will be available soon.
As to your other suggestion, it has been received, and will be reviewed by our development team.
Thank you.
