Million Dollar Pips (による milliondpips)

増加 : +26241.17%
ドローダウン 39.44%
ピップス: 5202.2
取引 4497
タイプ: デモ
レバレッジ: 1:200
取引: 自動

Million Dollar Pips 討論

May 20, 2011 at 02:45
234,474 視聴
3,872 Replies
Jun 26, 2011からメンバー   86 投稿
Sep 07, 2011 at 16:42
4 live accounts! Wow! Are they all at different brokers?

Professor53 posted:
My chart. The last 6 weeks or so is all MDP. THe prev up and downs are not MDP.

This is a real live account. Im runnning 4 live accounts with MDP. All at default settings.
Don't work hard, work smart.
Dec 15, 2010からメンバー   784 投稿
Sep 07, 2011 at 19:13
3 IBFX live cash accounts, one on fxpro and it seldom trades. IBFX seems to do well for me on a vps.
Click on my Name to see My Live Charts and Bio.
Dec 15, 2010からメンバー   784 投稿
Sep 07, 2011 at 19:15 (編集済みのSep 07, 2011 at 19:26)
Finfx demo on MDP and a vps would do great on a demo contest, but its not good on real money. We try and try to get the same results as demo on finfx and so far none of us can. I get almost 50 trades every time the charts spike and almost 100% wins but only on DEMO and the vps. Real is Not nearly the same as demo on finfx. I use only 1.5 % and default settings. Im usa cleint and broker so I use FIFO as true. I also dont change magic numbers or comments.
Click on my Name to see My Live Charts and Bio.
Aug 27, 2011からメンバー   15 投稿
Sep 07, 2011 at 19:17

Professor53 posted:
3 IBFX live cash accounts, one on fxpro and it seldom trades. IBFX seems to do well for me on a vps.

which vps provider you use? can you share your template file?
Aug 20, 2011からメンバー   587 投稿
Sep 07, 2011 at 19:31
Is there any way to measure the latency from Metatrader hosted by a VPS?
There is no command line available to do some DOS/Ping commands.
SO I want to validate the latency between my VPS and the servers.

Also is it possible to track the other latencies in MT4?
(like delay to open a trade, doing actions etc...)

Because my MDP results are not goods. and I want to validate these network issues.

(I'm using an Alpari US account and GallantVPS)
Jun 26, 2011からメンバー   86 投稿
Sep 07, 2011 at 19:36
These guys have created an expert advisor to measure "such things":

willgart posted:
Is there any way to measure the latency from Metatrader hosted by a VPS?
There is no command line available to do some DOS/Ping commands.
SO I want to validate the latency between my VPS and the servers.

Also is it possible to track the other latencies in MT4?
(like delay to open a trade, doing actions etc...)

Because my MDP results are not goods. and I want to validate these network issues.

(I'm using an Alpari US account and GallantVPS)
Don't work hard, work smart.
Jun 26, 2011からメンバー   86 投稿
Sep 07, 2011 at 19:44
Are you guys trying the FinFx real ECN account not the micro or mini? I've heard there's a huge difference between the two(or three=D).

The results on that account you shared are fantastic. Probably the best I've seen for MDP! Probably due to IBFX's almost obsessive emphasis on execution=D

I wonder what the performance would be like with Oanda and MB Trading? Two very much HONEST brokers...

Professor53 posted:
Finfx demo on MDP and a vps would do great on a demo contest, but its not good on real money. We try and try to get the same results as demo on finfx and so far none of us can. I get almost 50 trades every time the charts spike and almost 100% wins but only on DEMO and the vps. Real is Not nearly the same as demo on finfx. I use only 1.5 % and default settings. Im usa cleint and broker so I use FIFO as true. I also dont change magic numbers or comments.
Don't work hard, work smart.
Aug 21, 2011からメンバー   11 投稿
Sep 07, 2011 at 19:49
no but cns has a site where they list all of there latencies. search the support desk and you will find. best procedure to find vps just try to fibd out tge server location of the broker and tgen search for vps next to it. in the city or counfry. do you get 25ms and lower which is totally ok as bottleneck is broker to grid as mentioned before

ps: every vls in windows has a command promot ehere sou can ping the sites of your broker

Danielnwa posted:
These guys have created an expert advisor to measure "such things":

willgart posted:
Is there any way to measure the latency from Metatrader hosted by a VPS?
There is no command line available to do some DOS/Ping commands.
SO I want to validate the latency between my VPS and the servers.

Also is it possible to track the other latencies in MT4?
(like delay to open a trade, doing actions etc...)

Because my MDP results are not goods. and I want to validate these network issues.

(I'm using an Alpari US account and GallantVPS)

Jan 31, 2011からメンバー   720 投稿
Sep 07, 2011 at 20:37

Danielnwa posted:
Are you guys trying the FinFx real ECN account not the micro or mini? I've heard there's a huge difference between the two(or three=D).

