Million Dollar Pips (による milliondpips)

増加 : +26241.17%
ドローダウン 39.44%
ピップス: 5202.2
取引 4497
タイプ: デモ
レバレッジ: 1:200
取引: 自動

Million Dollar Pips 討論

May 20, 2011 at 02:45
234,560 視聴
3,872 Replies
Mar 04, 2011からメンバー   286 投稿
Aug 31, 2011 at 09:37
Im getting low margin error on my account. and all channels are off.
also i have noticed that it shows wrong base balance

any one got trade ?
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Aug 27, 2011からメンバー   10 投稿
Aug 31, 2011 at 10:02
Finally traded!! I saw 5 trades on mdp demo account, went to see my account and got 1 trade. +8 pips 😀
Times are good I think, just ibfx has too big spreads. (avg exec time: 326ms, avg open time: 329ms, avg mod time: 281ms)
May 29, 2010からメンバー   258 投稿
Aug 31, 2011 at 10:24
same here, 1 trade in live@ibfx. too bad ibfx has too big spreads... finally i did manual closed since MDP open 0.1 lot (i think is too big for 1% risk of usd 50).
Aug 16, 2010からメンバー   450 投稿
Aug 31, 2011 at 11:05
I got 5 trades on tf, net loss 19 pips today. fxdd 3 trades net gain 2 pips. same settings both acc. both live.
Was mich nicht umbringt, macht mich stärker.
Oct 28, 2009からメンバー   5 投稿
Aug 31, 2011 at 13:53 (編集済みのAug 31, 2011 at 13:55)
MDP performed well today on live account (broker = HotForex on VPS). Eight sell trades, +24.4 pips (before commission)


Dec 15, 2010からメンバー   784 投稿
Aug 31, 2011 at 16:00
17 trades this am, of those only 6 traded pips, the other trades were empty. Small loss for my wife and I on both live acounts. Loss was $9 and $3. This is normal. Dont set your risk to high. IBFX broker and vps.
Click on my Name to see My Live Charts and Bio.
Oct 28, 2009からメンバー   5 投稿
Aug 31, 2011 at 17:00
Since my last post I had 20 more orders (buy orders). Total trades today = 28 for a gain of 179 pips. Nice!
Mar 16, 2011からメンバー   60 投稿
Aug 31, 2011 at 17:27
globvest posted: Since my last post I had 20 more orders (buy orders). Total trades today = 28 for a gain of 179 pips. Nice!

I am with HotForex and had a losing day :(. What settings are you using?
Jan 31, 2011からメンバー   720 投稿
Aug 31, 2011 at 17:37 (編集済みのAug 31, 2011 at 17:40)

globvest posted:
MDP performed well today on live account (broker = HotForex on VPS). Eight sell trades, +24.4 pips (before commission)

Yeah. I generally check the demo account. If it has a bunch of positive trades, then I should also be in profit. If it has a bunch of losing trades or break even trades....then I may suffer a small loss. And was a losing day for me.

I would like to point out that FXOpen has officially started trying to ruin my trades actively. I have been seeing an average time of around 1-1.5 seconds for fills. Today.....4.3 seconds. The broker mt4 plugin allows brokers to slow trades by as much as 5 seconds. That is why people are having so much trouble making MDP work successfully. The brokers....even in an ECN account....will almost always do stuff to cause you to lose, and they make the money that you lose in these cases.
Make losses, but always come out a winner at the end.
Mar 16, 2011からメンバー   60 投稿
Aug 31, 2011 at 18:19

fughe posted:

globvest posted:
MDP performed well today on live account (broker = HotForex on VPS). Eight sell trades, +24.4 pips (before commission)

Yeah. I generally check the demo account. If it has a bunch of positive trades, then I should also be in profit. If it has a bunch of losing trades or break even trades....then I may suffer a small loss. And was a losing day for me.

I would like to point out that FXOpen has officially started trying to ruin my trades actively. I have been seeing an average time of around 1-1.5 seconds for fills. Today.....4.3 seconds. The broker mt4 plugin allows brokers to slow trades by as much as 5 seconds. That is why people are having so much trouble making MDP work successfully. The brokers....even in an ECN account....will almost always do stuff to cause you to lose, and they make the money that you lose in these cases.

