Hello, this profile: "forexmanagedaccounts fxamc" is not FXMAC PROFILE. Actually our profile is FXSECURE.
This profile (forexmanagedaccounts fxamc)is a FXMAC SCAM PROFILE.
Our website www.forexmanagedaccounts-fxmac.com is been DDOS attacked for proffessional hackers.
We beleive that the same guy that contract the professional hackers has create a flase FXMAC PROFILE in MYFXBOOK.
In order to check if we are the real FXMAC profile send an email to
[email protected] and we'll confirm to you.
We apologize to Profx24.com for any injury that this negative comments from somebody that supplant our identity.
We have just known Profx24. due this proffessional traders got in contact with us in order to know why we where saying false comments from them and we found out in that moment that somebody is using our identity to attacke professional traders profiles.
We don't use MYFXBOOK to show our systems and we use to have them covered. We have uncovered 2 of the systems we have in our website in order people will see that in FXSECURE MYFXBOOK profile you'll see 2 of the accounts we announce in FXSTAT in our website www.forexmanagedaccounts-fxmac.com.
You need to register in our website to check the FXSTAT profile (sytem 2 and system 3) are the ones showed in our FXSECURE MYFXBOOK profile...the real profile of FXMAC.
Actually the guy that supplied our identity made a mistake writhng our trademak FXMAC and wrote "FXAMC"...bad mistake...we never would make scu a mistake for Myfxbook profile.
If any other traders profile has received attacks from this FAKE FXMAC MYFXBOOK profile plase, infor Myfxbook of him.
We are going to do it right now.