The results on that account you shared are fantastic. Probably the best I've seen for MDP! Probably due to IBFX's almost obsessive emphasis on execution=D

I wonder what the performance would be like with Oanda and MB Trading? Two very much HONEST brokers...

I am running MDP in their ECN account live. I am currently preparing to relocate my VPS to the UK somewhere. They told me that the US server was slower than the main server and I checked it. From my VPS in california, i still get a faster execution speed from the main server than I do the US server. 800ms US vs about 700ms main.
Make losses, but always come out a winner at the end.
Jun 26, 2011からメンバー   86 投稿
Sep 07, 2011 at 21:16
Huh, I wonder why they created that crappy US server then=D Isn't their main server located in Finland somewhere? I wonder what VPS they recommend? If their main server is located in a sort of "exotic" location they must have a specific VPS that they recommend to their clients...

fughe posted:

Danielnwa posted:
Are you guys trying the FinFx real ECN account not the micro or mini? I've heard there's a huge difference between the two(or three=D).

The results on that account you shared are fantastic. Probably the best I've seen for MDP! Probably due to IBFX's almost obsessive emphasis on execution=D

I wonder what the performance would be like with Oanda and MB Trading? Two very much HONEST brokers...

I am running MDP in their ECN account live. I am currently preparing to relocate my VPS to the UK somewhere. They told me that the US server was slower than the main server and I checked it. From my VPS in california, i still get a faster execution speed from the main server than I do the US server. 800ms US vs about 700ms main.
Don't work hard, work smart.
Jan 31, 2011からメンバー   720 投稿
Sep 07, 2011 at 21:37

Danielnwa posted:
Huh, I wonder why they created that crappy US server then=D Isn't their main server located in Finland somewhere? I wonder what VPS they recommend? If their main server is located in a sort of "exotic" location they must have a specific VPS that they recommend to their clients...

fughe posted:

Danielnwa posted:
Are you guys trying the FinFx real ECN account not the micro or mini? I've heard there's a huge difference between the two(or three=D).

The results on that account you shared are fantastic. Probably the best I've seen for MDP! Probably due to IBFX's almost obsessive emphasis on execution=D

I wonder what the performance would be like with Oanda and MB Trading? Two very much HONEST brokers...

I am running MDP in their ECN account live. I am currently preparing to relocate my VPS to the UK somewhere. They told me that the US server was slower than the main server and I checked it. From my VPS in california, i still get a faster execution speed from the main server than I do the US server. 800ms US vs about 700ms main. turns out that their "crappy" US server is a lot better than nearly every other broker I am seeing feedback about. The reason is for order flow handling and backup. The reason the US server is slower is not because it is a poor quality server. It is because their primary liquidity connection is in the UK.

Their server isn't really in an exotic location. At least not by my estimation. I would consider exotic something like FXOpen Saudi Arabia. I just don't consider the UK to be exotic. Anyway, I asked about VPS servers. They sent a list of several and included ping times for each. The best server on their list was ticking in at an average of 2ms ping. They do not offer any "cheap" vps packages. Only serious traders would get an account here....or wealthy....depends on how you want to view it.....~$120/month for the cheapest win-based VPS.
Make losses, but always come out a winner at the end.
Aug 20, 2011からメンバー   587 投稿
Sep 07, 2011 at 21:44
I'm not able to make MDP working on my VPS, so I contact the provider...
I just receive this email from the support team:"
The MillionDollarPips EA contains code that proves to be malicious for the VPS environment and hence is not functional on our trading platform. Let me know if you have any further questions.

Thank you."

anybody else suffer this????
Jan 26, 2010からメンバー   44 投稿
Sep 07, 2011 at 21:50

willgart posted:
I'm not able to make MDP working on my VPS, so I contact the provider...
I just receive this email from the support team:"
The MillionDollarPips EA contains code that proves to be malicious for the VPS environment and hence is not functional on our trading platform. Let me know if you have any further questions.

Thank you."

anybody else suffer this????

HAHA! WOW! I cannot believe a broker actually admitted to being thieving scumbags in a roundabout way. Let me be clear it was the broker that responded this, not the VPS provider? The VPS provider wouldn't really care what the heck you were doing with your server.

What broker was this?
Aug 20, 2011からメンバー   587 投稿
Sep 07, 2011 at 21:54
its GallantVPS for the VPS
and Alpari US for the broker.

it least IrisFX works fine and produce good results ;)
Jun 26, 2011からメンバー   86 投稿
Sep 07, 2011 at 22:34
Yeah of course it's not REALLY "crappy", as FinFx is not a crappy broker. But if it doesn't benefit people in the US, I'm not so sure for whom it's meant...