I always thought ECN brokers made money out of commissions. I must have been mistaken!
Aug 13, 2010からメンバー   28 投稿
Aug 31, 2011 at 19:03
Also with ThinkForex I had more then 2 seconds delay....I loose a lot today. :((
ping 17 ms but open order more then 2 seconds. How can be this possible? Anyway, I want to say definitively: ThinkForex is a big SCAM.....
For anyone who wants to try MDP:DON'T MAKE IT WITH THINKFOREX, you will loose....

ECN??? Yeah, right.....

Guys, which combination Broker+VPS is still working? I'm looking to change but I don't know with what...

I heard about HotForex only good things, now DMFXTrader loosed with them......


Aug 16, 2010からメンバー   450 投稿
Aug 31, 2011 at 21:35
I have stopped down trading MDP on TF, I got average open 2900 ms and average modification about 3800 ms. When I was trading on TF while ago manually I got 250-400 ms execution. They 100% profiled transactions from MDP and kill these trades. I am 100% sure they are on the other side of these trades since they can't probably deliver these fast enough to the interbank so they don't want to lose.
Was mich nicht umbringt, macht mich stärker.
Jan 31, 2011からメンバー   720 投稿
Aug 31, 2011 at 23:20

DMFXTrader posted:

fughe posted:

globvest posted:
MDP performed well today on live account (broker = HotForex on VPS). Eight sell trades, +24.4 pips (before commission)

Yeah. I generally check the demo account. If it has a bunch of positive trades, then I should also be in profit. If it has a bunch of losing trades or break even trades....then I may suffer a small loss. And was a losing day for me.

I would like to point out that FXOpen has officially started trying to ruin my trades actively. I have been seeing an average time of around 1-1.5 seconds for fills. Today.....4.3 seconds. The broker mt4 plugin allows brokers to slow trades by as much as 5 seconds. That is why people are having so much trouble making MDP work successfully. The brokers....even in an ECN account....will almost always do stuff to cause you to lose, and they make the money that you lose in these cases.

I always thought ECN brokers made money out of commissions. I must have been mistaken!

No, you are correct, they do make money from commissions. But they can still take the opposite side of your trades and manipulate your orders. And they do. If that wasn't the case, it would be impossible for me to be getting fill times of 4 seconds.
Make losses, but always come out a winner at the end.
May 29, 2010からメンバー   258 投稿
Aug 31, 2011 at 23:39 (編集済みのAug 31, 2011 at 23:41)

globvest posted:
MDP performed well today on live account (broker = HotForex on VPS). Eight sell trades, +24.4 pips (before commission)

nice dude.. what is the address of your vps dude...
me, hotforex with swvps, like the attachment

Apr 07, 2011からメンバー   10 投稿
Sep 01, 2011 at 02:51
AWESOME result. but what are you waiting for? please show us live account result immediately. you should verified your result by live account before release your EA. dont be like PRIMEVAL EA. He show performance of version 2.2 in his site but selling old version 2.1. 🙄
Sapu je Apa-apa Asalkan HALAL
Sep 10, 2009からメンバー   10 投稿
Sep 01, 2011 at 13:04
Could someone please tell me:
- the trading logic? apparently trades are opened after spikes, but how are these determined? Is there always a reverse position being taken or sometimes in the same direction too?
- how are the trades being managed, by dynamic SL?
Apr 22, 2010からメンバー   122 投稿
Sep 01, 2011 at 13:07
outer BB...
do not know the SLs
Aug 16, 2010からメンバー   450 投稿
Sep 01, 2011 at 14:00
20 pips in 1 minute and likely BB to get hit, TP, SL, TS calculated dynamically based on market movement. pretty smart but looks like if it would take trades in direction of a move instead of fading it it would be working better.
Was mich nicht umbringt, macht mich stärker.
Apr 22, 2010からメンバー   122 投稿
Sep 01, 2011 at 15:35
it is not very true.... (about anti-MDP :) )
how are the stops calculated? thus and limits?
Dec 15, 2010からメンバー   784 投稿
Sep 01, 2011 at 16:28
IBFX 2 live accounts, both had loss. FXPro live had positive trades ( all were positive) on same vps as my ibfx accounts.
Click on my Name to see My Live Charts and Bio.
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