And UK is like the most exotic location you'll find! Especially when it comes to Forex(duh)... Hehe=D

fughe posted:

Danielnwa posted:
Huh, I wonder why they created that crappy US server then=D Isn't their main server located in Finland somewhere? I wonder what VPS they recommend? If their main server is located in a sort of "exotic" location they must have a specific VPS that they recommend to their clients...

fughe posted:

Danielnwa posted:
Are you guys trying the FinFx real ECN account not the micro or mini? I've heard there's a huge difference between the two(or three=D).

The results on that account you shared are fantastic. Probably the best I've seen for MDP! Probably due to IBFX's almost obsessive emphasis on execution=D

I wonder what the performance would be like with Oanda and MB Trading? Two very much HONEST brokers...

I am running MDP in their ECN account live. I am currently preparing to relocate my VPS to the UK somewhere. They told me that the US server was slower than the main server and I checked it. From my VPS in california, i still get a faster execution speed from the main server than I do the US server. 800ms US vs about 700ms main. turns out that their "crappy" US server is a lot better than nearly every other broker I am seeing feedback about. The reason is for order flow handling and backup. The reason the US server is slower is not because it is a poor quality server. It is because their primary liquidity connection is in the UK.

Their server isn't really in an exotic location. At least not by my estimation. I would consider exotic something like FXOpen Saudi Arabia. I just don't consider the UK to be exotic. Anyway, I asked about VPS servers. They sent a list of several and included ping times for each. The best server on their list was ticking in at an average of 2ms ping. They do not offer any "cheap" vps packages. Only serious traders would get an account here....or wealthy....depends on how you want to view it.....~$120/month for the cheapest win-based VPS.
Don't work hard, work smart.
Jan 31, 2011からメンバー   720 投稿
Sep 07, 2011 at 23:20

Danielnwa posted:
Yeah of course it's not REALLY "crappy", as FinFx is not a crappy broker. But if it doesn't benefit people in the US, I'm not so sure for whom it's meant...

And UK is like the most exotic location you'll find! Especially when it comes to Forex(duh)... Hehe=D probably don't realize that the london session is the main session of the world. The london session has about 33% of the world volume traded. In comparison...the NY session has about 18% of the volume. If you are judging by markets, then the Sydney session is the most exotic of the 4 big markets. I am guessing that you are a US resident by your outlook. Regardless, just to keep the information accurate....technically the UK forex session is the center of the trading world.
Make losses, but always come out a winner at the end.
Aug 22, 2009からメンバー   52 投稿
Sep 07, 2011 at 23:25
Is anyone trading with USDJPY version ?

Are you getting good results with it ?

Does it ever trade at the same time as EURUSD version ?

Jan 31, 2011からメンバー   720 投稿
Sep 07, 2011 at 23:42

Star posted:
Is anyone trading with USDJPY version ?

Are you getting good results with it ?

Does it ever trade at the same time as EURUSD version ?

I am interested in this information too.
Make losses, but always come out a winner at the end.
Jun 26, 2011からメンバー   86 投稿
Sep 08, 2011 at 00:03
You clearly know your Forex Fughe!

fughe posted:

Danielnwa posted:
Yeah of course it's not REALLY "crappy", as FinFx is not a crappy broker. But if it doesn't benefit people in the US, I'm not so sure for whom it's meant...

And UK is like the most exotic location you'll find! Especially when it comes to Forex(duh)... Hehe=D probably don't realize that the london session is the main session of the world. The london session has about 33% of the world volume traded. In comparison...the NY session has about 18% of the volume. If you are judging by markets, then the Sydney session is the most exotic of the 4 big markets. I am guessing that you are a US resident by your outlook. Regardless, just to keep the information accurate....technically the UK forex session is the center of the trading world.
Don't work hard, work smart.
Jan 31, 2011からメンバー   720 投稿
Sep 08, 2011 at 00:31
I attempt to stay as informed as possible. I definitely do NOT know everything....but that doesn't stop me from trying!

Even though I post a lot about these EAs, my main trading consists of trading via bank order flow. I trade entirely on the 1 minute chart. I like the one minute because I can easily pick up 50 trades in a day and can pull in 500 pips in a day. Plus, I am completely unaffected by market conditions that all other time frames have to deal with.

The only downside is absolutely critical to be 100% alert the entire time you are trading because everything happens quickly and if you aren't ready, you will miss all the good trades. I say this because i got about 2 hours of sleep last night and tried to trade anyway....was a terrible, terrible day..... -200 pips. Missed every good opportunity, and always misjudged my exits. Had almost a 80% losing streak...all because I was too tired to focus. Which is exactly the opposite of my normal of 100% accuracy.

Eh, whatever. Everybody has to have a bad day every now and then.
Make losses, but always come out a winner at the end.
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